Playing with Time — What Is It?

13 min readJul 2, 2018


Density or Destiny — Forever Our Choice

“These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Spiritual Awakening,

What is time? Let’s be careful, as our mind is convinced it knows what time is & how it works. Since consciousness actually creates, that can get in our way.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quotes — 2018/07/02

“Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you’re worrying, you are planning. When you’re appreciating you are planning…What are you planning?”

Excerpted from Silver Spring, MD on 4/19/97

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Due to its programming, the mind won’t be able to take that in, but Heart has no trouble with it. Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event. That certainly bears pondering; an excellent way to say that consciousness creates, yes?

So, what are we planning? We can ask ourselves that at any time, becoming more aware of our thoughts/plans. What else is awakening but ever-increasing self-awareness? Perhaps Self-awareness. 😉

It’s not only the movement of our thoughts, but also the deeper musing or pondering in Heart that brings our future into our Now. We’ve been taught that we’re not in control of that, but like most things we believe we know, it’s good to at least question that.

Humanity is far more powerful than we realize, yet we can go off track if we’re not careful, here, based on our self-concept, our beliefs about who & what we are. When I say “you,” I’m not pointing to the body-mind but to the essence of you as consciousness, as awareness.

As beloved Sri Nisargadatta said, “I Am is real; all else is inference.” [1]

Those learning to step back from the mind’s set of beliefs make many discoveries, most of which don’t easily lend themselves to expression via our linear words. That’s quite okay, though. At some point along the awakening trek, we come to recognize that we know only one thing: that we know nothing.

Are you there, yet? If not, don’t laugh too hard at this, as you’ll eventually be laughing at yourself. It’s all good, of course, it’s just that the know-it-all mind so often gets in the way, delaying a greater awakening.

Why? Because we allow it. How? Because consciousness creates.

Not that “consciousness” can be summed up as “mind;” not even. The mind plays a large part, but not the lead role, which is played via Heart. We can’t say “played by Heart,” since Heart isn’t a thing, isn’t an obvious 3D presence. Plenty of people are born, live a long life & die, never consciously recognizing Heart’s vital role in their life.

So as we step back, taking the reins from our mind, stepping more into Presence, into Self-awareness, let us recognize that our thoughts count for a lot more than most of us acknowledge. We, as consciousness, are using thought to craft our world, our personal reality.

Back to time — what the heck is it, if it isn’t what our mind currently takes it to be? Things of Heart cannot be defined, are too vast for our linear language to capture & convey. Sometimes they’re best illustrated by examples, sometimes by seeing what they are not, helping us get the feel for whatever it is.

It’s time to recognize that, since consciousness creates our reality, each one’s experience is unique. When awareness creates, it’s time to pay attention to our awareness, to what’s impacting that. At a basic level, that would be attitudes & beliefs.

We’ve taken attitudes & beliefs casually, most believing it was our experience of life crafting them, but wait; they also create our experience of life, so what’s with that? Perhaps it’s a bit of both, a figure-eight flow.

Until we cease identifying solely with the body-mind, we’re not going very far nor getting there very fast. Sure, we’ve been taught to limit ourselves that way, but nothing’s forcing us to keep it up.

A deeper element of Being is crying out to be heard in this awakening time.

Some of us stumble over the religion thing, but that’s our mind at work, believing it knows. Sure, it knows some things, just not as much as it thinks it does. Current science tends to conflate spirit or soul with religion, brushing both aside=====. That’s mighty convenient, a cabal sort of thing.

Science, itself, has become more like a religion in the cabal’s hands, the white-coated scientists playing the priest role, performing rites (experiments) in their labs which could pass for their temples. They have both doctrine & dogma in their written works, along with ouster as excommunication for those who reveal too much, those who refuse to toe the scientific establishment’s party line.

They most certainly have their secrets, diligently guarded lest their secrets are revealed. Too often what closer scrutiny uncovers are highly questionable funding trails. Those who “follow the money” are set to expose the lies parading as truth, revealing whose interests they serve.

When you can’t trust science, what can you trust?

Friends, let’s step back & recognize when our mind is being used as a toy by the cabal. It’s our mind — based on our beliefs — that takes offense when challenged. It’s our mind that, on discovering some dark secret or another, feels betrayed. Our ego is largely mind-based, but it takes stepping back from the whole drama to uncover that.

Who we truly are, as Source-in-form, has not a whit of trouble or challenge with waking up. Actually, that aspect of our Being is already awake — always has been — but based on our beliefs, we take ourselves to be less than that.

Okay, okay, I’ll admit that that awakened essence, that Inner Self, isn’t often contacted, much less brought forth to run the show, to be in charge of our 3D life. Just because we don’t access it does not mean it doesn’t exist. Our (programmed) beliefs have led us off in another direction, down rabbit holes designed to deter that very awakening one from stepping forth.

What shall we do?

Nothing, nothing, & more nothing! If we don’t pause, learn to be still & exit the mind. we don’t awaken. The gift of that pause lets us recognize the major do-er in our life as the mind. Just because we’ve been gung-ho to believe that actually was us, was who we are, doesn’t mean we can’t step back for another look.

