Light-leaning, not Left- or Right-leaning

Our New Leaf

6 min readJan 2, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

The cardinals are as ornaments on the snowy trees, brilliant red against the white. We’re not predicted to get above freezing here in Arkansas until Wednesday, & even then only for 4 or 5 hours. I hope people remember to feed the birds in this cold weather, to bring their outdoor animals in where possible, for of course, the hen house won’t do well indoors. 😉

What a great year to turn over a new leaf!

We’re being set-up to succeed.


Isn’t it strange that MSM isn’t talking about the national state of emergency declared in the President’s EO (Executive Order), yet? It’s such a huge deal. Just goes to show us how MSM management in in the pocket of the Deep State; for a while longer, then they’ll go down with the rest.

So many Americans, with their short attention spans, complain, “Show me the arrests! Prove it!” Poor dears, they don’t seem to realize the careful planning that went into this, the great work behind the scenes. They’re not going to screw that up by jumping the gun, voiding those efforts. This is no small deal that the good guys are carefully implementing, step-by-sensible-step.

Time will tell, so let’s give them a chance.

It may well take several years to get this mopped up, friends. It makes no sense to show your hand, alerting the rats, while they still retain significant power. We’re all so eager to have the scum removed, so it’s understandable that we want it done, yesterday! We’ll be seeing the results, soon. (Our spiritual & prayer support for the White Hats in government is more effective than we know.)

We all wanted to see those named in the Annex to the EO be Clinton, Obama, Sorros, et al., so it was such a surprise to see they’re all internationals. Those YouTubers doing the research have displayed the Clinton connections to most of them, perhaps all, so it’s happening, just in a classy way. Go, President Trump & American Patriots, everywhere, both in government & among the rest of us!


Okay, got that out of my system, lol. My focus for the new year is to see all of the good stuff going down, both within & without. If we want to accelerate the return to sanity & common sense, the clean-up we can all do is the internal stuff, weeding-out the old BS beliefs. How many of us already get it that, since consciousness creates, changing our consciousness for the better helps bring the best results?

This is the dawn of a new time, a new age, if you will, where great masses among humanity will take our rightful power back. This is key, it is critical to what goes down. Unlike Big-Pharma meds that never seem to target the cause, but only moderate the effects, we’re hitting the level of causation when we work on the self.

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

Max Planck

It will likely be a decade or more before a majority realize their power to bring change, which was castrated by the old belief systems. They must go!! No one can do that for anyone else, so our energies are best focused where it counts — within.


This could be the dawning of a new Golden Age when we really get this.

Look at the youngsters, so different, today. These future leaders will deliver a world us oldsters can’t yet imagine. There’s nothing more precious on earth than our children — nothing. As we see to them, to helping them go free of the nonsensical, retarded beliefs we took on, we finally unleash a mighty power, a whole new world, one anyone would love to experience.

Unfortunately, the earlier generations, right up to today’s oldsters, trusted our educational system, turning our children’s education over to them. No more! California’s millennials display our mistake, there. They’ll have a much harder time waking-up than we did, being so thoroughly programmed into the whole divide-and-conquer thing.


The good part of that is that the results are sufficiently clear that we recognize our mistaken trust, our mistakes. You can’t fix what you don’t see, so we can celebrate our awakening to the lurking darkness. The dark side has unleashed the eagle, the lion, the phoenix in so many breasts! They’ll rue the day they got scared & overplayed their hand in a desperate rush to retain their ill-gotten power.

Heart will show us, everywhere we care to look, even into the darkest, messiest events outplaying, the beauty at work. Every coin has two sides, & it’s up to us to start focusing on the bright side of it all. We were tricked into weakness, into a powerless state that was never real, blaming this, that, & the other for it all, but no more!

Taking our power back will take time, as the layers of programming run deep. By directing our focus more inward than outward — by recognizing external happenings as effects, not the cause of anything, we’ll get the job done. As soon as we clear one layer of beliefs, another one surfaces in a seemingly unending parade.

Be stubborn, folks!


Reclaiming our power is HUGE. Shock & awe will be the consistent result for a while, until we weed our Belief Gardens, which takes consistent work. I just want to encourage everyone to believe in yourself, something none of us were taught to do.

Instead, we were trained to respect “authority,” & we know it’s those in authority who are dirty as sin. Makes sense, but only from their perspective. Do you see?

It’s hard to believe in yourself when things appear to be in such a great mess, I know. That’s not the “self” that holds such power, though. We’re moving from the mind into Heart. It’s a whole new “Self” we’ll discover along the way; perhaps the most shocking revelation, transcending the many sick discoveries we had to make, first.


Those loyal to the mind don’t wake-up. Oh, sure, they learn about things, but learning about things won’t get this job done. That requires direct experience, available only via Heart. You could call it a thoughtless awakening, lol, as thought cannot break through the Matrix walls.

Peanuts Wisdom —

Let’s git ‘er done by always reaching for a better-feeling thought, a better feeling. Let’s quit indulging on so much negativity for it poisons us, creating a momentum in a direction Heart doesn’t want to take. When you’re down in the dumps or raging angry, Heart/Higher Self will not join you, there.

It’s on us to pick ourselves up, re-center, within & sooth ourselves.


Only then will our true Power flow into our awareness, into our use. Otherwise, it’s better kept sealed-off from the dark uses into which we might be tempted. Karma is a bit*h. We can literally transcend the karmic realm of duality by sticking with Heart. Karma requires time to play out, but in higher dimensions we see how time as we know it isn’t how things work.

This stuff makes no sense to the mind, which will slow those taking the mental trek, still afraid to leave thought aside. We won’t let that stop or slow us down, going our own stubborn way into Light. Only Heart knows which way to go. That it’s so beautifully accessible is our bit of heaven on earth.

We are not separate from “heaven” while we’re here; only mind is. Let’s learn to see it, or evidence of it, everywhere we look. Perspectives are changing all across the globe. Our stubborn persistence to go our own way will help others awaken. Humanity, everywhere, is waking up. It’s about time!

Let’s be Light-leaning, rather than left- or right-leaning. 😆



8:44 am, Monday 2018/01/01, 1st, Mayan day 8 Earth / Caban




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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