Personal Responsibility — Creating a Whole New World

7 min readFeb 27, 2018


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

Every day more people are awakening into awareness of the previously well-hidden cabal & its dark operations. With Q Anon on the scene, the awakening accelerates. There are many other avenues of awakening so none are left out, denied the opportunity to accept & bring significant change.

There will be bloodshed, though not all of it from fighting since Mother Earth is also making great changes. Many have already made their choice to cross over during these chaotic times, their missions complete, their gifts having been offered. They lay their costume (body) aside & move on.


Physical death is not something to mourn but rather to celebrate with the soul(s) on the other side. Humanity’s memory has long been blocked, but the DNA is now rejoining the elements separated out to lock us down into lower levels of awareness. Humanity’s perceptual range is increasing daily.

Many new phenomena are being seen & heard all around the world.

Now that we are finally standing strong, refusing the abuse regularly dished out by the supposed elite, our star brethren, our soul groups in higher dimensions begin to make themselves known. Together, we will make short work of the dark, no-longer-ruling cabal. Yes, they are still dangerous, but in no way able to keep you enslaved.

What shall each of us do with the new revelations, the new appearances in our skies of advanced craft? Old belief systems are already crashing. Truth always wins out. Humanity will preserve what’s true & what’s worthy of saving, allowing the rest to slip into obscurity, where it belongs. Religion & many other aspects of society were weaponized against us, not so much to kill as to enslave.

Those finding their way into Heart are having a smoother ride, though for a while, for some few years, the journey will be rocky. It must, for the chaos is what is required to open many eyes that would otherwise remain fearfully closed, clinging to old beliefs that aren’t the best they could be.


A universal Respect is arising, taking its place on the world scene. In spite of the massive efforts to keep us ignorant & subservient, fighting one another, we’re breaking free, never again to descend into such states. Much that is gained here will make its way into other star systems, even other universes, for the battles have been hard fought & are finally being consistently won.

Many among the leading contingents of awakening ones will become ambassadors, sharing their hard-won understanding of how earth & other planets were conquered. We share the signs with other races to help them prevent this happening again, anywhere.

We let our guard down, here, & thus the enslavement proceeded largely unnoticed. We trusted far too much. We slept while Rome burned, not yet recognizing the evil in our midst, the depth of corruption.

It’s a time of personal accounting, a time to recognize our personal part in the drama & take responsibility. It’s a long time since humanity took solid, personal responsibility for what transpires on our watch, but that’s changing, now.

Heart is the way, friends, the way we almost lost for many centuries.


Still, today there is much clinging to material science as the height of learning & knowledge, which it is not. These things, when divorced from Heart, don’t provide the answers sought by every soul.

It’s time to see the beauty of Balance, to be no more polarized against one another, preferring one way over all others, teaching only one way in our schools which have been taken over by the political Left. Due to their programming, many among the youth will have an unnecessarily hard time realizing their education was faulty, was deeply flawed.

The important questions are now personal, for the outer manifestations we experience are created by our personal choices. There will be far less pointing of fingers of blame, far more taking of responsibility by each one. As we each discover our Source-in-form reality, great shock waves will spread around the world, blessing us all.


Perhaps the biggest lie we all fell for was that we are “just human.” We’ll look back on these days with amusement, truly amazed that we could have been convinced we were anything but Who we truly are, the presence of Source everywhere, focused here. We share in that divinity, friends, all of us, not just some.

Whether we’re aware of & owning it is the key to unlock the deeper experiences.

Don’t underestimate yourself, your Self, please. That’s precisely how we were held down. It’s not as if our human self is the divinity, so let’s not let ego have its way, here. The Divine is the Divine. It’s via Heart that we find our inner union with That, but it is ever That which is divine. Our great joy is to blend our awareness with That, to allow That to lead the way, to BE the divinity that it is.


