Power of Attitude, Blessing or Bane? Our Choice

6 min readMay 23, 2019


These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

Writing is such a Joy when it comes from Heart. How I wish everyone had at least one experience of it, so we’d all know what it’s like to sit back & observe the words coming onto the page, not knowing what any but the next one would be, no ideas driving it. Some can’t even imagine.

We all have special blessings like that, things other people don’t even imagine, things that would truly surprise them. Heck, they surprise us, LOL. 😆 If I was to posit the main pitfall or blockage to our self-awareness around this, it would be attitude; just that.

Attitudes are surprisingly powerful things, especially our own.

Everything is a Miracle — Marciglass.files.wordpress.com

Our attitudes color the Spring of Living Waters that flows within us, arising from depths beyond 3D. I imagine it as a fount gushing upwards from under our feet or from the base of our torso, alive & eternal. I know, I know, our torso, our 3D form doesn’t seem to be eternal, & perhaps it’s not, but what I do know is that we know squat about time, & I question the bits we think we know.

What we believe counts, counts far more than our minds would expect it to. It colors our whole life, both internal & external. In the future, we won’t use that phraseology, “both internal & external,” since we’ll know the two are just one, the seemingly external arising from the internal, the two sides of one coin.

As our humility increases (& arrogance decreases), so many seemingly new gifts come into sight; things that were there all along, just unnoticed. We’re funny that way, the Family of Humanity. Entering these 3D forms severely limits the range of our perceptions, but we have our nightly journeys beyond form to help overcome that, to remind us of the “more” that we also are.

When we think we know something, we generally lose curiosity around it, & that’s a bit sad. We only think we know what a cat is, for instance; so we miss the more that goes beyond what we think we know. It’s the same with basically everything.

It’s quite possible to actually celebrate the truth that we know nothing, to shine with appreciation for that.

Emptiness shining may well be more Real, closer to our true identity, than what we take ourselves to be, now. 🎃 NowHere is the emptiness, the nowhere of it all, but it takes parking the mind in neutral gear to find our way in. We keep thinking we’re someone, we’re something — but are we, really? Maybe, but then maybe not. Let’s not be too sure.

We build castles in our minds, dreams, visions, & desires of all kinds. Should we quit that? Does it get in the way of our awakening?

It depends; perhaps yes, but then perhaps not. Our mind has awesome uses. They’re just better applied in the hands of Heart. When Heart gives us those visions & desires, oh my — so vital, so exciting, so empowering! That’s Life, itself, flowing through us, using us to craft the ever-improved “future” we desire.

It seems the answer to most things, perhaps to everything is, “It depends.”

You killed that man; was that a bad thing to do? Perhaps. Was he breaking & entering, armed with both a firearm & vicious intent — or was he just a guy walking down the street? Okay, so that’s extreme, but you get my drift. Context is important, & no rule book can lay out all possibilities. 😆

We more easily look to the externals of life, to what we’re all saying & doing, than to the internals out of which all of that arises. We spend more time cleaning up after our messes than we need to since many of those messes would never occur if we’d cut them off at the pass.

We’re the lone troublemaker in our life, friends, hard as that is to see, at first.

If you want to play with this, pick an attitude you have towards something — not something critically important — & change it. Then just sit back & observe. Let this prove itself to you, the power of your attitude.

I say, “not something critically important,” because you can’t just decide to change that sort of attitude & have it change right away. Those things take some time & persistence to affect, extending deep beyond the conscious mind’s reach. They’re changeable, just not on a dime.

A Negative Thinker — Quotespie.com

Most of us realize that humanity is being manipulated, but it’s hard to spot where & how. When we look to both attitude & belief, we’re on fertile ground. Those things are instilled in us from our very young days.

As one among so many with an advanced education degree, I see how education is pretty well locked down by the globalist Left. It’s common for Conservative teachers to fear to speak freely, & to be somehow punished, even fired if they do. Let’s not avoid seeing this.

It’s much better for our precious youth that we be more aware.

A part of that takeover of the school system was to push “school-age” to ever younger years, to preschool, then pre-preschool, in effect. Most of us are familiar with this famous quote, “Give me a child until the age of 7 & I will give you the man,” but who said that?

Is it important who made that statement?

You bet it is! Some attribute it to Sir Francis Xavier, others to Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Both being Jesuits, there’s not a lot to choose from there, but some attribute it to B. F. Skinner, Vladimir Lenin, or even Aristotle. 😲 (Whatever answer you find, if it comes from Wikipedia don’t trust it.)

Yes, it’s a well-known maxim, thus used by many, but why should such wide & varied attribution be found? Don’t we care about the truth? What could be behind this? Can you see how it could potentially be manipulative? If we credit it to Aristotle, for instance, it would have more cachet, more prestige.

By believing it was original with Aristotle, we’d also be far less likely to see its potential power to corrupt.

For those unfamiliar with the saying or what it means, it points to our glaring susceptibility to being “taught” (programmed) while very young. We’re as little sponges, then, going about in the theta brainwave or “hypnotized” state. Our experience during that phase of life takes very deep root, in effect crafting the “man” or being we will become.

Since a 5-minute Internet search produces this much variety in attribution, I’ll let the historians among us work out who originally said it. That speaks for itself, illustrating more good cause to do our own research before believing anything we’re told, no matter who the supposed “authority” is.

Whoever the “authority” is, it’s also possible that one is being used.

It’s time to withdraw all trust, to be wiser in our choices going forward. It’s not that everyone & everything is evil by any means. It’s more that we, as humanity, are hugely powerful, far more than we currently realize. Our power is consistently used against us as teachers & those in authority of whatever guise either use us OR are unknowingly used against us — to manipulate us.

How are they used against us?

By the attitudes & beliefs with which they’ve been programmed & the selfishness & arrogance of their ways (which may well be innocent). By allowing our world’s educational systems to slip away from high standards, we betray not just our youth, but ourselves, for those youth will one day be those in positions of authority, if not over us, then over our grandchildren & their children.

It’s funny how everything seems to bear fruit of one sort or another, isn’t it? It pays to simply be aware, something we long ago surrendered to our age of technology, our ubiquitous devices. We trust them to be aware for us; not good. 👎

It would be an interesting experiment for us to take a one-day vacation, leaving the cell phone at home or off one day a week. Depending on our attitude, our intent, it may even help us find ourSelves. 🌈 💖 👑

That would be fun. 💃🎶 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 👏 🎯 🗽💞 ✨ ☯️ =(^.^)= 👍



10:25 a.m., Wednesday, 2019/05/22 — Mayan day 7 Night / Akbal




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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