Misplaced Trust

15 min readMar 14, 2017


These Eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me

This one is for publication. Though it’s been a long while since I uploaded anything, I awoke knowing both the dual subjects for this journal & that I was to share it, so here goes

I’m not sharing anything new to say that things have changed — a lot — radically, even. Nor am I pointing so much to things in the world, to outer appearances (though they are changing as well), but rather to things within. We’re morphing internally. Morphing into what, we don’t yet truly know, but we’re changing — overall in good, if unsettling ways. So let’s go there & take a look.

Many on the “awakening journey” are changing most swiftly, noticeably. While we may be keeping that in, not necessarily sharing it with family or friends, yet the change is ongoing.

Some may be only noticing it in dreams or perhaps in dietary changes. For others, it shows up in shifting relationships. Some people may be losing or leaving old friendships behind in favor of new & different ones — or even a time of being alone. Many are in the midst of moving, of changing locations, changing jobs.


Yet all of that rides on top of the internal morphing going on — the stuff that’s not so apparent. Now I’ll tell you up-front, this is just my take on things. Though I’m well-educated, I’m not backing this with scientific studies & research, footnotes and the like.

For me, that’s the old world — framed degrees hung on the wall — & I’ll tell you why. I didn’t find that it led to — or was ever likely to lead to — awakening, which for me is the most important. Be true to the deep inner Self.

So my take on all of this changing is that it is likely DNA-based — that somehow our DNA is activating, repairing itself, restructuring some of the strands lost long ago to DNA manipulation by the Anunaki & other races.

Though I no longer buy into Zechariah Sitchin’s translations of the Sumerian scrolls (as there’s ample evidence that his work veered rather widely from straightforward translation). yet “Those who from heaven to earth came” were clearly advanced geneticists.

Their ways were & are to enslave other races to do their dirty work, their heavy lifting. Being regressives or dark or of a malevolent bent — however we word that — clearly they manipulated the genetics of the humanity they found here, so long ago. That affected us.


A huge part of my awakening journey has been to discover that I can burn all of my textbooks & lose nothing — nothing but lies cloaked in obfuscation, peppered with a wee bit of accuracy. At a conservative estimate, 98% of what we’ve been taught is edited from the original, false, or based on underlying falsehoods.

Yes, it’s that bad. The bulk of the advanced science knowledge, even our history — the real truth of it — has gone black. It’s either tucked away in some cabal library (such as the Vatican Library), or in some Masonic or other private library — inaccessible to the public. Much ancient knowledge is classified for “their eyes only.“

As we begin to hear more from the SSP (Secret Space Programs) about the kind of science we truly have, kept secret via the black budget & the mysterious deaths of those who dare to speak out, we are shocked. So, if you’re unaware of any or all of this, all I can say is that maybe it’s time to remove the society-instilled blinders, ditch (or at least table) that high level of trust in “authority” long enough to do some exploration — & leave the days of your innocence behind.


We’re all being given a new vehicle — time to take it out for a spin. Trust is the major issue I want to address. It’s time, & past time, to ditch the blinders — which are composed of too much trust — vested in those who have not earned it — based on their power, their credentials, or their voice of positional authority. In order to awaken that’s got to stop, or at least be put on hold for a time of sincere, open inquiry.

I’m not saying to throw the baby out with the bath water, here — to ditch all you believe & start over — not at all (or at least not yet ;-). BTW, do you know where that baby-and-bath-water saying originates? Back in the day, the family would use the same bath-water. Dad would bathe first, then Mother, then the children, one after the other, oldest to youngest.

That left the baby last, to bathe in the dirtiest water. At this point I don’t recall whether the bath was a weekly or monthly affair, but let’s just say it wasn’t daily, so you can imagine, now, how that saying arose. (This doesn’t mean people never cleaned up, for they washed hands, face & feet more regularly. It’s just the whole-body tub immersions that happened less often.)

Now, back to trust. We do far too much of it. Were we less trusting, we wouldn’t have empowered/enabled/created the current mess in which we are immersed. Look around & take your pick among all that’s broken. Just as a sample, this film demonstrates, on camera, what’s broken with voting. Voting is a major issue & this solid, short film provides serious evidence that some would even call proof.

10:58 — Shocking, but informative

Caution, however — let’s not point to any one thing & say, “Here’s the cause of our problems” — for even if we somehow fixed it, that’s not the cause, but only a symptom of far deeper causes. So let’s not go simplistic, looking for easy answers, the easy fix. That bit of laziness is just another part of what led us into this mess, anyway. It’s time to go deeper. Are ya ready?


Before going one step farther, I’m going to state clearly that all of our solutions are within us. Besides, the only thing you or I or anyone is in charge of is the self — & that’s actually a good thing. Why? First, because we cannot make too much of a mess, all at once, but also because that’s where all problems arise — within — AND where all solutions are (or can be) found.

If that doesn’t make sense to you, then consider this — where do ideas arise? Where do great works of art originate? From whence arises that feeling of deep love? What starts a great movement is an idea — as they say, an idea whose time has come.

What got lost along the long, historical way? Our origins — knowing who & what we are. In place of that — along with the genetic tampering — were the lies that form our current so-called history books — well, 98% of them. The ape-origin-of-humanity thing leads the way — it has no basis in truth. (Darwin disowned it before he died.)

Along with that, throw out the whole cave-man thing, the way it’s been taught. If we lived in caves, it was likely after a major disaster — say an asteroid impact, the passage of Niburu through the solar system, or a hugely destructive war — likely between the so-called gods (who were & are anything but).


They are not gods, friends — just beings like us, but with truly advanced science & techno toys. We have been fed such a load of crap that it’s inexcusable — but the waking-up part of it is on us, nonetheless. No one is going to come in & do that for us — OR fix it for us.

