Prisoners of Beliefs — Both Captive & Captor?
Awakening = Going Free
There’s good news & bad news; which do you want first?
Let’s get the bad news out of the way, for it’s the weaker bit, strong though it seems. We’re imprisoned, captured behind bars we don’t yet see. Some of us do see how we were programmed into our current state, but most don’t, still trapped in the mind-hack.
That’s the beauty of the current chaos, to help the slumbering ones awaken.
We’ll be grateful for it, later.
No need to go too deep into the bad news since we’re all familiar with parts of it. Whether it’s harmful GMOs or harmful cell-tower or 5G radiation, whether it’s chemtrails’ or vaccines’ noxious contents, we’re as if under siege everywhere we turn.
We know about those things, but it’s the good news, the great news that’s been hidden away, excluded from our education. We haven’t a clue how magnificent, how powerful we are, as The Family of Humanity, as the self/Self, the two-sided coin of identity.
We’re most familiar with the body-mind part, the 3D aspect of self, but what about Self, our Source-in-form aspect? Knowing we have a Spirit or soul isn’t enough, for that’s a mental recognition rather than a direct experience — though it’s good to know.
Many of us are deeply excited to be going through what will likely be called The Great Awakening one day. In past ages, it was enough for one or a few to awaken, to be our sages or even the Christ. Some of that has come down to us through the ages, but as many are learning, nothing is what we take it to be.
We’ll one day remember it’s the victors who write the history books, making what changes they like. We’re later taught those changes as fact, & thus we’ve long accepted them. That’s wearing thin, now. A new Clarity arises as we awaken. The prison bars begin to come into view.
Okay, that’s the bad news; that we’re endlessly lied to, manipulated, & abused. The good news is so great it will all but eliminate whatever bad news there is. That good news is just HOW we were imprisoned, convinced to go along with this charade of truth composed almost wholly of lies. How we got in is how we’ll get out.
We are the prisoners of our beliefs.
As we begin to realize we’ve been made to identify with the ephemeral form, the body-mind, & how that’s the merest thread of our total identity, we step back. We slow down in our acceptance of what we’re told.
To step out of total mind-focus into Heart has been my very best move. Reality is far different from there, as we experience & observe over time.
We become more attentive observers, no longer totally trapped in a mental view. We find our way deeper, much deeper within. We uncover new senses — or perhaps we had them all along, just lying dormant due to neglect.
We begin to see the contrast between the mind’s reality which only knows about what it studies, & Heart’s Reality of direct experience; hugely divergent. We learn the value of being silent, perhaps discover the internal emptiness that’s so very full. No words can contain these things.
“Observation without evaluation is the highest form of intelligence,” per Jiddu Krishnamurti — something no mind can accomplish. It’s a deeper, a higher Intelligence we’re accessing via Heart.
We’re no longer judgmental in any way.
Shocking, huh?
The great good news is this: we participated in our programming, so just as we did this to ourselves, we have the full power to undo it, & in a very short time. This news isn’t that great from the mind’s perspective, but that’s okay since we’re relying less on the mind every day, feeling more at Home in Heart.
We’re totally empowered to wake up. No one can stop us; no one but us.
The tricky bit is that we don’t truly know Who we are, taking ourselves to be the body-mind costume for this play, this incarnation. That part’s a bit awkward, but we’ll get over ourselves soon enough.
We’re completely in charge — not of what happens, when, or even how — those are the mind’s questions, the mind’s ways. Still, it comes clear as we let Heart lead the way. We have a whole lot of unlearning to do, a lot of untrusting those we’ve long trusted, too. Yes, some of it hurts, but not forever, you’ll be glad to find out.
People find their own way in, into Heart & into awakening. No one can direct anyone else there; only Heart knows. Our job isn’t others, it’s our self/Self. Once we release enough of the old, the false identity, we then serve self & others as naturally as we breathe — but not until.
We don’t do awakening, it does us.
We find mind-pretzels aplenty on this journey, so be ready. They help to kick us from the mind, to seat us more deeply within. Everything & everyone is useful on this trek in one way or another, & it’s best left to Heart to show us how.
“Life happens for you, not to you,” per Byron Katie. That’s a Heart thing to which we need to adapt. We let go. The old thoughts, the old ways aren’t making it through the eye of the needle, for sure. The excess baggage makes up the false identity, & it’s fine to just let it go. What we are, what we need, will always be with us, so fear is one of the first things to go.
One major shock for most is that we must learn to first wholly accept, then to Love the self.
It’s Self Loving self, so that’s a bit odd, but only to the mind. We quickly discover that everything viewed as a challenge or as painful is seen that way by the mind. We don’t have any problems with awakening, but our minds surely do, & they fight it.
We can enjoy even our mind’s resistance to awakening. Remember, “Life happens for you, not to you.” Things greatly simplify as we go, & quicker, the more we let go. We won’t understand anything the way we used to, but we’ll get used to that.
It turns out the less we know (or think we know), the better. 😲
In the emptiness, we find fullness & in recognizing that we know nothing, the greater Knowing arises. Nor is it a joke that we actually know nothing; it’s true. But it’s also true that we are Known. We begin to experience how the mind knows only about things, but how Heart really Knows in incomparable ways, like apples & dingoes.
While we’ve been prisoners of endless programmed beliefs, Heart shows us we’re also the jailors. We’re truly in charge & can go free at any time. In one way our exit is quite free, costing us nothing. In another way, it asks of us all that we are, all that we thought that we knew, so it couldn’t be more expensive.
We see, now, how everything here in 3D is a matter of perspective.
The outcome, the answer, depends almost entirely on our chosen perspective. Free will reigns. We can stay clueless as long as we like, & if we’re enjoying ourselves — well, many do, so let’s let them be, respecting their right to choose.
We’re returning to a time & to such levels of Joy we haven’t yet known in this life — in many lives. The whole of our task can be summed up as letting go. As we’re willing to release everything familiar & comfortable, we make room for the new, which is actually much older than any body now living.
The best way to be true to our Self is to Love & respect Who we are, both as self & as Self. Feeling good is most important in our awakening journey, for when we’re Heart-centric & feeling good, we’re aligned with Self & with Source/God. Different sorts of things now make us feel better, so we’re getting to know ourselves, ourSelves, in new ways.
We’ll be continually, pleasantly surprised at what we discover, such that we’ll veritably shine. Our delight will be contagious, lifting others as we go. Since we have eternity to spend, it’s best to stay focused in the NowHere of just this & let it show us the way. Emptiness in the NowHere opens Heart’s door.
You’re definitely not who you take yourself to be. 😆 🗽💎
Friday, 2019/01/25 — Mayan day 7 Transformer / Cimi