Our Way Out — Matrix Control Grid Exposed
Before we continue the hate-speech discussion, let’s take a time-out to look into what’s hiding beneath it. What is speech? How free should it be? What are the plusses & minuses, the benefits & dangers? What is the risk, & what the potential benefit?
The mind is no reliable guide into anything except relativity. Again, 3D is not the realm of absolutes. Consciousness creates, producing 3D results. Let’s find our way into Heart & see what it brings to the crazy discussion going on.
Are we Source-in-form, at least potentially?
At this critical juncture, this is a pivotal point. If your answer isn’t, “yes,” then you won’t benefit as much from this journal, this adventure into what underlies the worldwide conversation. Relative answers do not satisfy on any deep level.
Who else sees thought-police at work, trying to slide in under the radar? Who else sees desperate attempts to retain control of humanity? Are not the cabal’s moves to control the narrative on full display in this time of media censorship, right down to thoughts & ideas?
Are cabal attempts to influence the upcoming mid-term elections not blatantly obvious?
They’re trying desperately to rig the midterm election. The fact that this aspect is not discussed, seldom even mentioned, displays their continuing ability to control the narrative, to choose the battlefield. Why are more not speaking up?! What do we fear?
It’s a great time to be alive, friends. All voices, even our thoughts & ideas, count much more than we can measure since consciousness creates. Let us choose enjoyment, no matter what presents itself.
As long as we’re appreciating our NowHere moment, we’re doing fine; we’re dialed into Heart.
Enjoyment puts us in vibrational alignment with Source, our beautiful Inner Being aspect (as Source-in-form). That’s critical, a game-changer not yet widely recognized. When we know that 3D is the land of effects, that consciousness is the underlying cause of it all, we’re primed to enjoy even the tough stuff, even bullets coming our way. 😉
Isn’t it amazing that we can all be unique while also being One, underneath? I often point to diversity as key to a garden’s beauty. Growing one crop does not make a beautiful garden, useful though it may be.
When will we come to appreciate one another FOR our differences, not just our similarities? It’s key to respecting one another's’ right to be who we are, to make our own choices. A deeper look reveals our hidden insecurity, our fear to stand out.
This whole hate-speech discussion actually seeks to limit those rights. Who else sees this?
There are those who want to make our decisions for us, to manage & control us as livestock.
In America, we didn’t recognize this for centuries, yet, it becomes clearer by the day. What reasonable, respectful person wants someone else controlling their speech? Just who are they, who seek to make our decisions for us?
What is within us that the cabal seeks to control — & why?
What ends of theirs does it serve? Let’s see this at work, no matter how nasty the view. This is no time to trust authority, as no doubt the early colonists would agree after birthing this nation. (Early on, most still maintained English loyalties; only 5% or so fought in the Revolutionary War.)
Let us honor the few, those early rebels who, ill-equipped & underfed, yet trusted the Heart-fire of independence to lead the way.
We haven’t yet come to grips with the magnitude of our ongoing awakening. We tend to pull back from the graphic ugliness of the skeletons hidden away in cabal closets — & in our own. As these come to light, many will be overwhelmed, amazed that we failed to see such corruption hidden right under our noses. If it wasn’t within us, it could not manifest in our reality.
Our soul families & our mentors from elsewhere stand by, lending what support they can prior to the great reveal coming up, likely in our lifetime. Absent their assistance, we couldn’t rout the cabal.
We’ve been programmed to see them as demons by cabal-sponsored religions, thus limiting their ability to lend open support.
While some still await the arrival of a savior, someone to come in & do the dirty work for us, many realize awakening is a personal choice, one not without grave personal cost.
If we all awaited such a savior they wouldn’t step forward. They refuse to undercut our innate power to get this job done. That’s not what waking-up is about, watching someone else clean up our messes while we bow down to them. That’s to watch them as the awakened one(s) while refusing wake-up, ourselves.
That’s taking the role of perpetual children, which some religions openly encourage.
Right now, it’s too shocking that, unbeknownst to us, we could actually be these great spiritual beings. Sounds too much like sci-fi, easily branded as a “conspiracy,” a word the cabal co-opted, weaponizing it to deny credence to the awakening ones. Look at what they’re doing with “hate speech,” worldwide, as an example.
Language is a dark tool in cabal hands; one that loses its power as we withdraw trust.
On first seeing into the many dark control structures used to farm humanity, we’re tempted to call earth, herself, a prison planet. It’s that dark & comprehensive. We’re stunned that we could’ve been so far off in what we took for “reality.” It’s our job to climb up & out of that hole, friends, & Heart is the exit portal.
What does the cabal seek to harvest as they farm us?
Think energy; think negativity. Unable to rise in frequency on their negative path, they’re comfortable with only the lowest-vibrational “foods.” Sure, some practice actual cannibalism, too, but the majority feed on negativity of any kind, i.e., low-frequency energies (such as anxiety, confusion, anger, fear, etc.).
