Perspective Power– Live & Let Live
The Great Awakening
As frequencies rise & consciousness shifts, so do our perspectives. Pretty soon, nothing looks the same. Things we once saw as heinous, while they’re still heinous, are better understood. Our ability to see via Heart paints another picture, entirely — & thank Source/God, for it’s been a long, tough haul that’s not over, yet.
Where are we, now? That depends entirely on our shifting perspective, which isn’t locked-in but fluctuates with our frequency. It depends on how we choose to look at things in any Now moment — what angle of view will we take? Though the angles are infinite, they sort themselves into two piles, one from Heart, one from the head while we’re embodied.
That’s a major choice, a huge distinction.
We’re either mastered by the mind or we master it. Everything else flows from that choice. We have people all over the map on this, but what’s new, right? I love what Abraham-Hicks says about world peace [1], which I interpret as a mental illusion. There’s no way we’ll get everyone on the same page on any topic, much less on everything.
We’re not in charge of the world, so let’s narrow the view, moving from the sunshine to a more laser-like focus — on the self/Self, where it all starts & ends. We’ll do well to keep our balance in the midst of upcoming revelations.
The awakening ones will have an easier time of it, but in Heart we’re all One, so we’ll still feel it. Those living from Heart are more connected, more aware of the world’s energies. We’re more likely to feel it when the crushing blows begin to fall, how our brethren everywhere are reacting, responding.
We’re already seeing that everything we once thought we knew was illusory, & how we were manipulated to see things in a certain way — to conform. Heart is a non-conformist right out of the chute. It knows what it knows, it goes where it goes. Our choice is to follow — or not.
Nor is Heart the easiest thing to align with, so our presence there is spotty, at first. Heart’s contrast with the mind’s take on things is HUGE; the two do not mix well in their views. Even internally, then, we have a whole range of perspectives available.
It all hinges on which ones we choose in our Now.
In the midst of this Great Awakening that’s becoming more general, so many burdens fall away. Have you noticed? The discomfort or pain that arose around many things softens & lifts to the extent we choose the Heart view.
We don’t enter nor remain in Heart by being passive, by awaiting the desired changes. Our Heart Presence requires our exercise of free will, our choice to enter there. Once there, often enough old memories arise that hurt. Before long we find ourselves back in the mind’s world unless we make other choices — such as to release whatever it is, to just let it go.
One thing for which I’m most grateful is the realization that everyone, not just me, is Source-in-form. That takes a lot of the heat off, the burden of trying to rescue whomever from whatever. They don’t need me, they’ve got Source on board. It’s a major perspective shift — no needy folks exist in this broader view.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that I don’t reach out to lend a hand, that I just don’t care about folks — which would be the mind’s analysis, there. The mind can’t even touch the hem of the garment of Heart, so its offerings become easier to release or ignore. The other (victim) perspectives still exist, are still legit for those who choose them; we just don’t choose to go there.
Other times, it’s more challenging when the negative thoughts or memories won’t go away. Even with a Heart focus, this can be the case, so what do we do? Continue to release while just observing the self, centering in Heart, which is the spot where awesome guidance arises — or not.
It’s not like a tap over which we have complete control, turning it off or on at will.
It’s a journey, not an instant awakening — which is funny when you consider that the only time it ever was or will ever be is just Now — the NowHere which is nowhere to any mind. Conundrums abound; how much we enjoy them is strictly up to us. We get to choose. 😲
In the midst of all of this, where lies the truth? Everyone has their opinions on everything, right? Who is correct, who knows what’s what? Only You, the Source-in-form You can sort that out. We move away from relying on thought to discern to relying on sensing, on feeling our way into that. Heart has its own way of thinking in which mental thought plays no part.
What we have in the world is a massive cornucopia of perspectives, none of them all right, none of them all wrong. They just are, & we free ourselves & others to choose, no longer desiring to be the one to point the way, to try to enforce our view on others. We’ve let that go, too.
Actually, it just fell away when we weren’t looking, but our intent to let old views go played its part.
It’s only as we become more accepting of the self, more compassionate, too, that we find ourselves being that way with the supposed others walking around on planet earth. The mind works from the outside in, Heart works from the inside out. It makes a difference so huge that it’s shocking at times. These aren’t two treks that can merge.
Even within the self, we have many perspectives; even on the same thing at different times. Once wee sufficiently release old baggage, it’s easier to allow that it’s like that with everyone else. The craziness of the world becomes easier to both understand & allow.
We can’t change people, anyway, but now we don’t tend to try.
