Our New Stage

Welcoming Expansion

4 min readDec 25, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

Nothing is like it once was. Consciousness is shifting so fast that staying with our Now moment is the best course. There’s little in the past we can anchor to without losing a bit of what we’ve gained, of what stands in readiness for us.

Do you feel the environment shifting, both within & around you?

Some people are handling it well, & of course, we want to be among them. We’ve charted our course up & out of 3D, so that “future” is laid out for us, yet it requires our consent, our allowing it to come forward. That’s where some experience a glitch, for entering into a not-knowing state presents major challenges to any mind.

Actually, not really to our mind — which can’t go there — but to us, those who have a mind, but are choosing to no longer identify with it. Letting go of the old ways, the old thoughts & beliefs while remaining ever open — of course it’s a challenge, but one for which we’re more than ready.

For this, we must set our wounding(s) aside.


Who recognizes herself as whole? Consider that — to what sort of wounding do you cling? In what ways are we still playing the victim role, pointing fingers of blame? Life will cooperatively point them out to us. Our job is simply to notice.

When we cease clinging to the mind as our rudder, our guide through whatever arises, we’ll spot those areas of powerlessness. This is the first step to releasing them.

Remember, it took great power to convince yourself, as Source-in-form, that you are powerless. Do you get that? If you do, then you’re set to begin releasing that weak stance, recognizing & bringing forward the underlying power that makes all of this possible. Next time you get that victim feeling, stop & take another look through this lens.

Reconsider — what might life be like if you just let that go?

You are not powerless — never have been. It was necessary to play that role for a while in this drama, due to the infiltration & take-over by the dark force on earth. That time is now past, & if you don’t yet see this, it won’t be long before you do. It will become blatantly obvious to most in a short time — perhaps a year or two.

We’re at a critical stage.


Those who choose to cling to their sense of being wounded & weak, or to their anger over how bad things (seemingly) got, won’t be waking-up any time soon — but that doesn’t have to be you. We get to choose, & free will is another great power we don’t fully comprehend. We bought into the limited version of that, with our choices seemingly clipped at every turn.

Our external victory arises from our internal mastery, from letting go of the stage play, the drama in which we chose our roles. Let’s take ownership, responsibility for our choices! The chaos is but the preface, the preamble to humanity’s great victory, here.

Our victory carries great weight all across Cosmos, friends. Our stage is far more visible, more expansive that we know, & we were never alone. We’ll be reuniting with our soul families, soon — recognizing ourselves as ET, too, lol. 😲


I can’t say I understand it, but I’m experiencing some sort of a mind-spirit merge — one that arises when releasing dependence on & identity with 3D mind. It’s frequently a bit awkward as Divine Mind blends with Heart. As we just begin to get used to not relying on (3D) mind, this appears, throwing us off-balance. 😆

The divine intelligence is nothing like 3D mind, whose role is more like a calculator in the hip pocket of Source-in-form. This Intelligence is distinctly other, nothing remotely mechanical & quite unlimited — but we have to perceive that from Heart.

It’s 3D mind’s interpretations of things that threw us off for so long.


Nor is this anything we must pursue. As reliance on 3D mind diminishes, this naturally arises, filling in the gaps, the voids once occupied by our old ways. It’s always been here, just blocked by our use of free will. It’s best to never get over-confident about anything, including our awakening. Our weaknesses are all tied to what we believe, to what we think we know.

Some Part of Our Being Knows — Wordpress

There’s always more, no matter the great height we seem to attain. There’s no end to this, which makes Now the best anchor spot. Future & past can’t be a guide at this point in our journey. As we release them, our Now experience expands, displaying how past & future are but aspects of NowHere.

All of our gains are based on what we release.

In our letting go we attain greater riches than anything 3D can offer. Mind goes after the world’s riches, but Heart has other plans, other ways. As we let go sufficiently to explore the new terrain, OMG, what a great expansion is on our horizon!

Nothing is what we take it to be, & as we realize that, we grow ever richer, increasingly able to mine Heart’s treasures. This is unlike anything the mind could conjure up, but that’s great, too, since seeing it helps us let the mind go, laying it aside in favor of Heart. Meet you there. 😍



9:41 am, Sunday 2017/12/24, 1st, Mayan day 13 Offering, Water / Muluc




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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