Our Hidden Power Awakens
Mind Won’t Spot It — Will We?
What an interesting time in which to live where the weather, the skies — as well as the people — have gone wonky. When everything seems out of whack, what’s going on?
That depends.
On what does it depend? Ask Heart. The answer I get is that it depends on me, on you, individually. We’re that strong, friends, that our outcomes rest in our hands — more accurately, our minds, our thoughts, our attitudes.
Where to go with that? We have some internal adjusting to do — if we so choose, of course. Our reality is shifting all around us; for some, shifting right out from under them. Yet so very much still rests on our choices, our use of free will.
From what I’ve seen, we understand precious little about free will. Sure, we recognize its existence, even writing some of it into law in our various nations. Not all of that is incorrect, yet most of our understanding barely touches the fringes of this mighty, this powerful gift.
What was somehow obscured & largely erased down through our history was our actual identity. We’ve come to accept ourselves as flawed, fragile, & severely limited; not true! We’ve been fed nonsense, endlessly repeated to make it take root.
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” [Emphasis added]
William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The full Power of Creation still flows in & through us.
We’re so powerful, in fact, that if we believe we are weak, we are. If we believe we’re strong, we are. Let’s remember Einstein’s words: “Matter doesn’t exist.” It’s all frequency, all vibration & seeming matter is just slower-vibrating energy.
We’ve also taken on a major dose of arrogance that’s hugely in our way. Feel sorry for no one, though, for we’re all equally Source-in-form, the Divine walking the earth. There are no hierarchies in the One, for hierarchies are based on the illusion of separation.
One of our biggest milestones is to recognize that we don’t really know anything.
All that your mind knows is relative, is only our current take on the ever-changing scenergy (I’ll leave the interesting ‘typo’ for “scenery”), the relativity of 3D. Yesterday’s scientific constants are today’s variables or today’s jokes as we recognize the earlier flawed understandings & logic out of which they arose.
Another major milestone is to recognize the vast power wielded by our attitudes. Until we do, we’re self-abusive, not seeing how we’re punishing ourselves. Our great internal power has been co-opted & used against us, first by our teachers & elders, then by ourselves.
If we’ll sit awhile with our attitudes, perhaps jotting down the conscious ones, but at least quietly observing them from Heart, we’ll begin to spot the self-harm baked into them.
This is not to blame anyone for anything, for most of humanity has been thus tricked & tamed, brought into line by our hidden controllers. Let’s leave them to the side for we’re not yet ready to see them. Our entire job, now, is to look only into the self, for our every answer abides there.
To think we must immediately look to & deal with the controllers is to give our power away. They cannot control us without our permission!
Read that again, perhaps 2 or 3 times to let it sink in. They can’t control us absent our consent. If & as we’re being controlled — & we are — that means we’re actively giving our consent to it!
Our business, now, is to discover how; both how we’re being controlled AND how we’re giving our consent.
Don’t look to me or to anyone else to lay it all out for you. That’s your job. Looking to others, to externals of any kind for answers is one of the control mechanisms at work. Look within! Source abides there. You are Loved.
As we bring our know-nothing awareness along for the ride, we’re better equipped to see what’s in front of us — what’s been there all along, just unseen due to our preoccupation with & in our mind. Let us continually put the mind in its lesser place. Elevating it led to our downfall (in both vibration & in fact).
Let there be no self-condemnation.
If Joy doesn’t underlie your every step, you’re not in Heart. You are Love & this is the time to fall in Love with yourself & all of Life. Your love affair with self precedes & presages your awakening, laying the necessary groundwork for that. Watch all the ways you’re negative with yourself, the silent negative self-talk.
Again, don’t condemn yourself for what you observe, just watch; just see.
As we engage in this self-observation from Heart, we’re being healed. Things are beginning to self-correct. Observe that, too. Our job is not to lay any blame anywhere — none of that matters in the least. Our job is to simply see, to do so from Heart’s perspective.
We don’t begin to Know the self/Self, yet, but we will. We only think we do, & it’s those thoughts that block our way. As Einstein so famously said:
Einstein didn’t know it all by any means, but he was rebel enough to (re)discover some great angles & ideas. We all have that innate genius, as Source-in-form. It’s just a matter of (re)discovering what Source never forgot.
“What is full must be empty for Truth to shine.”
— John McIntosh — YOU ARE GOD — It’s Time to Shine
We have much ugliness to discover ahead of us, as well. It’s been holding us back, not its presence but our blindness to it. When we stubbornly maintain an attitude that arises from our Source-in-form core, we’ll see the underlying Beauty in ALL we discover.
Just as The Little Soul discovered, Source/God sends us only angels, only blessings; nothing else!
10:42 p.m., Saturday, 2019/05/18 — Mayan day 3 Storm / Cauac