Navigating the Awakening Crash
It seems that waking up — truly awakening — starts with a big crash. We’re so upbeat, so positive about what we want, about how much better things could be, then bang! We’re face-to-face with a mess of epic proportions as we begin to see into today’s society & what underlies it, the dark underbelly.
Humanity is definitely a mixed bag, not clearly defined as either good or bad. We wish it was otherwise, but the facts lay it out when we’re finally ready to see. Earth’s humanity was taken over in ancient history. A takeover this thorough doesn’t happen in a few centuries or even a few millennia.
When the outright take-over style of enslavement no longer worked, they began disguising it to make it look like their rule was actually in our best interests. As if. More recently, it went from the Roman Legions to the Roman Church, yet it was rule, all the same, delineating both behavior & consequences for breaking their “laws.”
It’s a real surprise to find that awakening comes along with some really down times, some hard pills to swallow. This isn’t what we volunteered for when we set out to awaken, is it? Yet, it’s unavoidable. So how are we handling it?
If we’re honest, we’ll likely admit to times of depression.
Some few dive too deeply into that, not yet having built the uplifting foundation to sustain themselves, but most of us make it through. It’s hard, though, when the deck seems stacked against you, when the blows & challenges seem to come from every direction. Truly sickening things are coming to light.
At a certain point, it’s almost as if we’re forced to find our core, our real reason for being in the midst of it all. It becomes a sink-or-swim thing. We discover that others, though they can support us, can’t rescue us, can’t get the job done for us. It’s almost as if Life forces our hand.
We all start out using our mind to work things out, believing that if we just understood this or that, whatever we’re dealing with, that we’d know what to do, which way to turn. For me, at least, that didn’t work. Instead, I ran up against the limitations of the mind, one of which is its arrogance.
We find that the mind only takes us so far, & awakening is not on its menu of options. We’re blessed to discover that our very belief that we know this or that blinds us to everything else, closes us to all other options. It’s a shocking blow at first, quite unexpected.
We may discover Confirmation Bias, how it has us interpreting everything through the lens of our current beliefs. We read happenings in a way favorable to our take on things. Arrogant mind is so sure that it’s right. The more educated we are, the greater the risk of Confirmation Bias. If we haven’t yet seen this in ourselves, we certainly see it in others, which is a start.
If we’re not blessed to learn about Confirmation Bias & such things, then we remain wed to our prejudices, our beliefs about how things are, how they work. The mind’s arrogance assures us that we’re right, that we know, so we tend to stay in the rut of our beliefs.
It takes humility to really begin to awaken. Better said, as we’re awakening, we recognize the valuable part humility plays. We didn’t set out to be humble, it just happened, somehow. It’s all very much stranger than we imagined, this waking-up thing. We’re continually surprised.
Setting aside our major reliance on the mind is no small deal.
In fact, it’s huge, it’s unsettling — it just throws us off. That’s the experience of our old beliefs fading away. Have you noticed? It’s happening, whether we notice or not, if we’re awakening.
We’re used to mastering a topic, then coming from a confident position supported by our grounding facts & figures. We’re shocked to see those falling apart, being undercut by new knowledge, new experiences. We may feel lost a good bit — or not — depending on the current tilt of our humility/arrogance scale.
We look to others for a hand up, only to discover that no one can really help us with this, be they historical figures or current ones. No one can figure this out for us but us, they can only give us hints. We’re forced to see ourselves in deeper ways than before or we just remain trapped & miserable, unsure of why.
Discovering that we also hold the key to the prison door — that we were the only real jailor all along — is such an uplifting & awkward surprise. Why awkward? Mostly because we look back with regret, wishing we’d figured this out sooner.
We’re not at all used to taking this sort of responsibility for ourselves.
At some point, most of us find our way into Heart. Actually, I don’t see anyone awakening until they do, since our mind (& its inevitable arrogance) is not the right tool for the job. There could hardly be a bigger, more major shift for us than this move out of the head & into Heart.
Many talk about it. When you’ve found your way within, you’ll know they just don’t get it, not yet. Those in Heart feel it when others speak from there, when they let Heart speak. We learn to distinguish between the mind’s relativity, only able to speak about things, & Heart’s being the direct experience; the absolute, if you will, in contrast with the relative.
If this is gobbledygook, don’t give it much thought, since mind can’t illumine such things. By having the desire to “get it,” putting that in Heart, then letting it go — just trusting, just allowing — our answers arise. Best to not try to figure such things out, really. Why not? The best reason is that it just doesn’t work; it can’t.
We discover for ourselves how nothing is what we took it to be, nothing works the way we thought it did; how we’re chock full of lies & deceptions, along with a smattering of truth. Sure, we were betrayed, programmed rather than educated, but let’s get over the anger quickly; it just doesn’t serve.
As we mature, spiritually, we get more comfortable ditching the whole victim thing in favor of owning our part in the play. Owning that we allowed the take-over (for whatever reasons) really helps. We’re all fundamentally equal, you know — at least, I hope you know.
No one is better or worse than anyone else, no hierarchies being valid in the One.
We can’t measure ourselves, but we can measure or note our outcomes, our results. As we watch ourself in action, we’re shown how we’re doing, where we’re right on, where we’re off. Heart is the best teacher, the best guide on the planet (or anywhere).
There’s a big catch, though. Those anchored in the mind don’t hear the musings, the guidance of Heart.
In the end, we discover the many ways we’ve been cutting ourselves off. No one has been doing this to us. Yes, we were misinformed, were fed mostly lies in the guise of education. Can we not wake-up to that & just own it? It’s just what is, after all.
Sure, it was a big plot imposed by the long-ago invaders. Yet, had we been more alert, had we been Heart-centric, we couldn’t have been taken over this way. So much hinges on us taking responsibility for how things are, accepting that it’s just how it is, & that it need no longer limit us.
Until we’re willing to accept our current status, how can we budge from it?
We have the interplay of both the dark & the Light, here. Keeping our focus on only the dark perpetuates the darkness. As we accept its presence, its many manifestations both within & without, only then are we poised for expansion into the Light of awakening.
Awakening always gets back to the both/and, into non-rejection of what is, finding our balance there. Let’s be much more skeptical about the various either/or choices life offers. As we recognize those for the operations of the mind, we’ll be much better placed to take up firm residence in Heart, all-inclusive land of the both/and.
3:42 pm, Saturday, 2018/04/28, 1st — Mayan day 8 Jaguar / Ix