Oh Amy — not quite flowing with you on this one. Hope you will be open to receive a different perspective, in so many ways, shared here just for the sake of sharing ☼
Humans — our persona, our outer self, if you will — have a tendency to worship, to look to externals for their ideals, manifested in the flesh, so to speak. Not saying this is wrong — nothing is — just pointing it out.
Yes, I realize that, in bowing before Mooji (or any perceived Master), the divine intent there is to bow before Source — but what if Source doesn’t require this? Where does that leave us? Perhaps in duality?
What use has Source for anyone/anything bowing before That? Do we not see that this reinforces duality — the two — when That is but One? Would Source bow before ItSelf? That presents a Heart “dissonance” for me — just doesn’t resonate.
Now I will tread on perhaps even touchier territory — ACIM, the channeled work. Let us also realize that all the world’s scriptures, Bible included, are channeled. Source did not come down into 3D, take up pen, & write any of it. And all of it can be greatly useful to the awakening one, who resonates with different scriptures — including ACIM — at different points, different stages of the journey Home.
The barometer for all of this must be Truth — strictly that. As all else fails the test of time, falls away, Truth ever remains — so all is ever well. We go where Heart leads, staying flexible, ever ready to shift. The true Master more fully resonates with Truth, that’s all. They find it, internally — as Source-in-form.
Of course, we are all That, Source-in-form — yet few there are who fully own this, most still intent on the externals, looking for Its reflection “out there,” somewhere. Thus, we follow Masters & Gurus for a time, many of us. I once followed Mooji, too — but no more. Have moved on.
The one deeply resonant with Truth will come ever closer to truth/Truth. The Jesus story, though not a myth, is yet a creation coming out of the Council of Nicea. It’s a blending of the lives of several that lived in Jesus’ day — including one with that name, married to a young woman we’d call Mary, & they had a child. This one did not die on any cross, but survived into old age.
Yes, I have references for this — & it’s valid to question those — so I’ll share that (some of) these things were revealed through Alex Collier — a direct, face-to-face contactee with a race of 5D Andromedans. He once spent 90 or 91 days aboard one of their mother-ships, being returned to his 3D life 18 minutes after leaving — time not being the limit we take it to be ;) Some of it is also available via a study of history — much of which has been hidden, the rest altered to varying extents.
At any rate, they also revealed that Jesus’ bones were actually found at Masada — being the eldest among those found there — in his 70’s, as I recall.
Why am I sharing this? Because our trek with Truth — as we align with That — brings us also into the lesser truths, the 3D relative ones. It erases the old beliefs. As our resonance rises ever higher, those things no longer resonate — the old beliefs.
I hope & trust that you can feel the complete lack of criticism, here — just Heart sharing what arises on reading the blog, watching the vid. To the extent there is Truth in these words, they will resonate — it’s enough. We all “worship” That, as Truth — are one with That. It ever lifts us up, dissolving the ties that bind.