Spiritual Awakening
Open the Eyes of my Heart
We Live where we Look
Can we break our addiction to living from the mind, the mental aspect of our Greater Being? Surely, we can, so I guess the question is WILL WE? The “road” into awakening isn’t anything like the mind thinks it is — not by a long shot. It rests on when each one will choose to turn their back on what hasn’t been working, not for thousands of years.
The scary part? That would be when we discover that we don’t really exist, at least not in the way we thought & believed we exist. We created a myth & a mythical character we called “I.” Pretty scary, huh?
When we go within in search of this self we are so very certain is there, we come up empty. There is no real self to be found. Thus, we find Descartes saying, “I think, therefore I am,” & people believing him, unable as yet to spot his total identification with thought, with the limits of his mind.
IF we actually were this mythical character in which we believe, this self, then its worries & fears would be legitimate. However, once we discover the vacancy within where self is supposed to be, we’re lost. There’s no legitimate way out as long as we cling to the self-myth.
The self in which we believe is a lie.
Yes, there is thought, but that doesn’t mean we are thinking. We’ve been lied to for so long on basically everything that matters, such that we’ve created the current chaos on the world scene. Why, & how? Because consciousness, itself, is the creative force. Because we are Source-in-form, telepathic, one & all.
We, the Family of Humanity, are actually in charge of what’s happening. When we’re all telepathic BUT WE DON’T KNOW THAT, we take the thoughts of others to be our own. We misjudge what’s happening & everything that follows, all based on our programmed set of beliefs.
Beliefs are critically important AND unnecessary. Only those in Heart can interpret this; it makes no sense to any mind. Heart has no need of beliefs. Heart exists in the midst of what is, knowing it just is what it is. Via our beliefs, we can create a temporary detour into a temporary experience, & stay there as long as we like, thanks to free will.
Most are born & die in the Matrix without ever recognizing it. Well, that was true of prior generations, but there’s a massive awakening now ongoing, so it’s no longer true — not for us. The key is free will, is what choices we make, who & what we choose to believe.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2018/07/26
“It is as easy to create a castle as a button. It’s just a matter of whether you’re focused on a castle or a button.”
Excerpted from Boca Raton, FL on 1/12/97
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
There is no smallest particle, & you’d think CERN would know that by now. Nor is there a largest particle. “Smallest” & “largest” are limits, of which there are none in our realm of infinity/eternity — no limits of any kind. A mind has limits, the flesh has limits, but they’re fleeting temporary things.
The exit door is ever available to us all. We just have to find it, then choose to exit.
There’s a scary part, of course, or more would have already found their way out. It’s more than just scary to find you don’t exist as who you take yourself to be. On going within, seeking that out, what we discover is a haunting, deLightFull emptiness.
The mirror provides a reversed image. We look into this internal mirror & realize the chimera of our identity, the total unreality of that. It’s scary as s*it, I kid you not — yet do note — the only frightened aspect of our Being is the mind. Those brave enough to dive deeper into the internal void rather quickly discover that both the body & the mind are minor aspects of Who we actually are.
It takes going into the nothingness of the 3D self to discover this. Cowards need not apply. You may likely lose your steadiness for a time. Just let it go. It was a phony steadiness, anyway; one whose unreality couldn’t be seen until viewed from the void.
A change of perspective is everything, offers everything. We have an internal Heart guidance system far superior to that of even the genius mind. Our mind is eventually seen more as a calculator or slide rule — a tool we put to use at appropriate times; a tool that remains in our hip pocket, turned off, otherwise.
So, who is ready to surrender, to give up their addiction to their mind?
Who is finally ready to see the much MORE that no mind can perceive? Haven’t you noticed, with me, that the mind can only ever know ABOUT things? It cannot know or be the things in themselves. We can only imagine what someone else feels or thinks, never knowing it precisely. We just give it an educated guess.
Heart is entirely other. Heart IS those very things. Heart contains or opens into the All That Is, including both all of Cosmos, of “creation,” as well as the void & all that is not.
Our senses lie to those of us who base anything on beliefs. Since consciousness is that which creates, our senses do their best to show us what we’re creating. Yet, from Heart it’s easily seen that Life is only mirroring us back to ourself. We are, indeed, everything that is as well as everything that isn’t, the two-sided coin.
These eyes through which I hoped to see God/Source are the eyes through which God/Source sees me.
Awakening takes setting mind to the side, demoting its importance in our life. Only the brave need apply — or the desperate — or the inspired… We ALL have just what it takes, so it always gets down to our choices, our use of free will. What are you consenting to that you don’t really appreciate? What would your life be like if you withdrew that consent?
The most important thing to remember may well be this: consciousness creates.
10:24 am, Wednesday, 2018/07/25 — Mayan day 5 Wind / Ik