On Wings of Eagles — Do vs Be
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/04/09
“One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not. And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream brings about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe.” [Emphasis added]
Excerpted from Los Angeles, CA on 7/26/97
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
Another (benevolent) race who looked in on us, here on earth, might seriously wonder why we’re sand-bagging our power, allowing ourselves to be farmed by the pathetic cabal. Perhaps it’s rare to find a race of such magnificent beings in our confused & cut-off condition, aware of neither our true potential nor how to access it.
It seems strange to me, anyway, & I suspect to us all at some point on the awakening journey. We took everything at face value, growing-up. What else were we to do? Absent mentors from a more Self-aware race, how could we know our true history, our true capacity as Spirit taking on a physical form?
Most believe they are the form, that they’ll die one day, since that’s what forms do, right? 💀
Many point fingers of blame for the current chaos at others, those currently running the show. As awakening keeps shifting our perspective, as we step back for the broader view, we soon realize there’s no way the current Matrix overlay on society is recent. It’s entirely too comprehensive, having corrupted almost every aspect of our lives.
It becomes clear that centuries, perhaps even millennia were required to craft such a thorough lock-down of a truly powerful race, one I call the Family of Humanity. I suspect we’ve never seen those truly running the cabal show, here; that any known names are those of their minions. We might be surprised to one day discover that the real behind-the-scenes controllers are not of our race. 👽
That being the case, so what? Hey, if we’re so powerful, at least in potential, we could just step up to the plate, rise into our Source-in-form aspect, & deal with it from there, right?
Well, why not? The only one able to stop us is the self.
If humanity knew that one precious thing, OMG, there’d be a consciousness revolution! It’s that big a deal, turning everything on its head.
We were not taught that consciousness creates. Instead, we were guided to identify with the physical form & the mind, believing them to be our only creative avenues. IQ is highly regarded, as is physical health & strength; but is that the full extent of us?
The awakening ones are moving on, beyond all cabal-set limitations. We discover their falsity, their unreality midst empowered use of Free Will.
Because consciousness creates, what we believe has awesome significance.
We’re, in effect, setting our own boundaries by adopting whatever beliefs. What kind of boundaries do we want? Or do we even want boundaries? If our realm is both infinite & eternal, are not all boundaries inevitably false? Perhaps they’re all just temporary, mere acts in the overall drama. Who knows?
The first belief-trap limit we set is accepting the body-mind as who we are. To identify with that is to take on its limitations, right? What would change if we broke those bonds & identified with Spirit, instead? What limitations does Spirit, the Self as Source-in-form, have? Are there any?
Don’t look for answers here or anywhere outside of your own Inner Being. Life, itself, will speak, answering our deeper questions, just not in the ways we expect.
Thought & speech have almost nothing to do with this other “speaking.”
It occurs at greater depth, in another realm of which most remain unaware. We access it via aspects of ourselves about which we were not taught, so it’s pretty bizarre, at first. We don’t want to admit that we weren’t actually educated, we were programmed; a hard pill to swallow. Some never do.
What others do or don’t do has precious little to do with you. If you’re unsure, reread the opening quote. We don’t step into realizing our Greater Being all at once, but rather by the incremental steps ever flowing through our NowHere-ness. As we step-up to identify with Spirit, the pricelessness of our Now moment shines. ☀️
Now, it becomes easier to spot the mind at work, forever exploring anything but Now, preferring past or future where it seeks out the “great” happenings & discoveries. So it believes. The goal, the point of it all is always somewhere up ahead, right?
Thus, are we misled, kept from the most precious, empowering time there is or will ever be — Now. [1]
Source/Spirit speaks to us at all times, i.e., Now. There’s never a time when we’re cut-off from Source’s communion, from our Higher Self, or from one another. We’ve been well trained to stick with our mental perceptions, which keep us blithely unaware of the infinity-eternity of our deeper reality.
Beyond a certain point in awakening, we never again believe in coincidence or chance, seeing right through the nonsense of these concepts. To call anything “coincidence” is to make it irrelevant, unimportant. Everything delivered up on the sacred platter of Now is worthy of deeper awareness.
It all tends more toward the sacred than the unimportant, though it’s often both — the both/and perception that ever hinges on perspective.
These supposed coincidences are the veritable voice of Source, part of the ongoing conversation between our outer self & Inner Self, between us & Source. These are just words, so don’t take them literally. At some point, we realize the mind takes us only so far, that it must be disregarded/transcended to awaken.
Everyone won’t be joining us, taking the deeper dive; good to know. Some hold themselves back, determined to await their dear one’s awakening, wanting the joint journey. It’s yet another way we shackle the Self, retaining old belief-based limitations & attachments.
