Poor Mind — It’s Got to Go
Am high on something, here — let’s find out what comes through. (And no, it’s no external substance, LOL ;) Nor will I let mind explore the possible why’s (be it after-effects of the eclipse or whatever).
We are blossoming, dear ones — each in our own way, each our own particular flower, our own fragrance, etc. Let us not shift our precious inner focus to externals, to the journeys of others, thinking to somehow gain, thereby. Unless Heart calls us to that, let us remain quietly centered — within, & NowHere — just still — listening, sensing — blooming.
Which way does your flower grow & bloom? It’s peculiar to you, the You that you truly are, as Source-in-form. One flower doesn’t tell another one how to grow — what color(s) to put on display. Ridiculous, huh? Let us keep learning from Nature & Her ways, for our bodies are hers, too. Though they are One, our bodies are hers, our Spirits ours, & they meet in the middle — in Heart, the blossoming place.
We have these lovely minds — well, they’re meant to be both lovely & useful — though for most, today, they are anything but. Who is not bothered, not harried & hassled by mind — at least now & again — for most, all of the time, or thereabouts?
Why? LOL, that question I so seldom (used to) ask. Largely because we’ve been disempowered, made to believe that we’re small, insignificant, in charge of nothing in this world. What a farce! Here we are, these great, spiritual Beings, having a lifetime on 3D earth — yes, Source-in-a-body, walking around. Yet we’re made (programmed) to so minimize the Self, in favor of the lesser self, the one that’s visible, tangible, touchable — to the body-mind ;)
It’s ridiculous, truly, but not until we can see it, my friends. Until then — because of our great Power — we let our beliefs set the stage, manage the ongoing drama, the play. Since thought creates, those beliefs are the programming in our computer that manifests our results, our “reality.”
As we awaken, we begin to see through the haze, begin to spot the nonsense on display — unseen merely due to our beliefs being in control. We see through the lenses of those beliefs. That’s precisely why nothing is truly clear to us. Clarity requires beliefs composed of or aligned with Truth. We begin to see how to clear the haze, to cleanse the lenses through which we view — as we seek Truth.
Where can Truth be found? If you’ve been reading these journals for long, you already know what I’ll say — only within. Only via Heart. Yet it’s Heart doing the blossoming, now, so it’s easier than ever to find our way in. Heart is penetrating our “outer” reality, these days — to the extent we allow, to the extent we’re willing to let go of everything else — to align.
That’s right — not some of it, nor even most of it — at some point along the way we realize we’re being called on to let all that stuff go. At first we can just ‘table the motion,’ so to speak — can just decide to impartially view our old beliefs, neither believing nor disbelieving them — & that’s wise. They’ll fall away on their own in the presence of that openness, that willingness to entertain other possibilities, as we stick with Heart.
Yet at some point they’re simply all released. Sounds quite insane to mind — at first. After all, it worked hard to categorize, to organize, to acquire them all — hard-won beliefs they are — at first. As they slowly fall by the wayside, one or a few at a time, we find a new lightness to our step. Hmm, we say — this feels kinda good. So we loosen our grip on them a bit more — & more — then more… as our consciousness rises, expands.
It’s a process, but of course. While time isn’t actually as real as mind takes it to be, it’s still relevant, as long as we’re even partially anchored in 3D. While on 3D earth we travel the roads, the waters, the skies — in higher dimensions we travel time in similar ways. Yeah, everything pretzels the mind on this trek — but that can become enjoyable, too, once we relax into the journey — the one that is never anything but the experience of Now — the NowHere, that is the nowhere to mind.
This takes a good bit of pretty serious letting-go to simply allow it to be what it is — & not totally freak out, lol. Yet as we ever remember that it’s not us — it’s mind freaking out, the way gets easier by the step, step-by-step. There’s a knack to it, this trek, & it consists of having Heart behind the wheel, with mind buckled securely into the back seat.
Sure, mind protests more than a little at the start — this whole thing terrifies it. Mind is not stupid, so of course it’s afraid, entering such uncharted waters, terrain not even of 3D. You’d be scared, too, if you were mind. Well, thank Source you’re not :-D
Other journals have covered just how slick, how wily a frightened mind can be — the many, sometimes nasty ways it works to retain control. It’s facing its demise — well, from its perspective, anyway — so it fights with all its got to not let go of the wheel — of control. That’s actually okay, though. Why is that? Simply because now you see it at work.
Anything, once seen, is defanged, is neutered in its power over us. Good to know.
So, now what? Hey, I don’t know any better than you do. It is what it is, & we’ll find out as we go along. The flower doesn’t know how it blooms — it just does, right? Let’s be the flowers in the garden of this life. Let’s break all of the shackles that bind us in any way. (The rebels among us will love that :)
It’s our time, dear ones — to go completely free — free of the Matrix, of every tie that binds us — that is, for those who are willing to take this wild roller-coaster ride into the Beyond — back Home, into Heart, our true destination, as well as Who we are. Well — we’re not exactly Heart, which is more the access point to That — but Heart is the closest to That in 3D.
As Heart, where are we going? Ah, wouldn’t mind just love to get a hold of that bit of info. Sorry, mind — we don’t know. Yet to be determined, it is. We’re all in the process of discovery. Here’s the thing, though — that’s very much a mind question.
How do I know? Because it presumes a limit — a destination — some final goal. No such thing, friends — which only Heart knows. We all have one “final” destination, & it’s the same — the NowHere moment — nowhere else. Why? Because that’s all there is. There, mind — take that! :-D
I don’t suggest you make my “mistake” — so it seems to me, now — & make an enemy of mind, ever out to block & thwart it. That’s not necessary. It’s just as easy, with a shift of perspective, to realize the gifts its terrible tenacity offers up in every Now moment. It’s but showing you yourself — bringing to light the many ways you’ve chained you down. Don’t you want to know? Then thank mind for its services — while continually going your own Heart way.
At some point — not early on — mind becomes a useful, even a welcome companion on the trek — just not in ways any mind could envision. It can be a trek full of laughter or a trek wrought with tears — strictly up to you. It’s that free-will thing, again — do we choose the low road or the higher one? Every choice is made in the NowHere, but of course — so stick with that — which mind will fight for a time, it’s preference to be mulling over the past or planning its future. ;-)
You learn to laugh, most of the time at the self. It gets easier, I promise. Just stay the course. Let it be the roller-coaster ride that it is, & you’ll find that the heights & the depths begin to level off a good bit. As we become ever less reactionary, ever more centered, within, things are rendered harmless. There’s a real, an unusual contentment at our core — unusual, only to mind, but the norm for Who we truly are.
To sum it up, this can be either miserable (much of the time) or simply wonderful — all of the time — & it’s quite up to us. We get to choose. The caterpillar is but the butterfly in disguise. Add a dash of time, & voila — we find we were the butterfly, the flutterby, all along — just didn’t know it. Life is a great laugh once you begin to Know. :-D
5:44 pm, Thursday 2017/08/24, Mayan day 8 Deer / Manik