Naveen, in looking at your profile — no articles, yet — but in looking at your claps, OMG — I’m looking forward to reading your first article. Would love to hear what your Heart would have to share. Deep, you are — perceptive on deeper levels than most.
Now, as to your comment, here:
your first point is, “How would we bring change in people who are ignorant & taking full responsibility for their actions?” My first point would be I’m not trying to bring change of any kind in others. The only one over which we have authority & power is the self, period. It’s up to others what choices they make.
Our beauty in this sort of situation is to simply shine as we walk our talk, sharing only what comes to/thru Heart. Leaving the mind out of it is a good route, as the mind is far too limited; it’s not the right tool for the awakening job. That would be Heart, our connection portal to Source & Higher Self.
“Are we not just being judgmental?” you ask. We get into that more when trying to change others, to guide them, etc. Not judgmental, but understanding, able to see things from multiple perspectives, not just those we favor. So it calls for being perceptive, but never judgmental.
Another point, there, is separating out the person from their action, for the person is not to be judged, only their actions. In a court of law, Lady Justice is blindfolded to keep her out of the ad hominem business, focused strictly on the actions in question. Only those actions receive judgment, but because the person is responsible for their actions, they then pay the price. That’s Justice at work.
“Should we be more compassionate & just understand what is as ‘IS’?” Yes, you read my article deeply, & this is appropriate. Two things, here: first, it’s wisest to follow Heart’s lead/guidance in such things. If Heart is unconcerned, lights no fire within us, then yes — understand & move on. However, that’s often only one side of the coin.
Source is the Divine Dancer &, when in Heart, we are the Dance. We are consciousness, these body-mind incarnations being the smallest aspect of Who we truly are. With Source in the lead, the guidance arises & we know how to go forward. When harm has been done, one day that same harm may come our way if we just ignore it all the time. See?
Source, having the broader view, handles us wisely & well. Our “job” then becomes to align with our Source-in-form Self & learn how to keep that in the lead on the dance-floor of 3D earth.
Went on a bit, but your comment, too, was deeply compressed insights that brought this up in me, so just sharing, here. Thanks for commenting, & know that I will support you in whatever choices you make — providing, of course, they do no harm. But even then, I’ll let Source decide how to go on. 😉