NDEs & Reality — What Is Real?

Endless Expansion/Contraction

6 min readApr 6, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

Everyone seems to believe they know what is real, but what is reality, anyway? If we look into the NDE reports of what dying people experienced on “the other side,” it will challenge our concept of reality.

Who’s to say what is real? Who is the authority?

When we start out with questionable definitions of who we are, we must question whatever discoveries we make. If it’s the ego-mind in the driver’s seat — that oh, so temporary, ultimately unreal aspect of the self—do we trust it to define our reality?


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
Albert Einstein

We’re quite good at getting way out ahead of ourselves, at tackling whatever problem or challenge we perceive before putting the car in gear; before centering as close as we can to our own personal “reality,” our Source-in-form core. It’s quite funny, once we back away far enough to recognize what we’re doing, there, albeit a bit immature.

For those not too firmly stuck in the arrogance of their ego-mind — for we all go there often enough — this is where the beauty of being the observer shines. We get out of our way. We let it in, allowing the beauty of simply watching to take over for a time. (We actually relax, lol.)

During this time we’re less receptive to anything the mind offers. We’re watching it without believing it, without taking what it says to be real. It’s just what it says, nothing more, nothing less. We don’t care, we just let it be.

This is where we’ll know how deeply identified we are with the mind, for it wants to be taken oh, so seriously.

It doesn’t appreciate just being observed. It thinks its perspective is the reality, that there is no other legitimate perspective for us. Our mind thus limits us, trying to lock us down into its reality. We empower it to do just that as long as we self-identify as the ego-mind.

Some minds may even be frightened, worried that being able to split our focus this way could be schizophrenia knocking at the door. The conscious mind will insist that its perspective is our perspective, unwilling to even grant that things unconscious, subconscious, or superconscious exist since it doesn’t have access to them.

The untamed mind is a tyrant.

This wouldn’t be much of a problem if we knew we’re so very much more than just a mind, than just the body-mind — but most don’t. We’ve been trained & programmed to self-identify as the body-mind, so where from here? Perhaps a little schizophrenia isn’t such a bad thing, after all. 😆

Heart is the answer I’ve found, an avenue that takes us above & beyond our mind’s reach. It’s also an ideal spot from which to observe, both the self & everything else. Actually, from Heart, there is no “everything else.”

From this seat of Oneness, separation doesn’t exist — which, of course, blows the mind.

Nothing is what we take it to be — yet, it’s funny how we manage to ignore or forget that on our various inquiries into the reality, the validity of this or that. We’d all do well to be more self-observant, not to mention fully Present in our NowHere.

Do you see how, in our willingness to separate out into observer & observed, we’ve actually come into greater oneness than our mind could have ever imagined? In going out, we went in. In going in, we went “out” as becoming the All. These are the delights we can discover when taking what we “know” far less seriously.

We’re not arrogant, friends; that’s the mind at work. It’s going to be what it’s going to be, so we can drive ourselves crazy trying to control it — or not. We can just let it go, moving our focus elsewhere, becoming an observer of our mind, rather than being the mind, limiting ourselves to that role, a mere sliver of our Source-in-form self/Self. ☯️

The choice is ours, but we must step back from the mind in order to make such a choice.

What’s in the way of stepping back? Our beliefs. Beliefs are properties or components of the mind. Do you see? The mind, through those beliefs, wants to retain control.

Until we see that — until we step back enough to see that — we remain trapped. We’re stuck, unable to awaken from the nightmare that is our crazy 3D life, unable to wrest control from the mind we take to be who we are.

Ego-minds Chasing Their Tails — Facebook.com

The mind cannot fix itself, just as the surgeon cannot operate on himself. We’ve been taught to use the wrong tool for the job, for awakening. Let’s recognize that it isn’t the mind that awakens lest we continue chasing our tail for eternity.

We must know we’re more, much more than just the body-mind, in order to escape the arrogant mind’s dominion. Our first “job” is to separate out, to become the observer. That won’t last since it partakes of separation, creating a 2 where (we thought) there was only 1.

Let go, let go, & just keep letting go of your mind’s offerings.

Ignore them. Take it on faith, for now, that nothing the mind knows is actually true, that nothing is what the mind takes it to be. The more you keep ignoring what the mind has to say, the quicker you’ll come into the real Knowing, the direct Knowing of Heart.

Once you align with Heart & its Knowing, your questions will vanish, fading into the oblivion of unimportance, of irrelevance. Only Heart Knows, so don’t ask this of your mind. One day we’ll all realize that our mind was the wrong tool for the awakening “job.” [1]

Las Tzu — https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/

“To know that you do not know is the best.
To think you know when you do not is a disease.
Recognizing this disease as a disease is to be free of it.”
Lao Tzu

It’s funny how awakening, something most of us have long sought, isn’t something we “do;” how it requires a letting go as our first mandatory action. Nor is it just this letting go, which is so challenging to the mind, but a very real stepping back from who we took ourselves to be.

Thus do we begin to enter the One we truly are, that One existing all along unbeknownst to the pseudo-self we took as our reality. It’s a false “reality” we’ve long occupied, which is too shocking for the mind to accept — which is fine since reality isn’t dependent on the mind’s acceptance.

It just is, & it’s the mind that’s been mired in unreality all of this time. 😲 😶 🗽



12:00 pm, Saturday, 2019/04/06 — Mayan day 13 Earth / Caban

[1] “Job” is in quotes because it assumes the separation of a being & a task to be done. Awakening isn’t like that. It partakes of being, not doing. We lose the illusory one, the ego-mind that thought it had important things to “do,” that it was in charge. 😆




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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