Being expert manipulators, having mastered many developing races, not just our own, they know fear cuts us off from our spiritual nature. That makes fear energy a primary crop.
Fear makes us malleable to whatever “solutions” they offer — such as The Patriot Act. Fearful people willingly surrender freedom for “security,” which, in cabal mouths is just another word for control.
It’s time to cease looking for mental solutions. They’re not working, always used against us, eventually. We not only underestimate ourselves, we underestimate the adversary, which is nothing we’ve yet seen. Those we call “the cabal” are only their minions, not the off-planet overlords.
The cabal is expert at misuse of the mind, always able to counter whatever solution we float. “Elite” is another word they’ve co-opted. We have our own superweapon: Heart, seen as a weapon only by the creepy cabal.
Heart is both our refuge & our greatest strength.
Friends, they’ve totally taken over public schooling, churning out graduates completely pliable to their machinations, playdough in their hands. They also control medicine, having thoroughly weaponized it. By thus controlling both mind & body, they’ve long held us down.
BUT, that only works when we identify solely with the body-mind.
On discovering our Source origins & energies, all of their chains & shackles are toast. We’re truly the Phoenix, rising from the ashes of what was, what we once took to be real. Let’s kick trust to the curb as we navigate beyond all external controls.
“Awakening” is a simple reconnection to our Self, not something magical or spooky. As long as we persist in self-identifying as the body-mind, we put it off for another day. We’ve got some really BIG choices to make, self-identifying with Source being the most fundamental. It’s time to cast off the endless lies we’ve been programmed to accept as our truth (beliefs).
It’s time to grow-up & expand beyond old belief-systems.
The mind makes this out to be perilous, fraught with every challenge imaginable, possibly even the loss of our soul 😲 — which is rather funny when viewed from a broader perspective. Here we are, these great spiritual beings, playing the helpless roles of cowards & wimps, quite unaware of being divine.
Awakening isn’t even something we must “do,” since it comes with acceptance of Who we actually are. We already are Who we are, it’s just a matter of recognizing, then owning that — not something any mind is equipped to pull off.
Therein lies the rub, since we’re programmed to use the mind to resolve everything.
For those who can see it, this is amazingly simple. It’s time to distrust not only the cabal actors but also the programming, i.e., beliefs, they instilled in us. Yeah, of course, it’s easier said than done, but so what? The right attitude/perspective on that morphs it into the veritable spice of life.
When we know that consciousness creates, that makes powerful tools of both attitude & perspective. Are these not under our control? We’ve been in control all along while being convinced we were pawns & puppets, that we had to go along to get along. No more!
Let us finally choose to BE the powerful creators we already are. We long ago abandoned our post, guarding consciousness against the many control tactics & mechanisms we thus allowed the cabal to install. We enabled them to co-opt our 3D reality & conform it to their twisted, evil desires.
What many miss is their part in the drama, their layer of responsibility for the current mess. Our programming has us pointing endless fingers of blame for whatever arises, seldom owning our enabling part. No, we didn’t do the dirty deeds, ourselves, yet we stepped aside, which allowed them to occur.
Mea culpa, one & all.
That mea culpa is actually healthy, friends, a good sign that we’re adjusting our course, no longer just helplessly tagging along. The invasion went ever so deep, & it requires a concomitant internal clean-up to see any external results. Let’s keep remembering that 3D is but the realm of effects created in consciousness, the original cause of everything, including us. 😲
They’ve got us looking at everything backward, do you see? We’re convinced that external action brings change. As long as we stubbornly maintain such beliefs, we’re self-shackled, blinded to our awesome ability to turn this around. Heart is well able to take whatever action is required.
Heart’s Power leaves the mind’s abilities in the dust, but not until we rightfully claim it — something we’re programmed NOT to do.
If we’ll just step back from the never-ending drama, take a media & electronics fast of whatever duration, we’ll be in much better shape to see through it all. We’ll step up & out of this Matrix of lies parading as truth, finally seeing how we were mastered; how we complied.
Until we take responsibility this way, we remain blind & subject to Matrix manipulations.
This is a global awakening, friends, something our Hearts jointly craft. If you’re on the leading edge of it, great; just be aware that doesn’t make you one iota better than anyone else. All beliefs (with their built-in arrogance) must eventually hit the dustpan of uselessness, seen for the hidden shackles they are.
Let’s cease being drawn into useless fights, cease allowing the cabal to choose the battlefield. As we get ever better at recognizing their divisive ploys, we steadily regain the advantage, & our benevolent ET brethren have our 6, our backs. 😲 🌈
This will quickly morph into the greatest Welcome-Home party that ever was, anywhere or any-when. Are you down with that, are you in? Remember, due to free will, it’s always a choice, one we’re empowered to make in every Now.
No fear!!
Tuesday, 2018/04/10 — Mayan day 3 Wisdom / Cib