Perspective as a Super-Power
Watching Consciousness Create
Indulge me here for a moment & assume that consciousness is the creator of our reality. It requires that we dump the presumed weaknesses imposed by our education/programming phase; by our acceptance of that.
It also requires that we take responsibility for our own lives, something no one is taught to do.
How much of a mess do we make by blaming others for whatever it is, lashing out in anger, perhaps in fear, without once considering our part in the situation? What if we had more power, far more power than we’ve been taught to believe?
Please consider — isn’t it possible that those well aware of how consciousness actually creates could have gotten together & plotted against us for their overall benefit? What would they have done, how would they bring that about?
Perhaps they’d begin by convincing us we were unimportant, irrelevant descendants of apes — strange, considering that the apes are still around. They’d implant many a fear, many an anxiety such that we’d weaken ourselves, giving away our power by pondering them, since consciousness creates.
They’d also have to do something about our sense of justice, a powerful factor among humans. They’d teach us to blame & go after one another, without ever a thought about owning our own lives. To take responsibility, to quit blaming, is to be hugely self-empowered. It elevates the power we call Free Will to a more expansive level.
They, the cabal, would want us dependent on them, but of course. We’d have to get their permission for whatever it is. Thus, do we have this endless permitting, the fees & stamps, the tickets & fines, the ID cards we must procure to move ahead with our plans.
Thus do they demonstrate their fear of a self-reliant, self-responsible populace.
Of course, there will perhaps always be those who misbehave, who flaunt not just whatever laws, but their humanity in the gross & crass acts they perform, striking out at the rest of us. This misbehavior must be fairly dealt with, so we have our Constitution & BOR to handle such things.
All of the excess regulations & laws tacked on to that are highly questionable. We get things called The Patriot Act that are hugely the opposite of what their false titles promise.
We get used to being disappointed, to believing this mess is just what is, & that we’re powerless to correct it, so we submit. We lead a pretty miserable life for a time, until one day we wake-up to realize that Freedom is not free — that it must be maintained, guarded against the encroachers that want us dependent on them, keeping them in power.
They do ridiculous things with huge amounts of our taxes, even stealing them, allotting them to the black budget, performing useless research. We’re so well trained, habituated to their reign, dazed in our technology addictions that we don’t cry out & demand restitution & justice.
Our whole sense of justice has been perverted by our programming via both education & media.
We’ve been made to believe that government is too big to fight against, that you just lose, you get hammered if you go against those in power. Dinesh DeSouza is a good example of how that plays out. (Thanks to the President for his pardon.)
We’re taught that government is great & that we are small & unimportant, losing sight of the fact that the government & all of its authority issues from us, from we, the people!
Okay, I could go on about such things for pages, but there’s no need. If we will look at such things with the eyes that know it’s consciousness that creates — what do we see? What becomes our recourse?
Taking on this idea contributes to the Great Awakening now taking place. By putting us, humanity, back into the driver’s seat, we are re-empowered to be all that we can be, which is ridiculously more than we’ve been taught. (Heart’s energy field is huge compared to the mind’s.)
We can finally recognize that no darkness, no evil could appear in our personal world unless first invited into consciousness — most often, in our thoughts, conscious, subconscious, & unconscious.
The 3D world is the realm of EFFECTS, folks.
Once we accept that at least as a legitimate possibility, it puts us back in control , though not in the way our mind would like to think. Our current uses of mind are highly questionable. Our mind is the hammer making everything look like a nail, yet mind abides in a far more limited realm than Heart, than our core Being, than Higher Self.
We’ve been taught to self-limit by taking ourselves primarily as thinking beings. “I think, therefore I am.” So sadly limited & limiting. How about, “I am, therefore I think?” LOL, the difference a shift in perspective can make!
How about, “I am, therefore I create?” How about we take a fresh, new look at our lives, this time with an eye to self-empowerment? What IF we were actually more in-charge that we knew? It should be relatively easy to prove, right? Make the mandated internal changes, the shifts in perspective, then evaluate how things go from there, yes?
It’s not that difficult, though how difficult it is is a function of your set of beliefs. If you believe it’s hard, then it is — for you. You’re that much in charge. Start with the small things, friends, rather than throwing yourself at the big ones before you’re grounded in Heart, in your deeper parts. It’s a step-by-step journey, but of course; no need to rush.
The trick is that we can choose to enjoy it, each step of the way. We don’t at first see just how HUGE that is. We can choose to see things in a more benevolent light — it’s always our choice at work. How we see things has an effect on them. There are endless possible perspectives available on whatever you’d care to name. We can be as creative as we like, there’s always a new way to see whatever it is.
Once we quit just going along to get along & break out of the herd mentality, so much clarifies. It becomes easier to see how we’ve been rounded-up & tamed, made into servants of the cabal in so many ways. Yet, it need not continue, not even one more minute!
The choices are ever & always in our hands. What will we do with them?
Today’s world is more than just a little insane, but until we back away from it by a shift in perspective, we don’t see that. As we pull back, we finally begin to spot the set of blinders that comes with our every belief.
We can ditch all beliefs & lose nothing, as long as we stick to Heart, to our core. Taking up permanent residence there, being true to the self by being the Self, discovering, then aligning with our Source-in-form core.
We won’t even recognize the world we thought we knew on the other side of this perspective shift — & the endless perspective shifts await our pleasure to explore them. Things are certainly not what they seem to be. What they seem to be is what we’ve been taught. We got our every belief at second hand.
So what are they, then?
What are all of these things, many of which we’ve taken to be so threatening? Life is well & truly what we make of it. With endless potential perspectives available on everything, WE GET TO CHOOSE; & what we choose counts in ways far more powerful than we yet realize.
CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES. There is us & there is Source. Better said, there is Source, then we & everything else as the manifestations of that. The consciousness of Source creates; we participate in that. It is the power of Source flowing through us as sentient beings, doing the creative work.
The deeper we enter into awakening, the closer we come to realizing there’s just one of us, here — & that One is Source, playing the roles of everything else, adding free will into the mix just for fun.
We have within us — we actually are the lab of creation. Our every choice, our every thought counts! It’s high time we realized that & make the appropriate changes as Heart inspires. It’s deLightFully different for each unique one, so there’s no plastering some sort of equality sticker on the outcomes.
They just are what they are, & are best learned from instead of allowing them to remain in control.
We can’t enforce our will upon others — they have their own. We can maintain a basic, Freedom-centric set of laws that deal appropriately with those breaking the law. Consequences are required, even harsh ones at times, for our overall safety & freedom to flourish.
Everyone’s journey begins & ends with the self. We take nothing else with us when we cross over. For the awakening ones, we begin with the self & end with/as the Self. If that’s something you want, then go for it! Just be aware that changing your perspective changes your world, sometimes your whole reality.
We misidentified both Who we are & how things work. By accepting the cabal’s “educational” programming, by letting them continue the programming through tech & the media, we placed ourselves in their hands, letting them mold us like clay. We can ditch that whenever we like by ignoring the enforced perspectives as we explore others, choosing those that feel best to Heart.
11:12 am, Sunday, 2018/06/03, Mayan day 5 Dog / Oc