It’s also time to leave our brethren alone, to allow each one to find their own way into the Great Awakening. No one needs rescuing, not even us. That’s the victim consciousness, an old belief system we can allow to fade away. Source-in-form doesn’t need rescuing by Source. We just need to awaken to Its Presence, right where we are.

The Divine remains Divine while we explore our unity with That in All That Is.

It may be the greatest possible time to be alive, to be walking the earth. We are, each one, participating in the freeing of planet earth. No President or other person is accomplishing these great works, this freeing of humanity.

This, too, we need to take responsibility for, that we’re contributing, as Source-in-form, to create both the necessary chaos (to awaken our sleeping brethren) AND the great Light shining ever more brightly, everywhere.

We need hot helplessly wait for this or that sign that it’s happening, as many are choosing to do, saying that as long as the chemtrails or pedophilia or whatever-it-is remains, they won’t believe things are changing. They are choosing to remain blind to the great freeing activity going on, cutting themselves off from the fullness of that. All in good time.


Most of us haven’t well understood Free Will, what it entails & how it functions. Everything is about the personal choices we make. We’re each far more important than we realize, not in our ego identity, but in our core nature, which is purely Divine. You could then also say that it’s Source doing it all; you’d be correct.

Divine Feminine —

It’s time to align with the Divine Dancer, allowing ourselves to be the Freedom Dance.


We’re coming Home, coming to recognize that Home is truly where the Heart is, not off in some other dimension or planet. It won’t be that long before people recognize that they, too, have a presence on other dimensions, a fully functioning aspect of themselves as Source-in-form. Many already experienced this via NDE or even OBE.

We are NOT just this, this human manifestation, though it’s through this that the rest is discovered & made more fully manifest when that’s our choice. For a while, yet, many will think the awakening ones are a bit crazy. They’re not ready to recognize that it’s their Matrix way of living, of perceiving that’s been hacked, hiding their divinity.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/02/27

“This is always true: What I think and how I feel, and what manifests, is always a vibrational match. But here’s the big kicker: What manifests isn’t manifesting instantaneously. So, you’ve got all this buffer of time leeway that makes you sloppy… If you thought a negative thought and a brick would instantly fall on your head every time, you’d clean up your thinking. But you’re not here to be punished about your thinking. You’re here to use your thinking — and your focus — to create.” [Emphasis added]

Excerpted from Washington, DC on 5/7/05

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Their time will come as we just leave things to Source, following our own inner guidance which will take us into appropriate action in every case. Source has this covered, friends, we just need to more fully align with That, with Higher Self, if you like. No words are capable of conveying the richness of Who & what we are, so we’re left to find that on our own, live-and-learn style.


When the people have lost their moral & ethical compass, no government, anywhere, can serve them.

Nothing can be “turned over” to the government, for we are the government, here; we, the people. It must & will reflect us back to ourselves. If we want to be lazy, to run away & hide, things will fall apart. It just doesn’t work like that when we’re all One. Everyone influences everyone else when no real separation exists.

We’re already finding our way out of this mess, as I trust you’ve noticed. We’ll find far better ways, going forward, into harmony & desirable action. Our Constitution is a truly great document, but we’ve got our part to play in implementing that. We’re not functioning under it, today, for it, too, was hacked when we were all turned into corporations, every state, the USA, & all of us.


Corporations were granted the status of persons by the Supreme Court, & thus given protections they do not deserve. Do the research, study the history. Don’t trust others to deliver the answers you seek. The Q-Anon phenomenon has inspired a whole culture of doing the personal research then coming together to share & move forward, thus setting us a great example of taking personal responsibility.

We’re now much better able to recognize divide-and-conquer activities at work. We’re coming back together as the Family of Humanity. Let us not slam someone whose conclusions we don’t accept. Let them speak!

It’s for us to live life a new way, by taking full responsibility for ourselves, allowing others to do the same. We don’t yet know what that’s like, we’re just discovering it, so let’s enjoy the ride.

Joy is the motor of Life.



10:58 am, Monday 2018/02/26, 1st, Mayan day 12 Reed / Ben




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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