Money Controls Us
Going Free
Money is a control mechanism we’ve accepted, or basically had shoved down our throats. It’s tough to envision a life without it, but that’s what I suggest. The Native Americans & other indigenous people did fine for centuries without it. It’s not as important or necessary as we believe it is.
This system won’t be with us much longer — perhaps a decade or two. Abundance is the natural way, not scarcity, not having to fight for crumbs, which is Matrix BS. Why should we have to pay to live on the planet of our birth?
As we turn things around on this planet by eliminating the cabal control structure, we’ll find other ways to transact, or rather, to interact. Money was their thing all along. We don’t even know what it’s like to be truly free. The USA came closest to that in her early days, back before the Federal Reserve took over from the Treasury — a sick, unconstitutional move.
I know — it sounds radical. But anyone who steps back far enough for an objective assessment of the uses of money will clearly see how it corrupts. It isn’t the money, itself, but greed.
Money is just a tool. The love of money equates to the love of power, unfortunately — power over others. How do you find the crooks? “Just follow the money.”
We had to participate in the monetary system in the absence of other options. Let there be no self-blame or condemnation in any of us — that doesn’t help. Let’s look to those things that make us feel bad — anything — & find what’s hiding underneath. What we’ll find is our programming, our beliefs.
None of us can change the world by ourselves, but we don’t need to try. As we step back into being the dance of Source, we’ll be deeply, delightfully amazed at what transpires via the Cosmic dance. “There’s nothing new under the sun,” but “Behold, I make all things new.” Hmm. We’re moving beyond 3D duality.
Many more are finally stepping out of the Matrix daze in the midst of the polarized chaos. Since that was its larger purpose, things are going well. There will be more revelations coming out in the next 60–90 days that will flip huge numbers, helping more to awaken.
We’re seeing the signs, everywhere; not just in politics, but things like the ongoing demise of the NFL. The people speak through their power to just walk away, & it works! Let us withdraw from the beast Matrix system as Light & dark sorts itself out.
It isn’t a matter of political parties or affiliations that need to change. Our “salvation” won’t come from politics, that’s certain. The important changes are internal ones. We’ve gone too deep into the mental minutiae, into us vs them, blinding us to the bigger picture. Shifting from mind-based living to living from Heart will change everything.
We don’t need saving, we just need to awaken to Who we really are, here playing this game.
When you view human incarnation as more of a game played by & as Source-in-form, then it’s possible to enjoy even the challenging events, knowing that they eventually turn out to our benefit. It’s all about perspective.
Don’t give up hope, either, in yourself or in your brethren. We’ve got this! Awesome things are going down that will make 2018 bear little resemblance to earlier years. The trash is being taken out. Many shocks are in store.
The needed changes were too great to make all at once; the corruption went too deep.
It’s being handled in wise & intelligent ways, seen & supported by our higher dimensional soul families. They’re not in charge here, but their supporting roles are backing us up, lending a hand when they can. No victory counts when someone else hands it to you. This will all happen through us.
It’s time for a broader view, to get our noses out of the endless details, alert to the divide-and-conquer scheme. We don’t need to put all of the pieces together — mind can’t do this. Once again, Heart has it covered, so let’s find our way there, those who feel called to that.
It’s living in a drastically different world, even in the midst of the chaos.
It’s also a time to quit trying to control one another. Stepping back from the nitty-gritty will reveal to each of us how we’ve been engaged in that, often in subtle ways. That’s the mind’s take on this.
Any sort of control of another is unwise. It can’t be done, anyway, as most parents know. Push the children in one direction, they have their ways & will eventually do what they like. Our children are much wiser than we are in many ways. It’s time to respect them more, control them less.
This whole thing will be won by going inward & taking responsibility for the life that we’re leading.
We’ll watch ourselves making many more changes like our mass boycott of the NFL. Not a shot was fired, no one was harmed, yet we made our point loud & clear. We have cosmic support, guidance perceived via Heart. Listening to Heart is the best way to go. Let’s enjoy discovering what happens & what it’s like to place less reliance on thought.
Our victory is assured. From other perspectives, it’s already happened, for remember — our ideas around time are seriously mistaken. Time is not linear. This battle is already won, now let’s make it happen while having a great deal of fun! An open mind & a big attitude change is what it takes — as we remember Who we really are. 👍
3:18 pm, Wednesday 2017/12/27, 2nd, Mayan day 3 Road / Eb