Our 3D Behicle
The Way Out is Through
This one feels very deep — let’s see what arises.
Self-acceptance — not something most of us practice to any significant degree. We haven’t been taught self-respect, much less acceptance — thus we don’t accept either the self or others. How could we? We don’t have it to give if we’re not applying it, within.
Lately, I’ve been going back over some of the older journals — from 2012. What I find is some of the best counsel, the best guidance for which one could hope. So why this heavy feeling, this weight? That part is easy — I didn’t fully apply what I received — didn’t take Higher Self’s advice on some key points.
So what I find, when I look within, is a deep disappointment — in self. It’s a bitter cup to drink, so our tendency is to turn away, to get involved in other things — rather than just be with the self, with the feelings as they arise. Though it’s what we all do, I no longer go with the crowd — on much of anything. So I sit with it — just allowing it to be what it is, not in a rush to move on.
We want to be good listeners, good partners to our mate, receptive to those close to us. How about we start that, within? How long since we were quiet & still, just listening to self/Self? Quite a while, if ever, for most. It’s one of those choices we tend to not make.
We see that reflected back to us in our life. We just want to hear the good stuff, the welcome news. Okay — show me a one-sided coin. Doesn’t exist, right? Because it can’t. It’s ridiculous — but you couldn’t tell that by our crazy behavior, ever reaching for the positive, avoiding the negative. We’ll never find Balance, that way.
Nor am I saying to be a sponge, soaking up all the bad news, all of the griping & dissatisfaction of others. Just stick with the self. As we learn to truly Love who we are — who we really are — we’ll be willing to lend the self/Self an ear, no matter the message it brings.
These journals are neither written from mind nor written to anyone’s mind, so be sure to find your center, else there’s a danger of misinterpretation. While we’ve got a 3D behicle (will leave that ‘typo’ in), it’s not at all Who we are. We’re multidimensional — all of us — fully existing, right now, on so many other dimensions.
What we call Higher Self could be made-up of our higher-dimensional selves — though don’t quote me, there, as IDK. What I do know is that our 3D presence is but the tip of our little toe, next to Who we actually are. It’s time & past time to cease identifying with the body, the mind — our “behicle,” here 😉
It helps us put in an appearance, that’s all. It is NOT Who we are.
No mind will ever discover this. As we find our way ever deeper into Heart, we meet up with the Self. Feels really good, too — just not always; not during some of those times when we’re dealing with the 3D self — with its pain. In this case, that pain is this disappointment.
The wisdom in those old words is so clear to me, now — more than it was, back then. It’s frankly shocking that I didn’t bother to go back & re-read them. Things that come through on Heart flow come from a much deeper space — not something to which our 3D human self has access. Thus, it forgets.
Mind is unkind.
In this case, it took them lightly, not honoring their Source — going blithely on its 3D way. Darn! This is where a good dose of self-acceptance is required — to just allow what is to be what it is. Running from such things shows a lack of real self-respect — yes, & Self-Respect. Our actions have caused a wounding which merits gentle tending & care.
By it’s very nature, 3D mind is a jerk. It can’t help itself, either, so this is not to slam mind. It does it’s best. What so many don’t yet realize is that we’re the ones who put mind in the driver’s seat — & of course, we’re the ones who must take it out.
We’ve got a much greater Being on-board with/as us, here — one not seen or experienced until we go within, finding Heart.
As long as we’re identified with mind, or body-mind, we’re acting the jerk much of the time. We’ve got deep, inner wounding, crying out to be heard — & all we do is say, “Shush! Go away. I don’t want to listen.” We wound the self. All the while, our Inner Being is calling out to us in so many ways — with the feather-light touch — but mind doesn’t hear.
What are the issues from which we’re running away, friends? We all have them, I don’t care who you are. Nor are we able to even hear them clearly until we set the stage for listening. For me, it takes laying the body down, be it in the hammock, on the bed, or perhaps a blanket on the ground — just so it can completely relax.
Next, it takes turning off the gadgets, the electronics. No social media, no phone calls — nothing. Silence is required, or we’re not really listening, are we? We lovingly set the stage.