We’re discovering with delight the power of different perspectives to shine new light on whatever the subject may be.

The cabal sets us up to fail when they convince us (read that, when we allow them to convince us) that we’re just the body-mind, & that our mind is the tool to unlock anything of worth, including awakening. Those are false premises, & they weaken whatever structure we eventually create, making the cabal quite proud of themselves.

The big secret they left out of every textbook, almost every book ever written, is that consciousness creates. Once we’ve pondered that for a while, observing it working in our lives, the whole picture shifts. We recognize that what we took for reality is anything but — is actually often the opposite of what the Heart trek exposes. OMG. 😲

We’re knocked back on our keister, mouth open in shock when this really hits us — just how far off-course we were driven by the crafty cabal. To actually get our identity wrong? Again, OMG — how much larger than that can anything get?

That’s what’s in store for the open ones, those not thoroughly attached to their set of beliefs, science-based or not. Once we’re willing to allow the possibility that science doesn’t really have a good handle on everything, we’re ready to delve in with an open mind & Heart.

Beliefs modify consciousness.

What we take something to be has a great deal to do with the results we get. It’s time to recognize that 3D relativity is not the place to find absolute Truth. We have endless false premises supporting today’s “truth.” What 3D enables us to access is relative truth, an important distinction.

Once we recognize & accept that, we’re equipped to move on. Perhaps it will be this way endlessly as we traverse infinity/eternity — always something exciting, beautiful, & new around the corner, guiding us on. Right now, the mind’s arrogance pretty much blocks that, but since we’re in charge of our mind, that’s not a problem.

People still locked down in the mind laugh when we tell them our great revelation is that we know nothing — but that’s just more mental arrogance at work. We take no offense — Heart never does. This is really deep, well beyond any mind’s ken.

Back to the central topic — how does time work?

When we take ourselves to be imperfect, soiled &/or flawed in some way, we effectively put off our awakening, our recognition of the Inner Being’s perfection to some future day. We’re taught we must “earn” it. That keeps us stuck within time.

We enter various levels of fear when identifying with the impermanent body-mind. Oh dear, that means I must die, & I don’t want to do that, etc. This amounts to a total distraction that keeps us stuck in the mental-emotional realm for a lifetime, trying to live the best life we can in our short span.

That’s far enough away from Reality that it deters awakening, which has almost nothing to do with the mind. How the mind serves our awakening is by getting the heck out of the way. The false premise is that we are the body-mind, this transient thing, here & then gone.

This life is more like a book we are (writing &) reading than anything real. A physical life, to Spirit, is but a dream.

Hey, dreams can be powerful, even life-changing things, so I’m not dissing dreams, just pointing out a different hierarchy of importance alien to the mind. We can’t use the mind to investigate itself & expect any great success. Perhaps that’s even akin to the way the FBI is “investigating” itself, refusing to turn over key, relevant documents they don’t want to be exposed.

The mind has a horse in this race; it cannot be sufficiently impartial.

Humanity has been repressed, oppressed, & suppressed for many ages. Hearts lighten these days as we recognize that’s now ending, perhaps coming to an abrupt end as so many awaken & see through the shady stories we once took for truth.

Friends, we are so powerful that the cabal required our permission to be able to take us over this way, to create The Matrix, the takeover of humanity’s mind. It could never have happened had we been awake, less trusting, less willing to go along with their proposals.

They got good at covering the wolf in the sheep’s clothing of how good this or that was for humanity, most often certain sectors, such as the disabled. Here, we can make this brain implant that allows the paralyzed person to move a computer cursor, to learn to communicate. Isn’t that just awesome?!


Or rather, yes & no.

Yes, it’s a great help for the paralyzed or those without the use of arms or hands, but that is absolutely, positively NOT why they funded it. When we finally wise up & follow the money, we discover the real storyline, tucked away beneath the pretty facade.

Thus do we get anti-Constitutional measures imposed under something called The Patriot Act. Yeah, right. When we examine the fine print of whatever it is, we see how we’re getting screwed when we cooperate.

There’s also a beauty, here, we’re now beginning to notice. The cabal has a certain playbook they follow, & as we figure that out, their once-hidden dark deeds begin to stand out in stark relief.

When you know about this misuse of both language & logic, it begins to stand out like a sore thumb. In effect, we’re pulling back the curtain on the hidden wizard. We now recognize his deeds as very small & self-serving, rather than the great & powerful, beneficial things he claims them to be. 🎯

Just as they sell us control mechanisms under the guise of empowering tech (or Congressional Acts), the biggest lie we accepted may be that we’re these puny, weak, body-mind things with no spirit or soul, since those are invisible, untestable, thus nonexistent. Note how they took Philosophy down from its high pedestal, which was once on par with Science, co-equal branches in pursuit of knowledge & Truth.

So again, what is time?

What if it’s one thing to the body, another to the mind, & perhaps yet another to our Source-in-form Self? Could you make room for that? We’re learning about the power of perspective to alter the view, to even change the course of events. We’re learning the excellent value of a maintaining a flexible perspective, able to see through more than one pair of eyes.

