One microsecond on "the other side," out of the 3D body whether via NDE, OBE or whatever, would blow this paper out of the water. It's foundation arises from a strong reliance on the 3D mind, which many see more as a calculator in the hand of Who we really are (as spirit/soul/awareness) - nothing greater.
It's all a matter of perspective, yes? Are we the body-mind, or are we Source-in-form? LOL, or are we both? (Duality doesn't hold up very well in higher consciousness/dimensions.)
When we take the perspective of the ego-mind, we go to places like this. That's not to invalidate it, just to view it from another perspective.
"We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are."
— Hilchot Talmud Torah, Ch. 10
That doesn't limit us, as who & what we are, what we take ourselves to be, is endlessly changeable.
From within the "emptiness," for lack of a better word, we see the sense of Lao Tzu, here:
“To know that you do not know is the best.
To think you know when you do not is a disease.
Recognizing this disease as a disease is to be free of it.”
There are those - & they are many - who traverse time as easily as we traverse space. On the "other side" we see both for the illusions - the useful, temporary illusions - they actually are. From there, all that exists is the NowHere, the eternally-one juncture of time/space.
That may not help us out very much, here in 3D, but it at least lends a useful bit of humility - & the ability to laugh, mostly at the self. Life is far greater, far grander than the 3D ego-mind can begin to perceive.
To the ego-mind, the NowHere = nowhere. We all have one, this ego, but life is better when we don't choose to completely identify with it, when we don't accept its limitations.