What’s important is our own world, our own view being the best it can be. Hearts universally love Truth, so we move consistently in that direction. Just as Heart’s Power trumps the mind’s little-p power, so it is with truth/Truth. One is relative, the other is not. There are relative truths which we accept for a time until we see through them & move on.
What is Truth?
It’s challenging enough to find our own Truth, so we’re less likely to try to convince others that our truth is right. We share when it’s relevant but otherwise tend to keep silent. Most people remain at the chess-piece level, & we know they can’t truly hear us until they, too, find their way into Heart, into Chess-Player mode.
Even then, it won’t be the words that we share that deliver Truth. Again, Heart’s “speech” is as different as its thoughts — two different realms. It’s a vibrational sharing that goes Heart to Heart, you could say. You could also say that it’s the Oneness that is Heart that passes it on, where there’s never any two.
Words are but the background music to any real sharing.
Things just look different, vastly different, from Heart perspective. Words, being linear, their meanings often relative, have no way to convey that. It can be a hard lesson to learn, for our caring for our brethren inspires us to speak our innerstanding many times. Life is very much a do-it-yourself, learn-it-yourself game, as any parent knows.
“Live and learn” sums it up nicely. People are all over the map on most things, so our task is to navigate that, for which Heart is supreme. Our public schools have failed us in delivering truth to the youth, but ultimately each one is in charge of only the self, so they, too must learn in the school of hard knocks.
Let us trust that they’ve got what it takes to come around.
Let go & let go & let go, friends. It actually gets much easier as we plow through, persistent on leaving Heart in the lead. Many there are who constantly place blame on others, on situations, not taking responsibility for their own life, for what they’ve manifested there.
We can’t help them, or we would. It’s on each one to awaken. If we can’t change our own children, how do we think we can change the world?
By letting it go, by sticking to Heart, reclaiming our true being as Source-in-form.
We move from trying to change folks’ opinions to just sharing what we’ve discovered, impartially. People will make good use of it — or not. That’s up to them, not us. Eventually, we just share for the joy of sharing our explorations into Heart, the fruits of that.
While we’ll never have world peace, nonetheless we’re rising in consciousness, & that’s a together thing. We’ve set our course to awaken & it’s bearing beautiful fruit. As the earth’s frequencies rise, the choice is to adapt or to suffer.
No one is untouched by this live-and-learn consciousness expansion.
Let’s celebrate our move out of relativity, the linear, either/or nature of that, enjoying our move into the both/and nature of Heart’s triality. Not only live-and-learn but live and let live, releasing both ourselves & all others from the manipulative will still trapped in the Matrix. Releasing is truly the way out.
The divisiveness we’re seeing on the world scene will play itself out. It’s clearly coming to crescendo as the cabal refuses to say, uncle, & admit their oncoming defeat. From Heart we can feel their terror, their abject horror at having their many crimes revealed. Heart has compassion for that, hating none.
It’s not difficult to spot the key role money plays on this globe. It’s the motivating factor behind all shady dealings. The money isn’t at fault, any more than guns are at fault for killing folks. It ever & always our use of these things, not the things in themselves, & we’re well on the road to realizing that.
We have so much to celebrate, & our time is better spent in appreciation than in condemnation & judgment, which keep us tethered to the mind. We’re in the midst of a parting of the ways with how things were, taking an exit from relativity, going who knows where? 😆 We’re choosing to take the road less traveled.
Though not everyone will awaken in this cycle of affairs, we can release those not yet ready to their own chosen fate.
From the mental stance, we judge & condemn, even wanting to kill the worst actors in our sense of powerless rage, while from Heart we don’t see it that way. We become more impartial, able to sense what’s going on in those bad actors, to have compassion for them, too. When they’re rightfully brought before judgment, we don’t celebrate their imprisonment or execution, we just allow it as the natural consequence of live-and-learn.
Meanwhile, the most important part of any moment is to enjoy yourself. It will keep you in Heart. When you know that Truth & Light always triumph in the end, you can let them do that, aligning with them. We have every cause for joy, we just have to uncover them, to actively find them, within.
10:03 am, Saturday 2018/02/10, 1st, Mayan day 9 Earth / Caban
[1] Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/12/06
“World peace means one mindset big enough to make the decisions about what everybody else wants and the rest of the world conforming. That is the ultimate definition of world peace.
“You say, ‘Oh, let’s get along!’ And what each of you mean (sic) is, ‘You do what I want.’ A peaceful world means, ‘Everybody wanting what I want. Going along with what I want.’ And the only problem with that is: there are more than one of you, and you have endless desires that are born within you…