No Right or Wrong?
Most of us are aware that the gate is currently wide open into higher consciousness — most of the Light Beings, that is. Though the majority of people are still in the sheeple or sleeple phase, many of them, too, begin to awaken as the chaos spurs them on. Don’t expect everyone to join in this, friends — it ain’t happenin’. Nor is that a problem, an issue, a cause we need join.
Why not? Let’s put mind in the back seat & go within to listen, where Heart is far wiser than head. Why not? Because there is nothing wrong, here — yet it takes higher consciousness to see it this way.
Yes, the planet is in quite a mess. Major societal collapses, such as the fiat monetary systems, may be just around the corner — or not. To the extent your gut tightens on that one, head is still active. There is an intelligence in the body’s heart & gut that is simply excellent, so don’t think your mind is the only tool capable of thought. Yet the divine Intelligence accessible via Heart — your Inner Being — far supersedes anything of 3D.
We are not dumb & blind. We can see that chaos is widespread almost anywhere we care to look. So admitted, that is the case. Yet when we go within, we sync-up with our multidimensional Self, who is in no way limited by such 3D appearances.
It requires letting go of all limited perspectives — along with old thought patterns, habits, & beliefs — to realize that nothing is actually wrong or going wrong, here. Are you game to take a peek — to at least consider the possibility?
Of course I realize that most will brush this off as nonsense, the demented musings of an old gal past her prime. Let them. It doesn’t matter. If you can sense the thread, the current flowing here, & you’re adventurous, let’s take a deeper, broader view. What do things look like from 4D & beyond, from higher consciousness?
While my journals may have emphasized the challenges of awakening, let’s look at the joys. Our burdens fall off with the release of the old ways, old beliefs, as we awaken. These are often burdens we had no idea we were carrying, as we took them to be just “the way things are.” Mind couldn’t envision that releasing them was an option — was even possible. It seemed counter-intuitive.
We’re talking about such things as realizing that we never die — that we literally can’t die. Oh sure, the body crosses, & for those identified with it, that certainly looks like dying — yet we don’t. We are eternal (& infinite), as Source-in-form, as Spirit inhabiting form. Whether or not it fits in with our belief systems, we’ve had more than a few lives on planet earth. That’s just for starters.
If mind keeps popping up, wanting to chime in, do what you can to stick with Heart. Mind is never able to make these journal treks — they don’t arise from mind. This is an opportunity to ride Heart flow, to be carried along, to the extent that we are able to let go. Higher consciousness is accessible to all — it’s only clinging to old beliefs that keeps us boxed in. (And we’re all psychic, telepathic, too ;)
If we just stay for a moment, savoring the depth of joy available through realization of our foreverness, that also gives us a lift into higher consciousness, where Joy is ever present. When we’re in joy, we resonate with our own Higher Self, who won’t leave its Joy to enter our misery at any time. (More on that in a future journal.)
What a blessing, not only to realize that we didn’t actually lose Dad or Grandma, or any of our dear ones. Knowing that they’re as close as our breath — that they never left us — savor that. I’m not suggesting we enter mind to have a conversation with them. Staying in Heart is largely remaining outside of thought(s). It’s in Heart where their presence can be sensed, anyway, so let’s stick with sensing.
Once the many have a general realization of their immortal nature, all the suffering around funerals will quite vanish — poof! & it’s gone. We can look to the world’s native peoples, the aboriginals, for societies that already own this understanding. Calling on the ancestors is an integral part of their way of life.
Just for fun, take this a step further into Heart — realize that you, yourself, are more than likely one of your own ancestors — perhaps many times over. Yes, we tend to come back into our genetic line. If you’re in Heart with me, perhaps you’re noting the contrast between your old belief system (BS) & this possibility — this understanding. If so, take a step further out of the old ways as you enter deeper into your core Being, ever accessible within.
So many things that once brought us trauma & suffering disappear as in a puff of smoke as we awaken. With each step into higher consciousness, burdens drop. Actually, though, it’s often the other way around, for it’s in dropping the beliefs that are part & parcel of the old BS that we awaken. Thus, on releasing the old beliefs, that lets the burdens drop, allowing consciousness to naturally rise.
We don’t have to effort our way into awakening. Consciousness naturally rises when we allow it to do so. We allow it by releasing the BS, the old ways. These are the only things holding us down. Much like a ball submerged in a swimming pool, it only stays underwater for as long as it’s held there. So rather than any action, any doing, it’s an undoing, it’s releasing we’re about on the awakening journey. Nice to know.
One hallmark of the 3D Matrix is the either/or thing — right/wrong, yes/no, good/bad. This duality is very much a part of the current 3D realm. We don’t take it with us into higher consciousness, perhaps you’ll be glad to know. In that arena things just are.
From this perspective, it just is what it is. We acknowledge & allow that each one has the right to their free-will choices. It’s not up to us to fix that for them — actually, that is seen as ridiculous, but moving on.
As we release ourselves from 3D mind’s grasp more & more, we enter the sensing of higher realms — more akin to intuition than to thought. We access senses beyond the five native to 3D. We don’t just speak of happiness, of joy, we sense it, we feel it. Our knowing is on a much deeper level, unavailable to mere thought. We participate more fully with Who we truly are.
