Less Doing, More Being

Perfect Bodies — Beliefs in the Way

7 min readAug 5, 2018

Welcoming the Divine into 3D

“These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

Old beliefs block us at every turn. Other people’s beliefs cannot harm us unless we allow that, but our beliefs are amazingly powerful.

We carry negative beliefs about human bodies. Bodies age, get weak & frail, easily succumb to the disease of the month, blah, blah, blah. Let’s step away from that mindset into a whole new adventure. Are you game?

Will you table your beliefs, even for a 5- or 10-minute read?

What if your body is actually perfect at its core, just as You are as Source-in-form? Well, what if?! Are you willing to go there, to step off of the (mental) cliff & explore? You’re the only one on the planet, in the universe, who can answer that, & only for yourself/yourSelf. Good to know.

What if the 3D body is actually divinely Intelligent, able (with your cooperation) to keep itself in perfect health? What if it’s doing precisely what it’s designed to do, giving us notice of ever so many things, trying to work with & for us… but we’re deaf to it?

What if all we took for disease, disability, & such was actually the body’s form of wordless communication?

By the time the body shows signs of illness, we’ve already ignored its many messages to help right our course. In paying no heed to its conversation we lay the groundwork for ever stronger transmissions, i.e., sickness & physical challenges of whatever sort, coming both from within & without.

We could go deeper, & inquire into our “education” (programming), to see if (how) we were programmed to be deaf to the body’s intelligence; to see who or what group might be behind this… but let’s not. 👎 Let’s just stick with our basic exploration into the body’s potentials & abilities, which are fantastic.

Why? Because consciousness creates & we choose beneficial creations.

To the body, these marvelous abilities are actually normal. As you make room for that possibility, it’s another opportunity to note how only the mind is shocked, never Heart; never You. That bit of distance from the fray is a pleasant discovery, an expansion into our greater Being.


Apologies for the repeated image, but it was too perfect to exclude. “Observation without evaluation” is how Heart rolls, how we “think” via Heart. 😉

Once Heart rises & the mind falls in our priorities, we gain the distance that enables this neutral observation. We may now hear our body “speak” & begin to translate that into a better relationship between Spirit & form.

We are the ones blocking the perfection of our divinely Intelligent forms; mostly, by being forever mind-based. Hearing & translating the body’s language doesn’t require us to be perfectly anchored in Heart, in Now — though that helps. It does require us to lighten up, to be less attached to our second-hand beliefs — which is all of them. 😉

It’s our beliefs blocking our perception, our interpretation of what’s going on — pretty much always. A shift in perspective can provide welcome relief. Eventually, we become more adept at modifying our angle of perception, our perspective. We develop something priceless: a flexible perspective, no longer locked down in this or that rigid set of second-hand beliefs.

If your gut tightens to consider that — if you go into anxiety, fear, or anger at me — that’s the mind at work. Take Heart for the more enjoyable ride, for “observation without evaluation.” 😉

We’ve all made prisoners of ourselves, friends. Can you see it, is it dawning for you, the many ways you get in your own way, acting against your greater good? Who begins to see, to penetrate the veils of obfuscation that we call “our beliefs,” better labeled, “our programming?”

What seems small at first is a very big deal.

Real Truth has an essence of simplicity as the thumbprint of the Divine; simple & beautifully clear. On hearing something close to Truth, those in Heart just Know, sensing the Purity, there. Is that you? If not, it soon will be. Our major task is to get out of our own way.

Until we recognize that — easiest to experience from Heart — our mind blocks the view. It makes no mental sense, so is rejected by the “logical” mind. Yeah, right. 😆 “Logical” from what perspective? Not that of Heart or of Now.

We were slowly morphed into mind-addicts over great stretches of time, one little bit at a time down through the generations. It’s worth a pause at some point to read up on the Hegelian Dialectic, the tactic used by the cabal to implement their takeover strategy via their 100-year plans.

Once seen, it can’t be unseen. We’re never so easily fooled & manipulated again. Yeah!!

I’ll just lay it out there, my take on the body. It’s perfectly, even divinely Intelligent & well able to keep itself in a balanced stasis WHEN WE ALLOW IT. It’s fully self-repairing, self-maintaining when we treat it well. We’ve long been tricked into other beliefs, so we’re all working against our body, to whatever extent.

Awakening by finding & abiding in Heart is the cure, friends. When the mind is no longer occupying the driver’s seat, we’re well on our way. Sure, it blows everything we ever believed to smithereens, pulling far more than the rug from under our feet, but hey — it’s a great ride, the most wonderful, magnificent experience of a lifetime — at a minimum. 😆

Only as we’re willing to let go do we start discovering the divinity both within & all around. We only thought things were a terrible mess. Once we realize, as Byron Katie says:

“Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you”

we’re finally able to see things as radically different from the way we were taught to view them. Every “truth” we ever believed shows itself for a lie of one sort or another.

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” [Emphasis mine]

William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

What is the mind’s response to all of this? “We’ve been had!” Right? Can you feel it in there, somewhere, yourself? Now, add to this the recognition that it’s all good, & what do you get? What happens when you can finally embrace it, whatever it is, looking to spot the good there?

Here’s Abraham-Hicks’ take on that:

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/08/05

“Your work is to go forth into this physical environment looking for things that are a vibrational match to joy, connecting to Source Energy, and then following with the inspired action.”

[My comment: Heart-inspired action 😉]

Excerpted from Virginia Beach, VA on 4/12/97

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Fireworks Accidents — I.huffpost.com

There’s a real Freedom, unknown to the vast bulk of humanity, that can arise this way. When we’re finally ready to allow everything we thought we knew, all we believed, to be turned on its ear, OMG, we all benefit hugely! A little less ego, a little less attachment to the way we once thought things were, & we’re set for a great ride.

Just as the cabal drove us, one tiny step at a time, into this mess, we take those Freedom steps the same way, eventually to discover that it’s as easy as turning on a light switch. Bam, the light (Light) obliterates the darkness as if it never existed — which is good, because it never did.

Just as Shakespeare said not so very long ago: “…there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2, page 11.

Let us recall that darkness is not a powerful force unto itself; no way. Darkness is merely the absence of light. Aligning with that Light (as our Source-in-form Self) vanquishes the darkness, effortlessly.

No doing — just Being. Who’d a thunk it, huh? LOL.



Saturday afternoon, 2018/08/04 — Mayan day 2 Road / Eb

PS One of the funniest aspects of it all is how the normies are solidly convinced that they’re the sane ones & we’re the nuts, the conspiracy kooks. OMG, what will happen when they realize it’s the other way around?! 😲

Let’s remember as we go forward that IT’S ALL GOOD. The normies are not the enemy by any stretch of the imagination. Nor do we need to “convert” them. They’ll benefit by our support as Life shocks us all back into reality!

Love is the answer to every question. Only Heart Knows how best to manifest that Love, the mind being ignorant of this realm. Finally, they’re just us, other aspects of the One, seen through the mirror effect of 3D.

“These eyes through which I hoped to see God [Source] are the eyes through which God [Source] sees me.”

It’s ALL good! Our beliefs otherwise are all that stands in our way. 😆



Saturday, 2018/08/04 — Mayan day 2 Road / Eb




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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