Humanity is Divine
Myth of Powerlessness
Reclaiming our True Power
You may be really buff, able to bench press hundreds of pounds, or able to run marathons in record-setting times — or not. The homeless vagabond on the street corner is equally powerful, only in ways we’ve been trained to not see. In not seeing them, we don’t access our innate Power; sad but easy enough to remedy, once seen.
One definition of awakening is a major, a massive shift in perspective, a new openness to perceive from other, more unaccustomed angles. It can be a bit like walking a mile in our brethren’s mocassins, looking through their eyes. Our mind isn’t equipped to take this journey, however, so our first task is to make our way into Heart, something we may not even know is there since it’s not of 3D.
Are you game?
All it takes is a willingness, as the Cosmos constantly responds to our every desire. Whatever we want, the answer is always “Yes,” but we’ve been well schooled to thwart our own desires, to work both for & against them. We have much to “learn;” actually, to recall, for Heart always Knows. Heart, as another avenue of Knowing, far exceeds anything known or knowable by the mind.
Thus, in our ignorance do we often get nasty results, one of which is to believe we are weak or powerless. It’s a myth sustained by the cabal via the Matrix mind hack, its endless false beliefs parading as truth.
Our innate Freedom & Power are thwarted at every turn IF we choose to identify only with the body-mind in its limited perspective on life. We’ve thus been trained to entrap ourselves, to rein in both self & others who dare to step out of the mental arena.
We’ll all have a really good laugh on ourselves one day over this, so be ready for that.
We take ourselves far too seriously. It’s far better to lighten up, overall. Meanwhile, it’s time to see our way out of the limited, limiting maze. What awaits us is amazing even beyond amazing, so fine, so wonderful, so delightful it is. The key that unlocks this majesty is our use of Free Will, our willingness to allow our perspectives to shift.
If you don’t know something exists, you’re not likely to ask for it, to seek it out. Only now that things have gotten so crazy, with people’s perspective on others being worlds apart across a seemingly unbreachable gap, do we reach beyond the Matrix for help.
Friends, we’ve been brought up on a whole slew of lies, fed to us as “the way things are,” as truth. One is that we must fight to win, that we must resist what we don’t want. We now have ample fruit of that belief to see how it works; the fear, the anger, the harm it brings.
We fight because we don’t acknowledge our own internal Power as being of the Divine. Source-in-form knows Who It is, & has no need nor desire to unnecessarily war with other aspects of ItSelf. [1] Source isn’t restricted to the narrow mental-physical band of Its unlimited frequencies, but we are, pre-awakening, & we do it to the self.
We’ve been taught to limit ourselves in endless ways. Who is sufficiently open to take a look into other possibilities, other perspectives? It’s a bit tricky, at first, since our reflex reaction to anything is to rely on our mind to sort it out. That doesn’t work with this, not at all.
Yet, we know no other way, right? Not quite. We do, but we’ve got to shift out of the mental realm to access our Source-in-form Self.
By identifying with the body-mind, we take our beginning to be this body’s birth; it is not. We are actually eternal, but we haven’t been taught to access that. It requires that we release so very much of what we currently believe. Many fear to go there, having been taught that demons & devils await those who stray from some narrow road.
Let’s all agree to give others the freedom to choose their own beliefs.
In the SJW world, in particular, there’s too much of choosing for others what they are supposed to believe. That violates the basics of Cosmic Law, being that we are in charge of naught but the self; well, the self/Self as both sides of that coin.
The point is that we are definitely NOT in charge of our brethren, of what they think, do, or say, to the extent they’re doing no harm.
Disagreeing with us does NOT constitute harm.
So let’s look at “harm” for a moment. Clearly, how we define that is critical, is key to how we apply it. A young man’s MAGA cap was stolen, his drink thrown in his face, recently. Why?
The offender believes the MAGA slogan is akin to the KKK; this, from his own lips. Being black, he thus felt “harmed,” not by what the hat said, but by what he believed it meant; by his perspective, over which the youth had neither responsibility nor control.
