Owning Our Power of Creation, pt 1

7 min readMay 19, 2018


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

Consciousness creates. What does that mean?

It’s so deep that unless we step back to witness it we’ll just continue creating in blissful ignorance, never truly owning this innate human power.

What are we creating? Our experience of life; no one else’s, just ours.

How are we creating that? Via our Belief Systems. These have been carefully installed to keep us under control, creating along lines beneficial to those running the show from behind the scenes; those for whom negative energy is food — energy vampires.

Vampire-energy — ElysianEnergy.com


One of the first areas to clean-up is our beliefs around Who & what we are. Our beliefs around that set the stage for everything else. Are we blaming someone else for anything? That’s evidence we’re not taking responsibility for our own life.

Whatever is manifesting for us, there are good reasons for that, reasons we put in motion via our beliefs, our thoughts, our creative consciousness. If it’s something we enjoy, great! Let’s take a look at how we created or manifested that & apply it more widely.

If it’s unpleasant, we have something to learn, & the sooner we learn it, the sooner we can expand & move on, leaving the challenging aspects behind.

Otherwise, the situation just keeps repeating.


When it comes to our personal creations, our attitude is as important as our beliefs, just in a different way. Our beliefs create the structure, the skeleton of our creations. Our attitudes are more liquid, directing the flow as we flesh out our work. If we realized even a tenth of our creative power, we could change the world practically overnight.

Today’s Conversation — LeadershipFreak.files.wordpress.com

What’s going on “out there” in the world distracts from what we’re creating. Why? We let it do that because we’re just not aware of what we’re doing & how it’s happening. Every thought wields a power that we don’t know we have.

Every Now counts far more than we know.

The “How did we get this way?” part is less than useful to explore. Why? Because that naturally reveals itself to us as we go & it’s different for everyone. If we try to dissect it early on in our discovery of our creative powers, our BS Belief Systems are still in charge. We’ll be misled, taken off track. Besides, that’s to exit our powerful Now in favor of the past, which isn’t wise.

Somewhere along the way, humanity was convinced to turn our creative powers over to others, to let ourselves be guided & controlled. We don’t yet realize the power wielded by every single belief, but we’re on our way to discovering it. It’s been one heck of a ride so far, & it’s gearing up to be even more intense, so let’s buckle-up.


Just our awareness that consciousness creates is an early victory. Seeing is always freeing, especially when seeing from Heart. The head can easily be misled, unlike Heart which will nudge us into discomfort when we’re creating against our own best interests.

We’ve all known these things deep within, which helps to explain the Aha! recognitions as we’re awakening, reawakening to them. We were somehow divided against ourselves, both internally & on the world stage. Imagine the different world we’d have if we taught our children such things in their early years. 😲

It’s in our hands, friends; what are we going to create? In what sort of talk & action will we participate? It’s hard, living on a world infested by the whole money shtick, yet once we see that for the control mechanism it is we gain a greater measure of freedom. We’re not so attached to it going forward, which is both freeing & empowering.


By merely changing our attitude toward things we can go a long way toward making the changes we want to experience. For instance, what if everything that happens to us is for our benefit? Yes, even the tough & challenging stuff — what if we accepted that as the perfect prescription for what ails us?

This is one of the most powerful attitude changes we can make, able to vanquish the victim/blame game in us.

The older ones among us are well aware of how those challenging times, looked back on years later, are seen to have fleshed out certain positive aspects of our being. We learned, we gained, we benefited in surprising ways.

Nothing is for naught, & suffering is a choice, not anything forced on us.

Pain is not optional, as there’s no life, anywhere, absent all pain. Yet, to suffer requires our consent; it’s a choice. We keep cycling in the negative thoughts & feelings yet, we’re always empowered to choose better thoughts. When we do so more consistently, we begin to spot our beliefs at work, crafting that pain.

We eventually notice how we seem herded into that suffering mode, how it becomes our default if we let it. As we step back a bit farther to look from a better vantage point, we begin to see how we’re being farmed for those dark energies. They’re being harvested by those on the negative path, those who once ran things behind the scenes.


Too much light is shining today to enable these covert means of control to remain hidden. The dark side needs darkness in which to operate, they require secrecy, hierarchy, dark pacts, & obedience among their ranks. As frequencies continue to rise, that darkness is being flooded with light & more light, so they & their connections are being exposed for the world to see.

Though it doesn’t appear so on the surface, we’ve won this war. We win by removing our own personal shackles. Multiply that by our tens of millions, eventually our billions (though not all of us), & you have the biggest slave break-out imaginable.

The cabal is definitely not happy with us, with our awakening, with our seeing through them & their plots.

Their dark ways worked for so long because we didn’t know we were enslaved. Our minds were hacked long ago, all these ridiculous beliefs installed over great swaths of time. The wedge of those beliefs split our Spirit/soul from our body-mind. We were herded firmly into the mind, told the whole Spirit thing was nonsense or our silly imagination.

If the god of Science didn’t approve it, then it couldn’t be real.


As we wake-up to ourselves as Source-in-form, it’s no small deal. It’s HUGE. It also takes some time to traverse beyond our comfort zones into the broader reality. Due to free will, this is something we must choose to own. The move into Heart (following on the demotion of our mind to a supporting role) is very much a part of this journey. It’s also a good way to accelerate our awakening.

Consciousness creates, friends. That’s bigger than big, but we must each come to terms with it on our own, in our own way. Meanwhile, let’s enjoy the beauty of reawakening to integrity, honor, & deep respect for one another & for all of life; in short, to Love.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/05/19

“You see, you’re giving others too much power as you even acknowledge how they make you feel. What you’ve got to decide is how I’m going to feel. We would go to a Virtual Reality and we would practice feeling good. Manifestations come on the heels of what you’ve conjured in thought.”

Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 3/2/02

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

A Heart life is a far finer experience than a head life, no matter how cozy the old ways seem. If you watch, you’ll note that sort of comfort as a mental thing, a product of the mind hack we all endured.

Living from Heart or Spirit is far more fulfilling & in much deeper ways.

Let’s begin monitoring our thoughts, fishing around for those that feel better to Heart. We’ll have fun watching, then playing with our attitudes, too. Things that feel awkward at first soon morph into deeply fulfilling adventures if we’ll but allow it. (During the awkward times we can take comfort in knowing that the only constant is change.)

Our job is well & truly to get out of the way, to let Heart once again run the show. That means observing then eliminating the old, programmed beliefs, the rotten attitudes toward whatever it is. Our challenges are but the wrapping paper on deeper gifts, so let’s get to unwrapping. 😆



8-ish am, Saturday, 2018/05/19, Mayan day 3 Eagles / Men




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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