The last requirement? Self-acceptance — being willing to hear whatever arises with openness, caring, & respect. Our inner being has a right to be heard, so we grant it that. We’re willing the drink the cup to its dregs, as we let it all out — self to Self, Self to self. We simply allow the interchange to occur.
Nor do we let mind take the lead in any of this. It’s first desire will be to run from it — to distract us. No thanks — not now. It may also practice self-sabotage, dumping more on us that we can handle; anything to wriggle out. Instead, we keep it simple — by letting Heart take the lead.
Heart isn’t a jerk 💗
There are no fancy solutions offered, here — just a helpful method to begin an inner dialog that may have been put-off, placed on the back burner for most of your life. With the innate Respect of our Inner or Higher Self, we are gentle — never harsh. Not one iota of self-condemnation enters in. That’s not helpful, anyway, so if it arises, just move back into Heart, where it cannot enter.
We all seek Love, usually in the person of another human. All that we’re able to manifest in that way is the mirror of how we Love the self/Self.
When we haven’t got it to give, it’s not there to receive, either.
We self-limit by not Loving, respecting the self/Self. If you really want Love, then go within — practice it, experience it there. As a multidimensional Being, you’ve got what it takes. No more self-limiting.
The trick, perhaps, is that certain steps cannot be skipped, be avoided. That’s just how it is, & until we reckon with that, we’ll continue to fail in our search. We’ll find the fleeting happiness that never seems to last. The fault is not in our friend, our child, our mate — it’s in the self — how we’re treating ourself.
As we engage within Heart, being able to acknowledge our current pain, whatever its source, we’ll find Self more than able to walk us through that. It’s well to be aware that our mind will ever try to short-circuit such activities. It’s made mightily uncomfortable in facing itself. It will do almost anything to run away from such meetings.
The joy & the beauty, there is that we can easily recognize this as mind at work — & go deeper, within. In Heart is another realm, entirely, where mind cannot go, cannot play any of its pranks. As long as we retain any trust in mind, whatsoever, watch out. It will misbehave. The whole self-condemnation thing is mind at work — strictly mind, having been given more power than it merits.
The way to resolve things on the world stage is by first resolving them within, folks. Then it just naturally follows that the outer world will mirror that. Just how it works. We can’t shortchange the self, then expect the world not to shortchange us. That’s utter nonsense, just not realized by those still living in/as mind.
“And so it is that we wish to remind you that your body is a microcosm of the macro and that what you see around you can be fully tended to from within your own hologram.
“To alter the circumstances of your environment, simply look within to shift your perspective and intention and you will notice rapid developments in the world around you now.”
5D Report on TWYH.com — Planetary Graduation, Human to Divine Law, 9/29/2017
We are the answer(s) we seek, we are the rescuer(s) we seek — we are the answer to every seeming problem there is. Yet, not until we find our way more deeply within will any of us discover any of that. We don’t realize how we set ourselves up to fail by shortchaing the self/Self. (I’ll leave that ‘typo’ in, as well — has the flavor of short-chaining the self — which is what we do.)
How many of us have a dog, outside, perhaps chained-up? Do we not realize that a dog lives for affection, for caring, for attention? In doing that, we’re being reflected back to the self. The ways we’ll begin to see this inner-self reflecting back, speaking back to us in the external world are frankly endless. We’re being shown in everything, everywhere we look — what we’ve got going on, within.
These are those feathers of which I often speak — the gentle heads-up ever given by Source.
Let’s make a real choice, almost a vow to the self to begin to give it all the Love, the acceptance, the deep Respect it so clearly deserves. As Source-in-form, this is natural to us.
Again, we just forgot — yet, once it’s seen, we can remedy that. Mind doesn’t deserve to even drive the car, friends. Let’s put Heart back into the driver’s seat, & see what a great ride (experience) results!
Remember, you deserve it. This is your due. No one can do this for you, but you — as Source-in-a-body, walking this beloved earth. We CAN change the world, folks — we were just going about it ass-backwards, so this calls for a good bit of humor, as well.
From Heart, these things will be seen as funny, one day — once we’ve sufficiently set mind aside. So funny, really, to discover that all the running away is for naught. Truly, the way out is through. ☼
4:00 pm, Friday 2017/09/29, 1st — Mayan day 5 Night / Akbal