Our Deepest Desire?


8 min readFeb 12, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

This could have been called Our Strongest Desire but it isn’t. Let’s play. If you had to lay out your top 3 desires for this lifetime, for this Now, what would they be? If you’ll take a moment to ponder & jot them down, that will make this more interesting as the journal proceeds.

Some of us have one overriding desire so strong it would be listed as 1, 2, & 3, others could easily list 10 — we’re all delightfully unique. While Joy is the motor of Life, desire is its fuel, a motivating factor with great power to direct our lives — do you see? Not everyone does, as subconscious & unconscious desires direct us while in the Matrix.

When all desire fades away, that’s life fading away. Desire & Joy are closely intertwined on one level, yet, there are many levels so it all depends on where you want to play.

What is this life about for you? We’re not talking mission/purpose, here, just desire. These also intertwine, so let’s sort things out.


Most will now admit that we’ve been Matrixed; that our reality has been hacked, tampered with in such a way as to obfuscate the truth at every turn. It’s hard to know which end is up, what’s true & what’s not when lies & disinformation rule the day — every day. We’re waking up now, coming out from under the oppression, taking many a new look around.

What do we see?

A lot of chaos, with much more yet to come. Those still largely asleep have a hard time with this, many reacting with rage or depression, understandably. Others are making wise use of their frustration, using it as rocket fuel for their awakening, motivation to find a better way, a better life; to go free. It’s a choice.

We’ve been taught/programmed to dream small, to limit our desires in our (false) understanding that it’s hard to succeed, to carve out a happy life. While that worked for the cabal for such a long time, it’s day is now done. We’re busting out of every shell, breaking every chain that held us down.

We’re not willing to go along to get along anymore.


Let’s go deeper, removing our focus from the outer world & its chaos as we go within. While our electronic addictions remain, we’ve broken others. A large number of us no longer own a TV, unheard of in our parents’ time. Many microwave ovens are also gone. Some even hard wire their homes, turning off the damaging WiFi. Smartphones are ubiquitous but are being handled more cautiously, more wisely in many cases.

We’re waking up, beginning to see what was there all along.

We still live largely on the surface of life, ever outward focused, but that’s naturally shifting as we awaken. We begin to see how our old Matrix life is upside-down & backward, misleading in every way. We’re no longer so easily misled, & the cabal is having a hard time with that. 😆 Our sense of values shifts along with our perspectives. This isn’t called the Great Awakening for nothing.

When we identify with the body & the outer world, so do our desires. In our cut-off (from Higher Self) state, that’s where we live, that’s who we are. Major shifts in both desires & expectations occur as we begin to both recognize & identify with the Higher Self.

We once thought we knew ourselves pretty well, but not anymore.

What happens when we identify with Higher Self, beginning to see ourselves as Source-in-form? The whole landscape begins to morph as our old interpretations crumble. We’re unsure of ourselves in that transitional land between outer & inner, where both seem to be real at different times — yet, they clash.


Higher Self — wordpress.com

If you were a ray of Divine Light shining down into your physical form, what would you want? You would see yourself/Self as a co-creator with all of humanity. What would you want to create? What mark would you desire to leave on the world when you’d gone? What would be the relative importance of all of the externals in your life?

Do you feel the inner shift going on?

Nothing remains untouched in our Great Awakening, friends — nothing at all. We land in a Perspective Playground, feeling freer than ever before to look around with new eyes. Relationships shift, some falling away while new ones blossom. We’re finding ourselves, finally, in a far deeper way than before.

We let the past go because we must. It’s part of the ticket price of this journey.


Most are afraid to think of themselves as anything great, fearing their old concept of God would call that blasphemy. Some do go off-track for a while, getting lost in their new version of ego — spiritual ego. We’ve all encountered them, perhaps even been them for a time.

That’s but a failure to sufficiently set the mind aside, to demote it from its position of authority — & it’s temporary. They’ll get over themselves when they’re ready. Meanwhile, they’re better off than before, less fully Matrixed. It’s all good. 😉

This isn’t that.

