Oh, & a PS — about Jesus’ way. Yes, as Issa he is deeply revered in the East. Did much writing, himself, but of course, that has been taken up, secreted away. So funny, though — for as we walk this Homeward path, we come into all knowing, within — well able to discern relative truth (or falsehood) from Truth — a “skill” delivered to us in the merger, finally identifying, not as mind or mind-body, but as Source-in-form.
So many (mind-based) agendas operating in our world. So many falsehoods slyly woven in amongst the threads of gold. While that once worked, & for a very l-o-n-g time — the time of our walk within/as programmed mind — it no longer does. Too much Light both on the scene, already, & flooding in, too. So we’ll ever be discovering more :)
The fear we see/sense in the world, at its base, is that of the cabal, seeing their swiftly oncoming demise. While it’s always been their way to both conceal & to obfuscate truth/Truth, at the top they recognize that this no longer works — at least not for the awakening ones.
Thus, in their fear, their old stand-by is to take us into war, into chaos, disease, terror — total complete distraction from what’s really going on. With some it works — they fall for the bait, thus delivering up the negative energy on which the dark ones feed (having long ago severed their direct tie to Source, to Self).
Yet no matter what our chosen path be into awakening — the flavor of that — we can see through the mist, the haze they use to conceal their dark plots. The real beauty here, too, is that we need not take up arms, need not fight or resist — just go our own way, letting Source see to the rest — knowing we’ll be guided into appropriate “action” as needed, as we remain true to Heart in the NowHere.
All Love