Our New Paintbrushes

9 min readOct 12, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

A strange 2-day break in the journals brings me back to them, now, to look & see what’s within. The inner changing — which is no doubt reflected externally — has been quite intense. It’s funny, how you reach a peak intensity of change, seeing it as beyond all that’s gone before — only to continually have it trumped.

Poor mind just can’t keep up or relate; the territory is too strange & continually changing.

Oh well, it is what it is, & being the divine beings we are, we can always not just cope, but spread our eagle wings & soar. Perceived from the higher dimensions, likely our changing looks more like a snail’s pace, via the mercy of Source built-in to it all. What we can handle & are ready for, that we get — no more. (The “we” that can handle this, however, is not mind-based, so to mind it may seem crushing.)


There is no forcing in Source — no pushing of any kind. Any & all of that is mind at work. We’re quite harsh on ourselves — have you noticed it there, where you are? If not, it is almost surely there, in your history, during that time when mind was fully in charge, at the helm running the show.

Now is a time when we remember to relax — that nothing at all is as mind thought & believed it was.

We have such joyful letting go, releasing all sense of hurry, of pushing, as if that would somehow get us “there,” wherever “there” was, the sooner. It will not, which we now begin to see, through eyes of Heart. It’s as if we are each regents, royalty of Light, in our own way. It is time to Respect & Love the self as we learn to relax, trusting Life itself, to bring to our doorstep, to our plate, all that is best & perfect for each NowHere.

I am going through a strange phase, both of merging with Higher Self — something now available to us all — but also of my work with 12D, once relegated to separate, special journals, now merging here. Perhaps you’ve noted a time or two when I spoke as “we” — that was them.

Oh friends, we are as close to & with our soul families on higher dimensions as we are to ourselves.

They are one in a way no mind can comprehend. There were times in the once-private journal conversations with them when I’d lose track, at the keyboard, of who was speaking — for some moments I wouldn’t know.

That Oneness is accessible to all, just not via any sort of mind activity. It flows in on little cat feet, so gently, so silently into our Now, when in Heart. While it helps to have the gadgets, the electronics off, yet even here this work is done on the computer, so that’s not totally strict. The only thing that would be strict with us would be mind, laying down its laws & rules, seeking to confine & master that which it can’t understand.


Within Heart — ah, would that I could take us all there, even just for a visit. Entry there changes you — you’re never the same, afterwards. It’s a whole other reality, so unlike anything to which we’re accustomed that it quite pulls the rug out from under mind’s feet. Not our feet, of course, for this is as close to our real Nature, our true Inner Being, as we’ve yet been, this time around; so there’s also something totally familiar there.

So often I use the word “strange,” evidence of the paucity of language to paint any picture that satisfies. Best to not describe that in terms which mind believes it understands, for that encourages mind to think it knows something of this, which it just can’t. Not even possible.

Things there are known in other ways of which mind knows nothing.


A poet would likely have more success, or perhaps an artist, at portraying Heart’s turf. It’s other dimensional, as well — not of 3D at all — but then, so are we. There’s that odd comfort, that very deep sense of — not familiarity, but — well, of just knowing in a way that’s deeply comfortable. Not “comforting,” for that would imply the initial presence of discomfort, which is no part of any experience, there.

I take strong comfort in deeply knowing how this is truly always available to one & all, so I rob no one of anything by not being able to suitably convey it with words. When all you’ve known in this life is the maps, a whole world of & based on maps, to set foot on the actual territory is a bit off-putting, at first.

But you relax when you spot the source of that discomfort as mind — not you.

Every discomfort, every objection that may arise on entry into the deep, inner realm, tracks back to mind. At first it’s not clear. At first, we’re still somewhat identified with mind & its views, so we think we’re the one feeling discomfort — but not for long, for if we retain that view, we find ourselves ushered out, plopped back into mind.

It doesn’t take very long, though, for something seen once is easier spotted, going forward. Our stay in Heart lengthens as we become more adept at being the observer of mind. Our long spell, dry of any real comfort, is ending, friends.

Mind as map-land is desolate & barren, compared to what we’re entering, within.

Okay, I give off trying to convey anything of that — it’s useless. Each one must become the inner explorer on their own. I can see a new generation of poets, of artists, though, coming out of this time, helping us transition into the other-ness of That. New scientists, new educators, new everything is on the horizon, for we’re literally moving out of 3D, leaving all old ways behind.


