Not Knowing — Making Peace, pt 3

Inner Divine Counselor

5 min readJan 8, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

Where are we, now? Are you focused in Heart? It’s such a simple movement of awareness down into the central chest. Maintaining awareness there is the trick, the key that unlocks every door. Again, this isn’t about set times for meditation, which are nice, but rather about a focus that can be maintained throughout our day with a bit of practice.


It’s as if we have a Divine Counselor resident in our breast, accessible only in our Now-moment focus. Since this is such a strange state of affairs — to the mind — it helps to know it exists. It’s endlessly accessible, yet our choice to be preoccupied with thought closes the door to it.

Let’s go beyond.

Walking out of the thought realm isn’t a choice about which most of us are aware. We’ve been fenced-in, taught that thought is the route into anything we may desire, that thought, itself, can take us into the stars while exploring Cosmos. It’s true as far as it goes, but it doesn’t take infinity/eternity into account.

We can go beyond the belief that endings even exist — for they don’t in the realm of Heart. Once we’re there, we also realize the dualistic fallacy of believing in beginnings. If there are no endings, neither are there any beginnings, so this is where triality can step it — if we let it.

Are you open to this, to the level of infinite transcendence it presents? Let’s just keep reminding the self that the mind can’t go where we’re going, where we already exist beyond the realm of space/time. We’re there, & this is one way to discover that.

Our body will often call us back into 3D to tend to this or that, so it’s not just the mind we’re transcending. We discover that it’s all about a divine sort of balance/Balance, rather than some height we must climb. Heights & depths are all about 3D space-time duality, but we’re going inward, a whole new direction, instead.


When we recognize that we know nothing, when we realize that our knowledge, while great, is also severely limiting, we’re set for this trek. Only then are we sufficiently open to the possible, to realms we didn’t know existed, before. By this point we’ve done a great deal of letting go.

Where are we headed?

We cannot know. On the other hand, we already know, so there’s that triality, again, lifting us out of the old duality game. We are SO much more than any mind can conceive, so it’s a continually mind-blowing experience. It’s a lot more enjoyable once we relax into it, no longer clinging to the mind’s field of awareness.

Until we can fully enter the emptiness of Heart, we can at least release our strangle-hold on the mind & on thought as the only avenue to awakening. As we hold our beliefs with a much gentler grasp, ready to have them trumped by new awareness, we’re still in good shape for the trek into awakening. It’s all about the best we can “do” in our Now moment — nothing else.

By opening ourselves to these possibilities we take the trek. Let’s not believe that we really & truly know anything, for such beliefs close many doors. We’re headed into unknown territory. If we cling to the past, thinking that it writes the future, we remain stuck.

Humanity is going well beyond anywhere it’s been, so far.


This inner emptiness is pregnant with All That Is, & even beyond that. “All that is,” can be seen as the entire realm of duality, yet Source exists in the strangest realm, yet — one beyond space & time, one that contains space/time. Here, everything just is. It is still, yet full of movement; empty, yet abundantly full, just in ways not accessible to thought.

Cosmic Kundalini —

We speak of our addictions, be they to smoking, to drinking, to our many electronic gadgets, to relationships, etc. The list appears endless. Yet, it may be that our addiction to thought is the main barrier we’ve placed across our road to awakening. The other addictions, though hard enough to ditch, are as nothing when it comes to letting thought fade in importance.


Humanity is truly, cosmically great, friends, & by “humanity” I don’t limit that to only earth humans. We have external differences such as color or gender or our politics, yet we all bleed red. We’re entering a time where we remember that we’re actually all one. We sense this directly, in ways not accessible to thought. This experience speeds our awakening, helps us ditch the dirty divide-and-conquer game we find ourselves in.

Let the emptiness reign where you are — let it in. This is the magical “space” in which we go from being a human to being the dance of Source, turning the reins over to That. As Source-in-form, we have the ability, we have the right. What are we currently doing with it?

What are we letting in, what are we keeping out?

In 3D, it’s great to have boundaries; they make perfect sense. It’s the mental boundaries under discussion, here. It’s that Balance thing, condemning nothing & no one as we recognize the great union underlying it all. It’s ever that triality, the way past the duality in which we’ve been trapped for so long.


Let us close by remembering that no one & nothing can actually trap us — no one but the self. We allowed this whole mess to develop & transpire as we sleepled & sheepled along. Let’s take responsibility for our part in the drama, for it’s actually good news. Why? If we’re responsible, that also means we can change, can choose other courses than those presented in the Matrix.

While a path of emptying out, of letting go, seems the farthest thing from any sort of empowerment, we’ll soon see that as yet another useless belief. This IS an empowering trek, empowering in the extreme, from the mental perspective. To Heart, it’s simply what is.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/11/11

“A happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don’t allow the happy moment, because they’re so busy trying to get a happy life.”

Excerpted from Sacramento, CA on 3/15/03

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)



12-something pm, Saturday 2018/01/06, 3rd, Mayan day 13 Wind / Ik




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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