Oneness & Emptiness

Direct Experience

6 min readDec 26, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

Consciousness creates. That’s huge. Consciousness creates the original DNA that eventually forms the body for our role in the big drama that is earth life. Yes, later on in the drama we pick the genetic line into which we incarnate, but we help create & alter that, too.


What blocks our deeper inner/understanding of this, our ability to take control, is the crazy belief systems we take on. We have all these mechanistic ideas about how things work, not realizing that those ideas also create. So we prolong the long dark night prior to awakening.

Most of us access multiple dimensions without being aware of it.

Again, the beliefs block or structure our awareness. We’ve got to take responsibility for them & realize they were all got second hand. We didn’t originate our beliefs, they are other people’s ideas, programmed into us. That does not leave us powerless to take the reins in our life, to bring change.

As we turn inward to grapple with all of this, we’re already half free. Seeing something gives us power over it. The unaware ones don’t know what they don’t know, & what they do know is squarely blocking their expansion. It was designed like that after the dark ones took hold, here, so long ago.


Visual Reality Training — Wikimedia

They’ve got us living in a false reality of our own creation. They’re pretty darn slick to accomplish that, but their time is now done, over, kaput. The awakening ones are breaking out of their Matrix, everywhere. That would be you, else you’d have no interest in such writings as these & similar ones.

Conceptually, we have to begin looking at the whole drama with different eyes, different senses — those of our Inner Being. They’ve always been with us, hidden by the belief-system programming we’re throwing off.

So how do we view what’s going on, who we are, & what’s available to us?


Drop down into Heart for starters. Demote your mind in importance. Recognize that you have other ways of knowing, vaster, by far. Next, make friends with the NowHere moment — only that. Recognize that any focus on past or future is mind at work. Find that central spot, gravitating to the Now.

These two inner actions are mandatory, since they form both the door & the key that unlocks it, opening the greater fullness of our being. Those who don’t “get” this stuff are stuck in their mind, trying to decode it, there. Doesn’t work. Never will. It requires the releasing of so much, of all that underpins our old reality, so it frightens the heck out of mind. Oh, well. So what? 😉


You’ll notice both time & space begin to drop away, to simply fade out. You’re going beyond. Most of us have at least played around with this, generally not knowing how we got there or what kicks us out. That’s changing, now. We have much to celebrate. We’ll look back on these times in “future” centuries & be amazed at how pregnant it was, birthing our awakening.

For now, though, we walk in the dark.

Even so, we have nothing to fear. It’s also a time to be weeding our inner garden of every fear, every anxiety & worry, for these hinder our steps, misdirecting us into manifestations we don’t want to create. We’re hot on the trail of the emptiness, now.


The first evidence we find that this emptiness is real is that we can’t produce an “I,” can’t display or prove who we are. Realizing that we’re not the body, not the mind is critical, here. We must go beyond the external realm to find self as consciousness, using the body-mind to play a role, here.

This, too, is necessary to our further explorations, to finding our way into the deeper reality that’s remained hidden for so very long. We are consciousness, outposts of Creator, taking form, here. It’s a Heart trek, for sure, nothing a mind can ever discover.

So our first contact with the emptiness is the emptiness of mind & form.

We pre-exist each incarnation, after which who we are moves on. We are not born & we don’t die. Bodies do that, sure, but we’re finally moving beyond them, beyond identifying with them. It’s about time! You’re not human! You’re spirit, you’re consciousness.


For many, our next big experience is usually the Oneness, container of all, both us & all of Creation. We’re going deeper into the emptiness, here, discovering that yes, we have a unique awareness, a being of sorts, but that it’s not separate from anything else.

This shocks the mind, at first, making no sense. We’re as much the other as we are the self, the non-existent self. Later on, we’ll recognize that the only aspect of our being that can be confused or frightened is our mind. Once we separate out enough from the body/mind, new perspectives arise.

Most spend a good deal of time integrating their adventures into Oneness, which is natural. There’s never a rush, no destination to seek. We’re the beginning & end of it all, our journey always encapsulated in the eternal Now. This new level of emptiness takes us by the hand, introducing us to so many delightful mysteries. It’s a wonderful time, IF we choose to see it like that.


All along the way our beliefs are dropping like flies, further opening our way, ahead. We’re a bit used to that, now, alert for them to show themselves so we can ditch them & go ever deeper, within. We’re getting comfortable in the amazing emptiness, as we celebrate the joyous Oneness of it all. No self, no separate anything — just what is, nothing more, & that’s fine with us.

The depths of the emptiness still await us.

This is nothing of 3D. We’re accessing other dimensions on our trek, higher ones. We don’t know it, now, but our Greater Self does. As we gain greater access to that one, we partake of its infinite Knowings, bit by bit, continually adapting to what we uncover.


There are no words capable of transmitting our discoveries in the deeper emptiness that is so very full. It’s also one, inseparable, indivisible, & we’re more cozy with that sort of thing, now. To enter there we must leave all else aside & behind. This is an eye-of-the-needle experience, stripping us of simply everything in order to partake of its sacred “space.”

It’s both empty & one at the same time, which makes no sense to the mind.

We won’t make it into this space by clinging to our mind & its interpretations of anything. Mind wants to objectify things, but this is as subjective as it gets. It will be a long while before science finds its way into examining any of this, so don’t ask for proof. Your experience transcends mechanistic, linear proofs.

We’re using the linear format of words to shine a light on these things, but it will take us beyond, where words cannot go, if we but allow it. Nor will we miss words, for other ways of communication take over. We have inner senses coming online, ones native to these sacred spaces.

Quantum Reality — In5d

Don’t forget, friends — you’re living all of your lifetimes right Now — on earth & other galaxies, universes, & dimensions, & in other forms. Nothing is what we’ve been taught it is, so hold it all with the gentlest grasp. Releasing is what lets us soar, free as a bird into these realms.

Let’s commit to wake-up to the “self” as Source-in-form.

It doesn’t happen overnight, but that’s perfect, since Now is all that matters, anyway. Time becomes almost irrelevant, early on — as does space. These are created realms into which we enter, as consciousness, for a joyous experience.

All we need do, beyond what’s offered here, to to recall what we, as Source-in-form, already know.

Bon voyage!



11:45 am, Tuesday 2017/12/26, 1st, Mayan day 2 Monkey / Chuen




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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