What we believe counts, carries a far greater weight than we yet realize. As we take charge of our beliefs, sorting them out (mostly right out the door), we take charge of our life in new ways. No, we can’t grab the bull by the horns & make it do as we like, but that’s the mind’s take on what to do, anyway, & it’s not the mind that awakens.

Did you know that — that it’s not the mind that awakens? If you did, then perhaps you also realize that it’s our mind that is most in the way of our awakening. It tracks back to those pesky beliefs & the attitudes. Until we step back from & look into those, we’re as the tail seeking to wag the dog, i.e., ineffective.

Time is just Now, & that contains it all.

We can’t actually investigate this with the mind since that makes it a mental construct. We must take a step back, a step up above a problem in order to see it from a broader perspective. How does it fit into the everything-ness of it all?

This is where the emptiness steps in, or rather, it’s beneficial to find the emptiness & just allow the solutions to flow — & they do. We laugh to realize that one wo/man’s answer won’t necessarily help another, that our experience of reality is unique. Another OMG. 😲 🌌 😶

The emptiness helps us realize we don’t have to go rescue the world — that others also have Source on-board, that they’re equally Source-in-form. It’s yet another perspective that finds us back on our keister, contemplating our navel or whatever it is, being sufficiently stunning (to the mind). 💫 😵 💫

Perhaps slowly, perhaps quickly we begin to recognize that it’s ever & always the mind that’s stunned by whatever revelation. When Truth hits our BS Belief Systems, it can be shocking or explosive, delivering new revelations, new perspectives on parade. We sometimes watch in stunned, appreciative amazement. 😶

Such things are not at all stunning to Heart, to Higher Self.

Perhaps it’s more instructive to learn what something — like time — is not, before pursuing more of what it is. Time is not the limit we took it to be. Other beings on other dimensions don’t see it that way, & many among humanity don’t either.

We don’t yet realize how much our attitudes & expectations are responsible for our gray hair & wrinkles. We’re more in control of the body than we know.

In the new age now dawning, we won’t hold our mind’s abilities up as the height of what we can attain. We’re coming face-to-face with the more limiting aspects of the mind & its beliefs, how they’ve been used against us as shackles & chains. Our natural response is, “No more!!”

It’s a major divorce, or it feels that way, to so separate out from the mind as to be able to observe it at work (& at play). We feel stripped, at first, naked before our greater Being, the rest of us that we’ve been ignoring.

Still, we’re delighted to recognize that it took our consent to so lock us down, so we joyfully withdraw all consent.

I’m going to suggest that we don’t rush ahead into trying to pin time (or anything else) down right away. The more masterful step is to greet the emptiness, willing & open to experience it, to see what it offers in its seeming nothingness.

We’re definitely shifting gears, here, into a higher gear we didn’t know existed. We’re discovering that this strange (to the mind) emptiness is the necessary bridge, the neutral gear that we must engage in order to continue.

Let’s not be in a rush. Instead, let’s participate more deeply in what gifts our Now brings to the table. Let’s watch ourself morph on the road to owning & identifying with ourSelf, our Source-in-form Self.

Whirling Dervish —

Density or destiny — the choice is ours in every Now moment.

Same letters, small change = totally different result. Like adding “u” (you) to “cold” gives you “could,” thus warming it up. All sorts of magic is everywhere present, just awaiting our delighting, our joyful Heart discovery.

We shine as we discover Life’s beautiful, awesome divine magic, radiating our new discoveries out like a sun. Heart-centric people are energy-readers. We no longer must rely on perfectly-used words to convey whatever it is, recognizing that words cannot convey the deeper discoveries, the real Truths.

So we lighten the heck up, finding ourselves experiencing far more enjoyment in what seems to others as our everyday life. They just don’t know because they can’t, as long as they remain wed to the more limited & limiting body-mind aspects of their being.

Thus, in addition to our wonder & awe at the never-ending stream of discoveries, we experience frequent & often robust laughter, most often at the expense of the self. Knowing there are no words to convey any of this, we don’t try so hard. We let things just be what they are & as they are more often than trying to change them.

What is time? Who cares? Just who is asking? Does it matter? Perhaps it’s enough to know we don’t have “the answer.”

We know that real change ever & always begins within. Beginning & end of the story, right there, as no change can stick unless it’s first made internally. Only when we Be Love do we have that Love to share, to radiate, to give — & it’s not really even us giving it, so we laugh, yet again, realizing our whole schtick as the Dance of Source.

The Dervishes Dance — The Sacred Ritual of Love —

Go, Sufis, whirling dervishes! You point the way.



10 o’clock-ish, Monday, 2018/07/02, Mayan day 8 Storm / Cauac

[1] Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj in I AM THAT, Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj This book is an excellent companion to awakening, regardless of your faith or religion or lack thereof. On the first read, some of the stories will seem obtuse; just move on. When you come back to them later, bringing more emptiness to the table, you’ll be amazed to see so clearly what just wasn’t visible, earlier on.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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