#Awakening #Abundance #Awareness

Must We Wait for Awakening?

From Doing to Being

6 min readMar 25, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

If you think we must wait for awakening, don’t think again. Thinking is the issue, there, for the mind lives in time/space, not the eternal Now of Heart.

Awakening is a tricky topic, for our mind looks upon it as something in the future, something we don’t currently have. What if we do? What if it’s a property or activity of Heart, of our Source-in-form Self?

In that case, a shift of awareness is called for. Are you ready?

We are that which we seek, that which we’ve been seeking forever, or so it seems — to the mind. As we remind ourselves that first, we are what we seek (whether the mind knows that or not), & second, that the NowHere of Heart is where we’re found, things begin improving.

The tendency is to be in the ego-mind as we chase after The Great Awakening, our own direct experience of that. That doesn’t work. Period, end of story.

What to do? No, friends; what to be. This calls us to shift from doing into simply being. The mind must eventually settle into observation mode while our focus, our awareness moves into Heart to abide.

“Doing” is chasing our tail when it comes to awakening. Being is where it’s at.

Nor do we “be” our way into awakening, into whatever we desire. We already ARE what we seek. It’s nothing we need to accomplish or “do.” It just is. Heart Knows these things, so it’s clear any confusion around this arises in the mind. [1] In its impatience to have what it wants, the mind blinds itself to the possibility that we already have it— that we ARE what it seeks “out there.”

Roc-portal — In5d.com

Heart is our portal into the magical realm of NowHere. As we demote the mind into observer status — easier said than done — we enter awakening. It’s a verb, not a static noun, not something that can be accomplished or completed by the false self, the ego-mind.

We don’t “awaken,” we’re always awakening.

Only Source/God is the fullness of Awakening, while all in Cosmos, all in manifestation in whatever dimension is forever expanding its awakening, always arriving only to further expand. There are only cycles, no real endings in infinity/eternity which is forever expanding with us.

“Raymonding” & More — Present! — Raymond Kinman’s Near-Death Experience: 29:33

If your name is Mary, you’re Marying; if it’s Robert, you’re Roberting. In the NowHere of Heart, all is a verb, not a noun which represents completion, an ending, a limit. Who we truly are, as Source-in-form, is unlimited. [2]

This is hell on the mind which simply won’t go there, so be in Heart with the mind along for the ride, just observing. Feel free to ignore the mutterings, the suggestions of your mind, for to heed them is to slip back out of Heart’s NowHere Presence for some more tail-chasing time.

Suit yourself — or yourSelf. Free will reigns.

Open the Eyes of My Heart — 1.bp.blogspot.com

Shifting from doing to being is tricky — but only for the mind. For Heart, it’s our natural state. It’s Theresaing, it’s Kennething; do you see? If your eyes of Heart are not yet open, then do you sense? Sensing may be better for this phase.

So no, we do NOT have to await awakening.

Then again, it isn’t something we’ll ever accomplish, nothing that will ever be complete; not to that aspect of us manifesting in Cosmos. Our completion ever abides in & as Source/God, but that’s never going to be understood by any mind, so it’s best to leave it alone, to be in the Silence.

We find the all-one, the other side of the “alone” coin, whenever we’re ready. It has everything to do with our use of free will. No one can either help or hinder us; no one but the self.

Enjoying the journey is mandatory.

Enjoyment is a property of being NowHere, of being in Heart. No sense of duty or anything negative, i.e., anything mental, will get you here, for it’s not burdensome in the least.

Nor is “enjoying” something we need to “do.” It’s an aspect of how we “be,” just something that is & that’s available. Yes, this shifting into Heart, extricating ourselves from the mind is a tricky thing; but again, only to the mind. It’s old hat to Heart.

So yes, back to awakening. It’s something we never fully attain, yet also equally something we always already are & have. It’s a self/Self thing. We can each sense where we are in our morphing, the moving of our awareness out of the head, into Heart, by how difficult we find these ideas.

They’re challenging only to the ego-mind, not to Who we truly are.

All of our Victoring, our Susaning, our “work” on this awakening thing is internal; every bit of it. What we experience in the external world (which isn’t really external) are the results of our Kathying, our Simoning adventure — our internal “work” which is actually more like play & enjoyment.

Three A’s are natural, here.

We have Awakening, always a verb. We have Abundance, our natural state, property of Heart, & we have Awareness, that which is moving from the head into Heart. These 3 are closer to Reality than anything external, than anything our mind understands.

Better said, as we move Awareness into Heart’s natural Abundance we are Awakening.

Just don’t let your ego-mind grab any of this lest it kick you out of the beautiful NowHere, the HowNear that contains them all.

The only thing blocking any of us is the self, friends — guaranteed.

We all begin this journey with the ego-mind in charge, the bit firmly between its teeth. We’re responsible for that, even though we were programmed to be that way. Why? Because we allowed it. We were far too trusting. It was foolish, but we weren’t yet ready to see that. Now we do, or at least we begin to see.

Recognizing that misplaced trust, how it works in & on us, wakes us up to begin taking responsibility for the life that we live. In taking responsibility, we begin taking our Power back.

We’re all Great Spiritual Beings; something we forgot, something we were convinced to forget, but no more!

We’re waking up! Do you sense it, do you feel it? In Heart you do. Just recognize that waking up, along with everything else, is nothing your mind comprehends; nor will it ever. It’s just not a mental thing.

Stick with Heart for the winning, for NowHere is always nowhere to any mind.



4:06 am, Sunday, 2019/03/24 — Mayan day 13 Seed / Kan; Ascension day for this trecena

[1] What is obvious to & in Heart is not at all obvious to the mind; not at first. It takes stubborn determination to make the move out of our ego-mind & into Heart. Along the way, we notice more & more that our mind has stepped back into observing. It dives into the rabbit holes less & less. The result is a new Clarity arising which sees far beyond the limitations of any mind.

[2] Remember, the NowHere of Heart is the realm of the Both/And, not the mind’s Either/Or. We are thus both limited (in/as the form) & limitless (as Source-in-form) at one & the same time.

You can try all you like to wrap your mind around such things, but it doesn’t work. Any conclusion the mind reaches will be discarded later on. That’s why “Let go, let go, let go” is a great motto for the awakening journey since every difficulty is mind-based. For Heart, it’s a deLightFull breeze.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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