Planet X — Have No Fear
Most can admit that chaos is on the rise around the world — not difficult to see. Amid the current cacophony are many whose message is laced with fear, either blatantly — “It will crash into & destroy earth” — or more subtly, but fear, nonetheless. Where do you stand on this?
As Light Beings, the awakening ones realize that fear is but an illusion — yet one strategically used by the dark side. We’re seeing through so much of their misinfo & disinfo, yet not quite all of it. I’d like to present a Heart-centric approach to this very real situation.
Having already lost those who call it a conspiracy theory, let’s move on. Here’s an important, science-based presentation that’s well worth your time, offering more actual info than other things I’ve seen:
Here we see charts of the mini-solar system of Nemesis, the dwarf star that forms our binary star system. We also see clear images of its position relative to earth’s path around our sun, Sol. We see how close it will pass in the next few months of 2017, if this scientist is correct.
Be in Heart. Please don’t let yourself slip into fear. It’s important to recognize fear of any sort — including “mere” anxiety — as both a tool of the dark ones, but more importantly as counterproductive to awakening. Fear interferes by cutting us off from Who we are, placing us solidly in mind. Heart never fears.
Most Planet X/Niburu presentations are frankly toxic — propagating fear, whether intentional or not. This is a time not just to be in Heart, but to be firmly grounded there, firm in our Self-awareness as Source-in-form — steady & sensible.
Now, more than ever, it’s good to remind the self that you cannot die. While bodies come & go on the world stage, You ever remain. Infinity/eternity is your realm. While many are well aware of this, for most it’s more a mental awareness than something they truly own — they truly are.
It’s an excellent time for self-observation, weeding-out subconscious elements that inspire or enable fear. Do you see? It’s a great time of Self-mastery, friends — a tremendous opportunity to continue our exit from The Matrix as we move on into Light, into higher-frequency realms.
We’re moving beyond being captives of mind. Many recognize with me how mind is manipulated by the cabal in endless ways. Our freedom does not rest in arms & aggression, try as the cabal does to bring us to that.
There are 3D forms of freedom that can, indeed, be won by force-of-arms, but that’s not needed, here. Coming down to the level of the cabal is no route to awakening. It just keeps us stuck, chasing our tails for yet a few more lifetimes.
Heart will take us through this, yet we must align with that in very deep ways, not just mentally, superficially. Seeing is freeing, yes — but it’s only a start. On the heels of our stint observing mind comes this deeper anchoring, naturally arising from within. What does it look like? How does it work?
We learn to steer clear of the “why” questions — they lead only into mind, as the answer ever depends on perspective, on the duality of both time & space — elements of The Matrix, the hologram.
On the heels of thinking comes sensing, comes both increased intuition & a new, unaccustomed clarity of vision. We are shown things, shown different angles than mind would perceive.
This requires release from dependence on mind & thought, on mental processes. These can only take us so far — beyond a certain point they must be released — not out the window, but just to the back seat. Heart is given free rein to reign as the driver. It isn’t something we can just think about — we move from doing into being. Mind does — Heart just is.
For those on this trek, back to Niburu & the upcoming disturbances that will likely ensue. Centered within, it’s a simple matter of applying the Scout model — Be Prepared.
It’s no big deal to have a generous supply of storable foods such as oatmeal & hot cereals, pasta, seeds & nuts, rice & grains, etc. Add a propane stove, & a couple of outdoor trash receptacles for water, just in case (with a bit of bleach or hydrogen peroxide to keep the water fresh.)
We are our own ancestors, tending to incarnate within the same genetic line over the centuries. Let us rejoice that we were wise enough to leave the “writing on the wall,” as it were, in these ancient texts. “… a woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, & on her head a crown of 12 stars.” Clear as day, once we’re able to interpret them, as this scientist in the video does.
Anchored in Heart, we know that, though bodies come & go, it’s no disaster. Nor do we imprison or execute the actor who plays a villain, a devil, a very bad guy, after the play is done. Instead, we applaud all the louder if s/he’s done an excellent job portraying the evil one.
Can we not now apply this to our stay on the stage of planet earth? (If you have trouble with this, I suggest some research into NDE’s & the universal sense of release & upliftment on exiting the form.)
Flat or spherical, earth is a stage — a hologram. Earth is also very aware, a sentient Being of some stature in her own right — as are the other celestial bodies. Your body is ensouled — why would other aspects of creation not be, likewise? Right down to the blade of grass, the atom, even, consciousness abides. Of course it’s radically different from yours, but conscious beings they are.
Can you, will you make room for this wider perspective? We have HUGE leaps of awareness on the horizon, now. We, the Light Beings, are here to lend stability to this major transition. We’ve been there, done that, ever so many times before on this & other worlds, friends. Let’s begin & continue reclaiming our true identity as Source-in-form.
Were it not for our presence on earth, I’ve no doubt WWIII would be well underway. In some ways it is, ever so covertly, but not in-your-face as it could have been, absent our presence in 3D. We now see how misplaced trust failed our parents & grandparents, etc., enabling them to be led along the road that resulted in the current mess.
Let us not blame or condemn them for doing what they thought right & best at the time, however, lest we slip back into mind. Plus, it’s also good to realize that we also played those parts as our ancestors, LOL. It’s time to laugh & let go, moving ever deeper into Heart where no such negativity abides. We’re all One, don’t forget ;)
How to handle the current situation, then? Laugh, prepare, & be sure to enjoy. Seriously! Evidence of our “progress” on the awakening trek is our ever-increasing immunity to negativity of any kind. Are you noticing that in yourself? It’s a great sign. The biggest “danger” these days is not Niburu — it is mind!
Mind is not inherently flawed. Rather, it’s the Belief Systems that we’ve adopted while unaware of their inherent danger, as vital components of The Matrix we’re currently leaving. As we witness our own BS at work during the observation phase of awakening, we’re more able to cut our ancestors a great deal of slack for their part in creating it. What goes around comes around, after all ;)
On the practical front, those who can afford a generator would be wise to purchase one, now. Just as the grocery store shelves clear-out before an upcoming storm, you can bet that, come September this year, generators will be in shorter supply.
It’s not rocket science, friends. What’s more challenging is avoiding the contagion of fear. Realizing your own telepathic, possibly empathic abilities would be wise. What at first sniff seems to be your fear may well be someone else’s — or that of a crowd, where it become virulent.
Remember, fear cuts us off from Heart. It’s a practical thing, helping move us clear of the path of the oncoming vehicle — yet a hindrance to making wise moves, otherwise. That includes anxiety & the subtler nuances of fear. Better to be in a meditative state while contemplating such things.
You can’t be hurt, can’t be killed, can’t be condemned to any catastrophe — if & as you stay out of mind, which is the element of your being that holds such perspectives. Heart just knows better.
Let us live up to the highest & best of our nature as Source-in-form, following our inner guidance that often comes as intuition, as a Heart hunch. Never let mind overrule Heart, & all is not just well, but ever good, better, best, or simply awesome!
1:03 pm, Monday 2017/07/23, Mayan day 3 Wisdom / Cib