We have far too much baggage to take along, as well. No way will our 3D nonsense, our old belief systems, make it through the eye of the needle of this transition. We’re as rich as Croesus, one & all, but they’re inner riches that come in unfamiliar denominations, altogether — nothing remotely like what mind believes it knows. We’ll hardly make it through with the clothes on our backs into the new Inner Lands, the realms of infinity/eternity that await.

Our friends are with us, however, & as both our inner vision as well as our 3rd eye sight opens gently, we begin, even now, to get glimpses of elements of that. Lose the idea that you’re still in (or that you’re stuck in) 3D — you are not. None of us are, except those who choose it by refusing to let mind’s hold on them go.

Even science begins to open up to the higher dimensional view through such things as the Observer Effect & elements of Quantum Physics & no doubt many more new perspectives on reality. To the extent that the pioneers, there, will release the hold of the old mechanistic belief systems, their perceptions, their experiences will deepen. We all, in every walk of life, every field, have much letting go to do.

No mental baggage will make the grade to come along.

It’s a land, if you will, of total emptiness — what some have called the no-mind. Once you’ve made a visit or two, that begins to make sense — but not mind sense, Heart sense. This is the real territory, not the maps. It’s as different from the land of mind as is a map from the territory it represents — which is HUGE. No amount of licking the lake or the stream on any map will quench our thirst. How different is water from images of that? It’s that different.


12D announced back before the big 12/21/2012 date that the gate had already been closed to new entry of any but the more advanced souls into incarnation, here. Thus, we can look to perhaps the most special “crop” of children earth has ever hosted. These know their way, so let’s do all we can to not impose The Matrix on them. They’re well beyond it.

So are we, dear ones, so are we — we just forgot, which is so ridiculously funny as you begin to see it, to realize more of Who you truly are. We’ve all been higher dimensional, friends — none of us are starting at the 3D bottom to work our way up. That’s pure mind stuff, bunkum, all. It will soon be seen for the utter nonsense, Matrix nonsense, that it is.

These children see it, already, & they’ll help us wake-up & realize it, too.


Who are you? Find your way into Heart & ponder that — feel into it. Be ready for the reincarnational snippets of memory to unfold. Mind is the one so convinced that it knows — we know otherwise, deep within. Such things are unknowable, & what is deeply known, within, is so radically divergent from mind’s sort of knowing as to be off the charts.

It’s unknowable — yet known. That’s Heart.

As we learn to spot mind questions — & ignore them — we’ll go ever deeper into sacred territory so long set aside, ignored. “Where are we headed?” “What’s up ahead?” “How will we navigate this strangeness?” Useless nonsense, not worth our focus at all.

Now & Self, nothing else — just Heart. That’s our bark, our ship, our portal into the unknown known. In effect, we’re expanding out into our being, which we’re discovering is far vaster than could even be imagined, heretofore.

It’s both known & unknown, familiar & hugely unfamiliar, all at the same time. Unlike duality’s two-sided coins, which always carry limits, there are simply no limits, no limits even possible, within. Yet this “no limits” remains unimaginable to mind. Any crazy suppositions or questions it concocts will do nothing but keep us pinned down in 3D as we pursue them. We’re fairly quick to learn to ignore them, on entering within, where they simply make no sense.

Does this seem unaccessible? Only to mind, but you are so very much more, so far beyond mind & body identity — so very far. I’ll be continuing to post earlier 12D conversations, which can take you there, to the extent you can let mind go for the ride that’s available, sans thought.

We’re all from higher dimensions, friends, which ones we’ll each be discovering on our own.


Our soul families are ever so close, always. They never left us, & now that the old Matrix barriers are crumbling under the weight of our inner Light, our old friends are here for each of us, as worthy Guides into remembrance of just Who we are — out of what we just forgot for a time & a season on 3D earth.

Even Gaia is not longer of 3D, having withdrawn into the higher frequencies.

Crystal, refraction, Light, earth — Pixabay

Follow your Heart, dear ones. We are more than able to make this trek, up & out into our broader, our vaster native reality & out of this maze of deceit. Whatever flaw we see in anyone or anything, as we look within for the source of that, we will be shown. We’re all the artists, painting whatever pictures we see with our reality brushes. It’s up to us, whether we continue to paint with the 3D ones, or set them aside for the new, far finer, more exquisite set that awaits within Heart.

Touch down into your infinite, eternal Reality. It’s time to leave both mind & 3D as we move on. We’re finished, here. Do you get the sense of this? All I can say is that it’s available to one & all for a price — the letting go of our current concepts around reality. It will seem a high price, yes — but only to mind — only to that which is on its way out.



11:11 pm, Wednesday 2017/10/11, 1st, Mayan day 4 Eagles / Men




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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