#Relativity #NoFacts

Questionable Value of Direct Experience??

No Absolute Truth in the Realm of the Relative — 3D

7 min readMay 12, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

We can only speak about what we’re going through, what we’ve experienced. We’re not qualified to speak authoritatively about anything else. We can opine, of course — & we do — but that’s not the same thing as speaking with supposed authority.

We can report after doing research, which gives us a more educated opinion. The best research inquires into those with the direct experience of the topic under discussion, but even that is second hand. Direct quotes from direct experiencers are valuable.

What we’re learning as we’re awakening is how amazingly biased we are, largely based on whatever Belief Systems we hold dear. We’ve been heavily programmed, & getting to the bottom of it, the whys & wherefores, will take more time than we have available to our short-lived human forms.

We have to make choices. What will we pursue?

Will we prioritize awakening in the midst of the current chaos? What effect will that have on our trajectory through 3D life? For one, it will lead us more into ourselves, into the self/Self dance far more intently than into the political or social flavor of the day.

It’s not that we’ll lose all interest in what’s going on, what’s under general discussion. We’re not talking becoming a monk in some mountain monastery in pursuit of awakening from the dream we call 3D life.

Right now, it’s the regular folks doing most of The Great Awakening. We’re not being led into it by lamas, gurus, or masters. (Perhaps that’s part of what makes it “Great.”)

Actually, the earth is participating, as well, along with the solar system & likely the galaxy, even the universe. We can’t currently answer for those vaster regions, but Mother Earth’s participation is here to be seen & experienced.

Her magnetic shields are all but down, allowing in what has long been rejected. That helps explain why many numbers & calculations long held as “scientific constants” are no longer holding their ground. Things we thought steady are behaving erratically, these days. We’re experiencing far more forms of radiation & at higher doses than before.

“May you live in interesting times,” is an apt statement for our NowHere.

We are an authority only on our directly experienced life, & only partially on that. Why only partially? Due to the influence & interference of our Belief Systems, the foundation of our perspectives, attitudes & biases.

Let that sink in. We’re only a partial authority for what we directly experience.

When we live a mind-centric life in a mind-centric world, we never encounter such ideas. Even if we do, we’re not likely motivated to explore them — unless, of course, our time of awakening has come. Then, all bets are off.

We can dance forever on the surface of life if that is our choice. There’s no end to the number of lifetimes we can spend this way as long as free will continues to reign. We can have fun, we can cry, laugh, shout, dance, & sing as we deal with whatever Life offers, yet our awakening is unlikely. The necessary strong intent & stubbornness are not present. We’re too easily distracted.

It may be said that our awakening experience truly begins with our recognition that we know nothing. Heck, we don’t even know “nothing,” well, misunderstanding much about emptiness, voids, & the like. Realizing our utter emptiness of real Knowing is a major awakening threshold, at any rate.

Are you there, yet? Can you see the Truth in the statement that you know nothing?

This doesn’t speak of brain-dead ignorance, for it’s equally true of the geniuses among us. It refers to something else, entirely. We can be as knowledgeable as we like about the externals, the superficials of life. That’s almost, though not quite, irrelevant to our topic.

Einstein on Learning vs. Education — 2.bejammed.files.wordpress.com

It’s only partly relevant in that those with the most external knowledge, the most letters after their names, often find it harder to own knowing nothing. It may be inversely proportionate, IDK.

Meanwhile, back at the farm, what about you? Where do you stand? Can you see that what you “know” applies to a realm of relativity, how it contains no absolute truth since there is no such thing in 3D?

Just take our gone-walkabout scientific constants for a bit of evidence, here.

Whatever we believe we know, there are others who see it differently, often from a notably different perspective. Nor have we yet reckoned with our power, as Source-in-form, to actually create certain outcomes for ourselves — based on our beliefs & intentions. That’s one thing.

