The Great Awakening
Polarity, 1 of 2
As we view today’s world, we see polarity on display to such an extent that we wonder how such divergent views can ever reconcile, how peace can arise. It’s daunting division we face. Where to turn, right? There is no single voice out there on any side, in any country offering a viable solution for us all, much less resolution into unity or at least respect.
Perhaps we’ve tried all of the external possibilities & found them wanting. Everything we try brings us more of the same divisive mess. Why can’t we at least listen to one another? The camps are so entrenched they seem to greet opposing views with earplugs, blinders, & shields; anything to silence them.
But why?
How can such tactics be helpful? This isn’t a monarchy or oligarchy where one or few people are in charge, this is America! Equality & freedom run in our blood. That’s why so many just #WalkAway; we’re cutting the strings, now that we begin to see them in action.
We’re all empowered to play a part to bring change. How & why? Simply because consciousness creates. Most people don’t yet realize how, via their beliefs, they’re helping to create the chaos. Our beliefs (& our doubts) are far more important than we realize.
Yet, who examines their own beliefs when our (mental) focus is always directed “out there?”
Instead, most weaponize their beliefs to attack those of others, as evidenced by the political scene. The people on all sides of whatever issue are equally beautiful, equally wonderful, probably great people to know. We are one, the Family of Humanity, all in this together, all having a stake in the outcome.
We’ve been manipulated into opposing camps. Most can now see this. Our beliefs come not from our Heart, our core, but are taught, drilled, & “educated” into us by others. That’s what it takes to get us to accept them. They are mental things, not at all as real (or as truthful) as we take them to be.
Consciousness creates, but consciousness, itself, is pure; that is, until it’s weaponized via beliefs. What we have is the war of clashing Belief Systems, many groups holding to their beliefs so arrogantly that they’ve decided their beliefs are the only “right” ones, so right they must be enforced without question on everyone else.
Oh, really?! This is insane.
No battery works without both poles engaged. Just the positive or just the negative nets us nothing but fruitless debate & frustration. We all contain both poles, friends, both dark & Light. ☯️ Isn’t it finally time to own that? ☯️
We can’t solve the world’s problems, but we don’t need to. Each country is full of souls more than able to bring resolution to what they now face, so let’s narrow that to our country, the United States. What can be done, here?
Sorry, friends, but what if the whole concept of an “I” “doing” something is a false premise? Many of us already realize that all the doing in the world can’t solve our current situation. We ought to know for we’ve long tried, many beautiful souls giving it their best, recruiting others eagerly offering to help get it done. Yet, here we stand.
Have we considered what a bit of non-doing has to offer?
We’re not so much fighting one another as we’re watching dueling Belief Systems duke it out. We gain a measure of our Freedom on just recognizing that.
Let’s quit taking sides & allowing ourselves to be polarized against any part of the Family of Humanity. Unless & until we return to basic, bedrock values such as civility, integrity, & respect, we won’t solve or resolve anything. Taking our eyes off of the real instigators, the divide-and-conquer cabal is not wise. We’ve been played for centuries; now is our time to wake up.
Everyone deserves respect; yes, even the bad guys.
We can respect the person, the being. It’s the actions that deserve judgment & appropriate consequences, not the people. We’re being made into fools who can’t see past someone’s skin color, religion, politics, gender preference, on & on, ad nauseam.
I challenge anyone to go check out a far left video by going through the comment thread to get the sense, the direct perception of people’s response. Center in Heart for this.
Now, do the same with a Conservative video. Perhaps 50–80% of the comments will be ad hominem attacks, attacks on the person, not even addressing the topic. This is sick, pointless aggression that resolves nothing.
One group of people are being groomed to hate another group, & for no substantive reasons. It doesn’t matter what President Trump presents, the Left will hate & resist it, even though they may have staunchly supported it under Obama & earlier Presidents. Many Obama-program results are being blamed on President Trump, such as children kept in cages.
The hypocrisy is so in-your-face as to be jaw-dropping. 😲
Why can’t we see this?!!! What is making us blind to the uselessness of our complaints against one another? Nothing is accomplished by attacking a person, nothing useful that will generalize beyond that one individual. Until we can get back on track by sticking to the substance, going after both the good points & the flaws in that, we’re wasting everyone’s time.
We live in shocking times, times when people are blatantly hypocritical, practicing openly the very things they condemn in others. It’s hard to believe the Left lays claim to being the tolerant ones when that is such a flagrant lie. They’ve become the thought police, arrogantly presenting themselves as the judges of truth, justice, & the American way, sole arbiters of right & wrong, good & evil.
The Left is only tolerant of those who believe what they believe.
Who hired them to police the rest of us, to drown out or trample our right to free speech? They bring no argument, no platform to the discussion, just blatant intolerance & ad hominem hate. The sci-fi strangeness about it is that they seem unable to recognize their blatant hypocrisy. Why?
This is a programming job par excellence for which we have our strongly left-leaning schools & MSM to thank. It’s time to open our eyes as many of us are doing. (It also speaks of their dire fear of being caught out in their evil machinations.)
Down through the centuries, we can see how fighting & war was used to deflect & distract from the sick, behind-the-scenes perversions of the cabal (such as funding both sides of every war). They turned us against our brethren so that their dark deeds would escape exposure — but no more!
We’re no longer so easy to manipulate, now that we’re waking up to the sickos & their horrifying methodologies.
Let’s recognize & reconcile all attempts to polarize us against this or that group. Our coming back together as the 99% means they are going down; the cabal is toast. No, they’re not quite out of the fight, yet, but they’ve already lost.
We can relax into the outplaying of their downfall, friends. We look through new eyes from which all trust has been stripped. When we witness the pedovore, the cannibalism, the callous cruelty practiced by the cabal, we recognize some among & behind them who are not human, some with no soul.
Humanity was hoodwinked. It’s time to admit it simply because it’s the truth & truth outlasts every lie. Until we’re willing to face this squarely & accept it, we’re going nowhere fast, just continuing to be dragged down, lied to, & abused.
This can stop whenever we’re ready to own our current, downtrodden state & start from there. We have some tough truths to face.
Are you game?
To be continued…
10:10 pm, Monday, 2018/07/10 — Mayan day 3 Deer / Manik