Polarity, 2 of 2

6 min readJul 30, 2018


“These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

The way out is through, not around, neither under nor over, but straight through. Part of the price of our victory is facing some very dark facts, a reality that’s as plain as day once we’re willing to view it. How deeply we delve into the darkness is up to each one, but no one gets away scot-free without recognizing at least some of what’s going on.

Part of the reason we didn’t see into the depths of this darkness until recently is that the cabal’s behavior is so deeply inhumane. This has been eating at our souls for such a long time. The cruel ways some people treat animals & children is a signal to us, a clarion call to wake the heck up, to quit running & face this whole thing.

The vile torture & agonizing ritual murder of innocent life, whether animal or human, cries out to us. We hear the human soul screaming its intense pain. Unable to contain it anymore, some take it out on those unable to defend themselves.

What have we done?

For the most part, we’ve looked the other way, gone on with life as usual, not so much out of callousness, but out of an inability to imagine such depths of depravity. Whether (vibrationally) ascending into Light or descending into such degradation, we get there one small step at a time.

That’s how we were conquered, friends; one tiny step at a time, little steps designed not to seem too objectionable. We were mocked when we spoke up, make to look the fool for objecting to supposedly trivial changes. We never imagined the cabal’s 100-year plans, their cold, calculated path to crushing domination.

Check into the Hegelian Dialectic to see this laid out, how they begin with a desired end, one they know humanity will not accept. They then create a problem that brings on suffering, pushing the envelope to get us to cry out for relief.

At that point, they introduce the “solution” they had from the start, only now that humanity is primed by enduring the terrible problem, they’re willing to allow the “solution” that they would have rejected, before. Our suffering, our desire for relief makes us more & more short-sighted.

Thus, they create the problem — that’s important to see. They await our reaction as we suffer said problem. Then, they play the hero, bringing the solution to ease our pain.

Once again, we’ve been had. Problem > Reaction > Solution = they win.

Not so fast, however, as this no longer works out well for them. Too many of us are seeing right through the charade. Not only that, we’re speaking up now that we have what amounts to almost instantaneous communication, worldwide. When the cat is out of the bag, it’s out & gone.

The cabal created the surveillance state to monitor us everywhere, the better to control us. That double-edged sword is now catching them, instantly exposing their dirty deeds.

Dark deeds require a dark, secretive environment for their planning & implementation. They have nowhere to run & hide any longer, now that the Light is shining into their dark holes. Though the MSM was once able to shield them by refusing to report their nefarious doings, the clearly biased MSM is now going down with them.

People tend to polarize, to set up darkness & Light as powerful opponents, but that’s short-sighted.

We’re programmed to believe that we must fight to “regain our freedom.” I no longer see it that way. We enter a dark room & flip the light switch. Does the Light have to fight the darkness to “win?” Heck, no! Light obliterates the darkness just by virtue of what it is.

Ponder that, for it’s huge. Light eliminates the darkness just by being light/Light. There is no need to fight. There is physical light & spiritual Light, each one able to vanquish the darkness of its own realm.

Let’s take a peek into how the cabal is currently creating.

Right now, they’re working to prime us for a civil war, to accept first the likelihood, then the necessity of that, via their typical small steps. They present this idea every which way, from every side, in different guises yet the same thing, underneath; divide-and-conquer.

People, listen up: CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES. I don’t mean to shout, but until we recognize that we are constantly creating, we’ll be subject to cabal manipulation, them using us to create their desired outcomes. Seeing is so very freeing, especially once we move into Heart.

Heart Vision trumps both physical & mental sight, opening the door to exit the Matrix. No, we do NOT have to fight our way out, anymore than light must fight to illuminate the room. Evil is not an equally powerful foe of the Light, but merely the absence of Light, thus easily overcome by Knowing, by Being, no doing required.

Well, that’s the case when we start free & stay free. Now that we’re in effect captured, there may be some fighting involved — which is fine as long as Heart is in the lead.

There are none so blind as those who will not see, & that’s been humanity’s case for quite some time. We didn’t realize how we were programmed with certain belief systems to block our clarity, our ability to see the manipulators at work.

If you leave this journal with no more than the recognition that every belief includes certain blinders, you’ll be much better off, patsy no more to this level of manipulation. Going forward, instead of being down & depressed over what you see, you’ll be able to rejoice in your newfound ability to spot the cabal’s trickery at work, to side-step it or help usher it out.

We’ve been too long & too intensely focused on the negative side of the coin. It’s time to bring the necessary balance that will produce such clarity of vision as we haven’t yet experienced. Then, like President Trump, we’ll be 3 or 4 chess moves ahead of the failing cabal at all times.

These are really basic things, I know. Perhaps they don’t seem very exciting, but your results will be exciting enough once you develop that flexible perspective, able to see things from various angles instead of clinging to one view as “the truth.” You’ll no longer just swallow what you’re being told — by me, or by anyone!

I can’t win your victory for you, nor can you win my victory for me — nor do we need to do so. To the extent we allow ourselves to be polarized, either for or against whatever ideas, whatever groups, we may win the battle but lose the war. This war is for the soul of humanity, the Family of Humanity who are well & truly One.

We are not internally divided against one another, we are one!

We will not be divided against one another! Seeing is freeing, & we’re seeing right through this whole mess, this entrenched darkness long arrayed against us. Instead of quivering in fear, eternal beings terrified of their physical demise, we set the mind/ego aside to put Heart in charge.

OMG, the awakening that arises from this is beyond amazing to the mind, which can hardly believe how wrong it got things, before, how small a slice of the picture it saw. When the whole is experienced — not just seen — you’ll Know something of your unlimited potential & abilities.

You see, it’s not really “you,” at work, there; it is Source, so that’s how it can be so out-there amazing. This is what comes of you being Danced by Source. It is Source at the heart, the core of everyone & everything, & Source doesn’t hate, ever — anything!! In a flash, all hate is either completely gone, or finally seen for what it is, & no longer believed.

Will we Love ourselves enough to set ourselves free?

Heart has all of the answers to the important questions, yet they’re not delivered up to the mind. We’re all mind addicts, so it’s best to own that, for only then do we stand on solid ground, underpinned by truth, ready for the deeper exploration.

Polarity — Images.elephantjournal.com

Which dog will we feed & align with, the dark one or the Light one? The choice is ever ours to make.

Truth will win out, so as we align ourselves with it, that, alone, is enough to give us the victory. We can now see how we, ourselves, were the only one in our way at any time. Heart is ever & always Free & Awake! 😆



July, 2018 — Mayan day also unknown 😆




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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