One key thing about thoughts is that they are not always our own. Humanity, across the board, is telepathic. Not many of us realize it, but more are waking up to it every day. Once you do, OMG, what a shock! We’ll never look at a thought the same. We’re all one, far more connected than we realize.
Your article is great, filled with wonderful suggestions. Once these things are mastered or we at least find comfort with them, there’s another easy trick that’s a good habit to adopt: ignoring our thoughts. Thoughts are merely about life, not the direct experience of it. They’re all relative.
When living more from Heart that from the mind, life makes a big shift. Being settled into the NowHere moment is critical to all of this, for that’s where Life is actually happening. Our minds are forever dancing around in past & future, seldom content to just Be. Mind is the place we go to analyze & evaluate, but Heart has/is the direct experience mind can only think about.
Thought abides in the realm of duality, the either/or. As consciousness rises we find our way into Heart, where we connect with the triality of the both/and. It has no trouble with conflicting ideas.
It’s like the whole night-and-day, thing; who would want the sun to never set, for there to be “only light?” We want both, the balance of light & dark. Since we contain both, inescapably, we may as well accept that & move on.