Niklas — good article — much to ponder, here. Yes, to the freedom of breaking rules — of course. I’d like to point to something, tho — perhaps subtle — that was bothersome, here in this quote:
“Knowing the rules is important. It allows you to pinpoint which ones you better follow and which ones must be broken to win.”
I like all of it, except the last 2 words — “to win.” Not sure what you mean by that, but for me, following Heart, my inner guidance, is what it’s about. Not out to “win” anything beyond better attunement with Heart.
What the mind thinks it can win generally — almost always — falls far short of what comes our way in the presence of this attunement. The Universe has awesomeness lined-up for us — once we get it that we just need to get out of our own way, lol.
Anyway, great post — good ideas :)