Nor is there any rush, any need to push the self, as many do on their chosen road to success; ever busy, always something else yet to be done. That’s more of the mind’s methodology. Now holds the peace, the precious inner contentment we seek.
“Later,” is but a time-space myth, 😲 outgrown as we realize how consciousness creates. 😶
Let us fearlessly be the phoenix, rising from the ashes of our old “reality” into the Light of What Is: Self as Source-in-form.
I’m not suggesting this is an either/or choice — the wealthy, “successful” route or the awakened one. Those awakening into Heart step from either-or-land into the otherness of the both-and, & they’re never the same, again; the Phoenix rising. Almost none of the mind’s contents retain value beyond a certain point, unique to each one.
We find ourselves able to see through what we once took as “reality.” Our old beliefs don’t age well on this trek — which is great. We discover, early on, that everything actually is fine, once internally released. Letting go of old perspectives is the name of the game.
These major perspective shifts alter our perceptions. Though the mind at first objects — vociferously — it eventually loses that arrogance, going more silent, less intrusive; less fearful. 😨
All of this is in our hands; free will reigns. While it would be awesome to have advanced spiritual mentors, helping us to see through all of this Matrix nonsense, we don’t require that. As Source-in-form, we have (or have access to) all we require. We come to realize that WE are the answers we seek.
It’s all very strange. 💫
Things always come down to that choice between “doing” & “being.” If Abraham-Hicks says we are potentially more powerful than a million folks, our first response is, “How?! What do I need to do?” right? That’s a sign we’re in mental mode.
The more we settle down into Heart, the less we think about “doing.” When in a state of Being, that holds our focus. “Doing,” begins to appear manipulative, even arrogant. We realize that Source has everything covered; always has; we just didn’t see this, before.
Every little thing in our Now can be seen as the “doings” of Source, from this perspective. That ongoing communion was always there, just not enjoined. It remains rather one-sided before awakening helps us spot it, then join in conscious(ness) conversation.
We don’t often share this sort of thing with others, lest they point us toward the looney bin, perhaps offering to drive us there, lol. 🚓 😆
We may have believed that to awaken was to join in the union, the ultimate Oneness connection. It doesn’t look much like that along the way; more like a separating-out. All separation is but a surface appearance, arising as the mind’s (either/or) perspective on its slide into nonimportance.
Yes, clearly you find yourself separating out from those not sharing your trek, but consider: are they part of the weights, the sandbags holding you down from your rise in consciousness, in frequency & vibration, i.e., into awakening? (Do you see any underlying fear? 😨)
At a certain point, you begin seeing EVERYTHING differently. Nor can you account for this nor explain it to anyone; including yourself. 😶 You find yourself laughing a lot; mostly at yourself, but also at society & the way people bind & limit themselves. It’s all quite shocking … until it becomes somehow normal; your new norm, anyway.
We are as powerful as we choose to be.
What does that mean? Nothing that the mind thinks it means. We learn to let Heart guide us, unpacking the nuances of meaning unavailable to any mind. Unless we’re Heart-centered, our first response to anything is limiting — business as usual in the Matrix.
We’re no longer in a hurry, choosing more often to figuratively sit back & watch, to inwardly sense. (This is not thought.) We make the moves as guided by Heart, throughout, aware that our creating goes on, internally — in consciousness.
Humility arises on the wings of our Now moment, again & again. It’s our arrogance, our belief that our way is the right way, that blinds us to the depths of our very own Being. This “power” of which Abraham-Hicks speaks isn’t the power of the body-mind, not by a long shot.
It’s the Power of Source flowing through us (when we align with it).
Nothing is what it seems to be, for that’s a mental seeming generated by our beliefs. We’re having great fun, though, watching old beliefs fall away, no longer clinging to them. Because we once allowed our beliefs to craft our sense of reality, we felt we needed them. They were so important, so correct, lol. 😆 No more. 💩🚽 We let go.
We’re cutting ourselves free, dear friends, so let’s make the best of it every step of the way; yes, even through the painful stuff. The contrast between how we once saw things & what we can now see is HUGE. 💥 🌈
Let’s let it be whatever it is as we just watch, allowing our ongoing communion with & as Source to flow on the wings of our Now.
Monday 2018/04/09, 1st - Mayan day 2 Eagles / Men— Best day to see with the perspective of an eagle (phoenix?) through all duality (the 2)
[1] Even the anagrams of “now” are empowering: won, own, & WNO (Welsh National Opera or Washington National Opera). Let’s transcend & thus defeat the nasty one — NWO. 😆