Instead of becoming Heap Big Kahuna, we let Source be that. Anyone who has sincerely, persistently sought to find the self eventually enters the emptiness that forms the basis of our new reality. We, the nothing, the no-thing, Source, the All. As no mind can grok this, we set the mind aside to go deeply within, to enter Heart & blast off into the great unknown.


So, if you are, in effect, (an aspect of) Source walking the earth, what are your new desires — if you have any? For a time it’s quite possible that you won’t, so don’t be surprised to come up empty. How we see & define the self/Self is pivotal, the biggest perspective shift in our trek into the infinite-eternal whatever-it-is.

Humanity has had our spiritual wings clipped for many generations, not only in this lifetime. It’s just how things were, but it’s shortly to become old history as we lift-off into awakening. We’re not ascending off of the planet, but anchoring That right here, in our physical presence.

As we marry the physical to the divine, the spiritual, we’re a bird of another feather, & we don’t yet know this Self well.


Now, it’s all about listening, about being silent, not just verbally, but in our whole being. There’s an air of active attention. It’s not so much a waiting for anything since we’re entering the perpetual Now, not the now of the clock. Now, when the cat jumps into your lap while you’re busy, you don’t shove her away, but pause to enjoy the momentary break.

You’re more Present, less distracted, less focused on the externals.

Some will say, “But the cat is an external, isn’t she?” Yes, & no. Like you, she has a physical body, but you’re focused differently, now, so you make a deeper connection — with her, with every living being. You’re living from a different place, another space than you once occupied. Our experience of time is different, as are all of our relations to the physical realm.

It’s cozy in Heart, I can tell you — often quite warm & fuzzy, but not always. Though we may seem more silent & still to onlookers, we’re much more alive, more vital, as we expand into our new world. We look through new eyes, moving closer to seeing through the eyes of Source.

That’s why nothing looks the same, nor will it ever in this major shift we’re making.


From this new space, what are your new desires? Without looking at those you jotted down earlier, write down what comes up, Now. Keep the mind out of it to let your Heart speak, to let it share with you your deeper desires — those of you as Higher Self.

Desires are important, driving our lives, so this is not just an exercise, but something vital. Thus far on my trek I only have one major desire: to reconnect more fully with Who I really am, to live from That while walking the earth, leaving everything else in the capable hands of Source.

We’ll be in the right place at the right time, say the right things to the right people, take whatever action Heart inspires, so all is well.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/12/26

“Take your Inner Being everywhere you go. If you take your Inner Being to the party, it’s going to be a good party! If you take your Inner Being, the food that you eat will be received perfectly by the cells of your body. Every word that comes out of your mouth will be beneficial to everyone who hears them with their ears — or with their vibration.

“Don’t go anywhere without your Inner Being. That’s what “Allowing” is. Always having your Inner Being present. And then, anything else that happens is always orchestrated perfectly by Law of Attraction.”

Excerpted from El Paso, TX on 2/17/01

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)


Heart actually teaches us as it shares its Wisdom. We learn the importance of enjoying ourselves, something the mind might consider lazy or selfish. All of our lives we’ve had a sense of Who we are, a sense of values, of integrity, but our connection was spotty, often shoved aside in favor of “getting things done.” Now, it’s more steady, becoming a regular part of our life, of our awareness.

So those two form my entire list right now, union with & as Who I am, along with an awareness of enjoyment. Did you know that enjoyment is always present, we just have to be aware of it? Even when the body is ill or something doesn’t seem to be going our way, enjoyment is there if we but reach for it.

Nothing in the external world can trump Who we are, can even affect us — unless we let it. We’re more in charge than we realize, & discovering that is a constant amazement. 😲

Finally, take your two lists & set them side by side for a look. You’ll of course see the difference, but more importantly, can you feel it, can you sense it? They are lists coming from two different vibrations, saying much to you about You. Heart will interpret it for you if you let it, from the inner, empty silence.

Have fun with your life, folks! It’s available but it’s ever a choice. We’re far more powerful than we know, but it’s not an external power — yet. That, too, is coming, but we’ve now entered the realm of Divine Timing where the outer self is no longer in charge, so hugely different than anything we’ve ever known. We learn to let go & go with the flow.

What a great way to spend the rest of your life.



9:45 am, Monday 2018/02/12, 1st, Mayan day 11 Storm / Cauac




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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