Freer than We’ve Ever Been
Price of Awakening
Wisdom of Silence
My desire is that everyone wake-up, yet that’s a step that no one can take for another. Nor will it do any good to try to convince anyone that our Heart-centered experiences are real. Why not? Perhaps because the price is too great, the readiness not yet ripe.
The awakening one eventually realizes they’ve been living in a false reality, one painted & papered with lies. Dearly held beliefs are always the price of awakening, going up in the bonfire of transmutation when that’s our choice — when we’re willing to allow it.
Readiness is a prerequisite that comes when it will, our logic having nothing to do with it.
Once we recognize that all necessary changes are internal, we’re on our way. Ultimately, All That Is — the Whole of it — is internal, but working to bring an external manifestation of ourself into alignment with that takes a bit of time. We don’t understand time, either. Most of what we believe it to be we’ll discover is false, but not absent our readiness.
Awakening seems somewhat nightmarish at first, but ONLY TO THE MIND grown cozy in its set of beliefs, beliefs which disappear as we awaken.
Through misplaced trust, we allowed ourselves to be captured in the cabal’s Matrix trap where we’ve long languished, we & so many prior generations. What once seemed impenetrable now becomes porous & permeable as The Great Awakening inexorably progresses.
Though we can’t awaken anyone, yet by awakening, ourselves, we become the wind in their sails, the uplifting vibration to which they can more easily attune while riding in our wake, just as we’re riding in the wake of those who’ve gone before in this unending chain. (Heck, we’ve even been some of them in prior lifetimes. 😆) We’re not quite joined at the hip, but rather one in Heart which is far better.
Who, with me, is ready to have their whole world, their reality turned inside out & upside down? That’s what it takes, my friends, a very real openness in the presence of a surprising humility that comes on us from we know not where. On recognizing that basically nothing we think we know holds water, we’re perhaps shocked into this lucid humility.
Ego is on its way out.
Ego isn’t humble, so we’ve stepped beyond it into experiencing the absence of ego or the false “self.” It brings many shocks, but we eventually see through our ego enough to recognize so many false premises on which it was constructed, not alone by ourselves.
The price for awakening is everything — everything we thought we knew, every belief & certainty going up in smoke with its own perfect timing as we rise, phoenix-like, from the ashes.
While occupying the ego, we felt we (as ego) were in charge of when & what we thought, said, & did. Now, we begin to experience a whole new reality, one in which we play a hugely different role while seeming much the same to others — to the normies still in their ego/mind.
Our timing now isn’t ours. Be in Heart to perceive this, for Heart’s realm makes little or no sense to the mind, ego’s current partner. It isn’t ours because we’re not there, anymore, not in the same way. We’ve ceased granting the 3D dream the reality that the mind/ego assigns to it, including the self we took ourselves to be. 😲
In a sense, a very real sense, we aren’t the same person anymore. Awakening arises quite naturally as we vanish, stepping out of the way of our Source-in-form Self. We now recognize more often the two-sided coin of the self & the Self. We’re in process of undoing old choices as we choose to align with Higher Self, as so many call it.
NOTHING remains untouched.
As this awakening progresses, we may as well be from a different planet as everyone still stuck in the mind-centric ego. When we try to explain anything to them — unless the urge to share & the words arise from Heart — we make a mess of it. The mind tends to presume a readiness in them that may not be there, whereas Heart Knows & guides us aright.
We’re perceived as strange if we do too much talking, so we quickly learn the Wisdom of not answering the unasked question. Silence is truly golden most times, yet it also speaks, just not in ways perceptible to anyone’s mind. Heart both thinks & speaks but very much in its own way.
Those in Heart get it, those in mind don’t.
We’re adaptive creatures so we keep moving on into awakening if that’s our desire. It is not a smooth road, but that’s fine as we discover the perfections of Heart that are hidden to those in the mind. Heart’s lucid Intelligence so far outstrips the mind in all things of Spirit/soul, while mind reigns as the useful pocket calculator for many practical applications.
Once we come to accept that we don’t truly exist as anything separate from Source — OMG — we’re launched into the Cosmos on a journey of delight. 😆 We’re finally discovering the joy of getting out of our own way in all things, letting Heart/Source take the reins.
In one way, we’re pioneers, going into higher frequencies, higher consciousness well ahead of the masses of our brethren. Yet, in another very legitimate way, we’re all already awakened, just on a deeper Heart level than those in mind can access, so they seem to lag behind.
Our great delight is to bring our awakened state front & center in our current incarnation — to bring it here, into the physicality of 3D. That’s fun!
There’s still too much suffering in the world, especially among the helpless, the children, the animals, the planet, herself, helpless before our crazy assaults on her beauty, her purity, her integrity & intelligence. (Yes, Gaia, too, is conscious.)
Before we awaken to some extent, we don’t even really see Mother Earth. We see just the surface that’s accessible to any body-mind. There’s so very much more to earth & to everything, to everyone. Our neverending awakening journey reveals endless delights as we find our way forever deeper into Heart.
Rough times are surely ahead, but nothing we can’t handle. We’ll watch old prophecies of doom & destruction uncover their vastly different meanings, perhaps allegorical or symbolic — or simply false concoctions placed in the original texts by the cabal. Losing the old beliefs is often hard, but as we look back on those already surrendered, we again see that it’s “hard” only to the programmed mind.
No more trust — it’s not necessary, for Heart Knows.
We’re now freer than we’ve ever been, & that’s become true of every NowHere moment in our eternity. It becomes ever more clear that The Matrix is a mind-centric takeover, one those choosing to awaken can easily transcend by sticking with Heart. Just as the light bulb doesn’t need to fight for supremacy over darkness, we need not fight nor struggle to simply Be what we already are.
Saturday, 2018/09/29 — Mayan day 6 Star / Lamat