So keep letting go :-) Enter into the realization that we’re the only ones holding ourselves back. No one can keep you down! Higher Self eagerly awaits our fuller merging with It — our entering more into Who we truly are. We take our hands off of the ball to let it rise — our “upward” motion is as natural as that — built right in.
Let’s now consider this no-right-and-wrong thing — how could that be, says mind — lol. Along with moving toward taking full responsibility for our life — for us being the only one holding us down/back — we see others in this light, as well. How could it be otherwise, when we’re all Source-in-form?
Source does not suffer, friends — no way. Only in the religious myths does such a concept arise, & it’s strictly mental — it’s not real (unless you maintain those beliefs — in which case, it is real for you).
Ours is a Universe of Free Will. Source doesn’t interfere with that, allowing the natural, designed-in mechanisms to work. What goes around eventually comes around, & that’s “correction” enough. Source simply knows that we’ll eventually “get it,” that we’ll find our way back Home, to full Oneness in/as That, the All That Is — present in every atom, every particle of existence. Not only that, Source is joyfully eager for our realization, our return.
Now, where does judgment fit into this? The whole concept that something, that anything could be “wrong” is a thought invention — it has no reality beyond the reality we give it, via our beliefs. As soon as we let those go, “wrong” disappears. Clearly, there are wiser ways of action than those in which the bulk of humanity is engaged, but that, too, will pass — whenever we’re ready.
You, too, can see through the eyes of Source. As Source-in-form, that’s your native perspective. Humanity, along with all of Creation, is only Loved, deeply cherished — never condemned. Hell & damnation are (thought) gifts of the ancient gods — the Anunaki, among others. All religions have their origin there.
Yes, there are realms as uncomfortable as the proverbial hell, & we can visit them if that’s where our trek is headed. They are found just outside of our vision, our 3D sight, in the lower reaches of a realm that some call 4D. These higher-frequency realms actually co-exist right here, with ours — often sensed, not often seen.
Above that frequency range (lower 4D) — yet in the same dimension — is what’s commonly known as “heaven.” This is by no means are as high as, as good as it gets, though. It’s but a stopping-off point, a place of pleasant rest until we wake-up from old belief systems (which we take with us when the body dies,) & move on.
There is no “as good as it gets” in infinity/eternity. There is no limit, no end to transcendence. There are endless realms, dimensions to explore, with which we reacquaint ourselves via our own higher consciousness. We actually already exist there — with only our belief systems holding us back.
All time is just Now — all space is just Here. Meditators are the ones more likely to enter, here, yet it’s ever available to all. In the NowHere can be found the nowhere that quite transcends 3D — the portal into our multi-dimensional Reality, endlessly vast beyond mind’s conception.
Thus, my suggestion is to leave mind aside, to become the witness of thought. I like to make thoughts like links, seen but not clicked. It’s really no more difficult than that. The challenge is to drop the old habit patterns. Our belief systems have structured limits everywhere around us. You must do this, don’t do that, you can only rise so high, your body limits you, this stuff sounds crazy — blah, blah, blah.
Even “heaven” is a limit, friends. What awaits our willingness to allow it is so far greater & vaster than the heaven of anyone’s imagining as to be ridiculous. Yet it’s not until WE release the bonds in which we’ve so long held ourselves that we begin to encounter the vast infinity that abides.
In the end, all it takes is our willingness to let go, to adventure beyond the bounds we’ve been told are real. They are not — yet no one can turn the key in the lock of anyone else’s self-imposed jail. It’s well & wisely designed otherwise. That would be to violate their Free Will. Higher consciousness is equally available at all times to one & all.
The best thing we can do for others is to find our own way there, into awakening. As we do so, our frequency, our vibration both rises & strengthens, & this is felt by all of our quantum-entangled selves, those seeming “others.” Our awakening juices-up the momentum, the up-and-out thrust already present, NowHere.
Just as there is but one NowHere, there is but one overarching Self — the One in which all participate. So ultimately, there is no “other” — that’s yet another myth of lower consciousness. Of course there are multiple bodies, both in the 3D hologram & on up in the dimensions. Yet what’s there is one interconnected, interwoven cloth of the One Being that is Source. In this One we have our Being.
So let’s go out (in) & injoy the dance to which we so looked forward, prior to incarnating here. By knowing — by directly sensing & experiencing — our own union with/in/as That, our journey can be ever so much fuller, richer. As we gain confidence in our ability to both enter into, but also to actually live from Heart, sadness, suffering, & sorrow just fall away. We see things in a whole new Light.
Note: This does not address the practicalities of living in 3D, but rather the practicalities of awakening. We currently require our court systems & at least some regulation on behavior, in humanity’s current state. These were not addressed purposely, to give readers a better opportunity to stay in the vibration of Heart ;-)
PS Getting into some of those practicalities — Just for some fun, here’s a YT vid that helps to illustrate how the “good guys” infiltrated the “bad guys” to help restore some sanity, balance, in a move toward restoring integrity & honor to the chaos of current affairs—
6:47 am, Sunday 2017/06/11, Mayan day 12 Ben/Reed