It was the aggressor’s free-will choice to be offended, thus he did that to himself.
Had the offense resided in the “MAGA” on the cap, all who saw it would be offended. Clearly, they were not. It had nothing to do with the teen or his hat. Do you see? THIS is the power of our beliefs; shockingly powerful stuff.
Based on that “harm,” he felt justified in attacking the teen. Where do we go with this? Do we now seek to harm the aggressor, to punish him? It would be better, of course, to educate him, to help him see the error of his ways, but unfortunately, that’s not always possible. It’s a free-will thing that can’t be forced on anyone, nor should it be.
How many of us are trying to either red-pill or blue-pill our associates, our friends & family? What are we doing, there, trying to dance on their dance floor in our efforts to convert their vision to align with ours? If so, we’re still believing in the myth of separation, for everyone is equally Source-in-form, with equal access to the Divine.
When (& if) anyone chooses to “awaken” is up to them.
We are called to both expand & contract. We expand into that which I call Heart, what amounts to a portal into a HUGELY expanded realm of Being. We are called, at the same time, to contract the territory we seek to control, to leave others to their free-will choices while exercising ours. It’s not our job to control anyone else, not even our children, though guidance & mentoring from Heart may often be appropriate.
Our performance as the Family of Humanity has been hugely subpar. With both our innate Power & Divinity hidden from us, this is no surprise. We’ve been doing our best under the Matrix circumstances, so let’s cut ourselves plenty of slack; let’s recognize that we deserve it. 😉
A belief in separation underlies everything in the Matrix. On recognizing the seeming other as part of our larger family, we’d be more kind, more understanding. On recognizing them as but another aspect of ourSelf, we’d be fully Loving, empathic, & compassionate.
The ever-available choice is ours, just as their choice is theirs.
It takes real courage to awaken this way. We’ll part with a few friends & acquaintances along the way, perhaps even family; those who can’t yet see through our eyes, still abiding in the mind. In French, “cour” is “heart.” “Courage” can be seen as the coming of age via Heart. It calls the best in us forward to take charge.
Be empowered, friends. Though some of this may seem like Greek to understand, it’s there for us whenever we’re ready to dive in. It takes precious little time to discover the value, the wisdom of our choices via their fruit, the changes that come; mostly internal ones.
Above all, respect yourself! We often reach out to give to someone else that which we haven’t yet accorded to the self. Absent a true self Love, we have no Love to give. We only get tangled in their challenges, in spite of our best intention to help them go free.
What if you actually were as a ray of Light, an emanation of the Divine Sun?
How would that change things for you? How would it change how you see things? No one can awaken anyone else. We can’t think for them, nor act for them, nor make their choices; nor would we want them doing that for us.
We can go such a long way into awakening just by implementing The Golden Rule in our life, doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. If we were behaving in destructive ways, well out-of-bounds of common civility, we’d want to be reined in, yes?
Otherwise, the only one we’re ultimately harming is the self/Self, since we’re all rays of the Divine; since what goes around comes around.
Absent reasonable consequences for negative or harmful actions, those actions will both continue & multiply, so there is room for taking actions that align with our laws. It’s in the best interests of the whole, the Family of Humanity, that we fairly & justly allow people to receive the fruits of their actions. We move only in Compassion, however, never in vitriol or vengeance.
The bottom line is that we allow Heart to lead the way, living our life while marching to the beat of the unseen drummer, the Divine. It’s not difficult, it’s just hugely different, so it takes a good bit of getting used to.
10:30-ish, Wednesday, 2018/07/11, Mayan day 4 Star / Lamat
[1] When fighting is necessitated by those misusing their free will to dominate & destroy others — sometimes whole races of beings like humanity — Source can also go there. It helps to re-member (for Heart always knew) that 3D earth is a stage play, that none of us can truly be killed. The Bhavagad Gita is good training for this.