Another bit of evidence arises from the various accident reports written by witnesses of the same accident, many of which vary greatly on the most basic of details. Those who experienced missing a 6-foot black gorilla walk through the ball-passing exercise as we were counting passes are not likely yet over our shock.

HOW ON EARTH DID WE MISS THAT?! That sucker even WAVED to us! 😲

Here’s another image to play with. Do you see what most miss?

Team of American researchers affirms that 100% of men haven’t noticed King KongFaceBook

We directly experience viewing this image or watching the Jordan-Peterson gorilla clip, yet we don’t reliably see what’s there. Thus, we’re not even totally qualified to speak from our own direct experience — as in, OMG! We only see what we see, hear what we hear, & that’s relative, as in “it depends.”

We see one thing while others often see something else.

Here in America, at least, we don’t do a good job of accounting for that, of giving others the benefit of the doubt — of not completely trusting our perceptions. We’re more full of BS than we know. It’s innocent, sure, it’s hugely unintentional, but that doesn’t make it just go away. Better to know than not know, yes?

The Peterson clip displays how large a part our focus plays. Had he assigned us to count the passes of the black-shirted team, we may well have spotted the black gorilla, but who knows? They’d have to redo the experiment to find out.

Yet, our focus plays the part that it does due to our Belief Systems, so they count a great deal. We’re far less likely to spot things outside of what we expect or believe or, if we spot them, to write them off to something we do believe. Do you see?

We’re fascinating beings to study, certainly, yet the more Self-awareness we bring to that study, the better & more bountiful the results. I. for one, feel it would be a great benefit or enhancement to our race to simply see & admit that we don’t all see the same things — that we can’t, in spite of our best intentions.

Just think of all the arguments we’d never start, perhaps even the wars we wouldn’t have!

So many misunderstandings would be easy to resolve, so many feelings that wouldn’t get hurt due to our increased understanding, our enhanced ability to give others (& even the self) the benefit of the doubt. Oh, my, what a gentler world it would be with just this one shift in our beliefs.

We, at least in American society, have been misled to believe there’s such a thing as absolute truth we can all come to. Not while we’re embodied in 3D. Everyone’s truth is necessarily relative, relative to who & where they are, to the time or age & the place, relative to their station in life; & above all, relative to their beliefs.

Versailles Interior — www.HistoryLines.net

In the journal touching on the Palace of Versailles & on hygiene down through the centuries, we had a large, smelly dose of the effects of relativity.

We witnessed our tendency to apply today’s values, today’s beliefs to a time long ago; to judge them, in effect, for not living up to our standards — which bear no relevance to their age.

We may also have gone too far with specialization, thinking we know so very much. There will always be more that we don’t know than what we do know. It’s to our advantage to both realize & accept that. It helps soften the arrogance factor.

That can also help us better appreciate the value, the enhancement to the view brought by varying perceptions & perspectives. What we long ago forgot was the value of the various specialists coming together to craft a more robust picture of the whole, one considering all of the vantage points. Instead, we limp along with arrogant specialists who know practically nothing of the whole of which their specialty is but a part.

Balance is best.

We won’t ever come to one universal conclusion on much of anything — but we don’t need to. Universal conclusions are highly overrated. 😉 What’s most beneficial is a better overall understanding to which all of the specialties have contributed their perspective, their bit.

Wouldn’t that also be true for The Family of Humanity?

Let’s let this bring back true Respect & Honor for both free will & for freedom of speech. It’s better for us as a whole to enable the various parts to have their say — obviously, when doing no harm. Hurt feelings are NOT harm. Hateful speech is NOT necessarily hurtful, for that hurt depends on YOU, on your willingness to take offense.

Words are not weapons but they can be the stairsteps into a more heavenly awareness. The Little Soul may be our best teacher of the good purpose of the dark & painful bits we inevitably encounter along our way. They, too, are another flavor of the Divine, an opportunity to further awaken left in our hands.



8:10 p.m., Saturday, 2019/05/11 — Mayan day 9 Road / Eb




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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