If some group offers such rescue, then beware — it will just be more of the same, dressed up in a different package. We CAN do this, ourselves — it’s in our best interests to do so.

Why won’t he, she, or they come to our rescue? Stop & consider, what would happen if you raised your children like that — got them out of their messes every time? They wouldn’t turn out so well, would they — nor would we. We’ve got it in us to get this awakening done, so let’s take responsibility for ourselves & march on.

This works because we are Source-in-form. We are the very answers we seek.

Another major lie — many will balk at this — is the religions. At the very top levels, they are government in yet another guise — another means of control. And they, one and all, will fall apart, fall away, when humanity is ready — when we step up to the plate & recognize just who we are.

We are actually Source-in-form. We need neither religion nor intercessor between us & That which we are — Source. But let’s take it all one step at a time, taking care to not ditch the baby with the bath water. (No need to ditch or change your religion just yet ;-)

Other ET (extra-terrestrial) races believe in God or Source — the Andromedans call it the Is-ness, according to contactee Alex Collier. In the oneness, the true, literal, not figurative, oneness of all that is — as evidenced in quantum entanglement among other things — all is equal. All beings are equal. There is no hierarchy in Source, no developmental staircase to climb.


You’re already there, in that oneness — in direct Heart connection with That — the Is-ness. You ARE That, already, as Source in form. You have nothing you need to develop or grow into — rather, it’s a waking-up to WHAT ALREADY IS. Try that on for size. How does it fit? It is cozy — or is it uncomfortable?

I suggest that, if it’s uncomfortable, you look to mind’s interference with Heart — for Heart knows these things. Then too, it’s mind that received the bulk of the programming & manipulation — mind & body. Heart they can’t even touch. No one can take that away from you — no one but yourself via your consent to the manipulation that keeps you ever locked into the hamster-wheeling mind & its current mechanization

So where are we, now? Where do we stand? Are you open to much of this — most of this — any of it? All choices are & always were yours. (Objections that arise here may carry the stench of the victim consciousness.) We were just never told of the power in our choices.

The cabal knew their house of cards couldn’t stand in the presence of light, of the truth — so they devoted themselves & their considerable resources to deceiving us by every possible means, obfuscating or twisting every bit of truth that managed to wriggle out along the way.


They had a good long run — but it’s over whenever humanity wakes up to some truth — most especially the truth of who we are. Yet even that is only a beginning — a starting point on a whole new reality we’re building. Thought creates — did you know that? Now, consider — if you’re Source in form — & you are — & if thought creates — & it does — what then?

I will remind you that awakening is a thing of the Inner Being, of Heart — not of the mind. So don’t let your mind go nuts with any of this — & it will, if you allow it. Just saying that it’s wise to keep centering within — to give a few minutes of each day (or each hour) to meditation, or to just being quiet with nature — in other words, to not letting mind rule you. Take a break. Take frequent breaks from mind.

Awakening is a very big thing — it encompasses many facets, some of it easy, some of it so very challenging. If you’re on this waking-up journey, or you want to be, then here’s my first suggestion — ditch the trust. Let things prove themselves to you. Trust yourself. We’ve got to stop with the generational trust. Grandpa trusted it, so I will, too — that’s got to go, friends, & it’s some very challenging work.

Clearly, this is not for sissies. You’re going to cry more than a few tears, you’re going to get very angry — as you awaken from the sleep-walking daze we call life on planet earth — this somnambulance-inducing Matrix of lies & deceit that passes for reality. You may even cry with the very sincere, patriotic lady as she sees into the implications of the voting machines being so cleverly rigged in the earlier linked video. (If you’re in Heart you may even feel her distress.)


But here’s the deal — the Matrix isn’t a subtle thing at all. Truth has actually been right there in front of us — but we, each one, chose not to see (not consciously, but by our programming, holding our current beliefs — our misplaced trust). How is it said, “There are none so blind as those who will not see”? Are you willing to look within, to stand on your own two feet to uncover the sources of your blindness? Even while knowing it will often hurt?

If you love truth, then you are willing to see — that’s why you’re awakening. That’s what’s behind it — your love of truth. As Source in form, you ARE truth, so it resonates. You just feel it — & in the days ahead we’ll all return to recognizing the power of our sensing, of our reconnection to deep, inner being & wisdom, over the phony imitation mind displays — which always thinks it knows, ever so sure it is right.

So, there’s both bad news & good news. The good news is the awakening, the DNA healing going on in spite of all the cabal/Illuminati do to prevent it. That delay is no longer possible — most of them know it, but they’re so committed to the belief in their superiority that they can neither bow nor bend the knee to anything — so they soldier on, albeit to sure defeat.

Some may wonder why I am so sure of their defeat. It comes from finally recognizing & owning Who I am — who we all are — Source-in-form. When we decide something, we will get it, friends. Who & what can stand in the way of Source — of those fully aligned with their and others’ highest good? No force in Cosmos exists that can block that for long.

But first, we must align — me must decide [and I’m leaving that “typo” for ‘we’ in] — & that’s a no-brainer when you start to awaken. It gets more & more obvious by the day — by the hour, sometimes. So what’s stopping most of humanity from awakening? Misplaced trust.

It’s really that easy. Once you begin to see this, the whole Matrix thing begins to unravel right before your eyes. You’ll begin seeing through things that once were opaque, & in ways you never expected, never experienced before.


A couple of secrets to this — one is to recognize & accept your true identity as Source-in-form. You’re never going to be able to pull it off, otherwise — it’s too cosmic, too extreme, too amazing. (And actually, it isn’t you pulling it off, anyway — not the you you now think you are — it is Source.) You’ll experience things only do-able by Source, but not until you accept and allow it — that you are, that you really could be the avenue for the divine to have an earth experience — as Source.

Don’t listen to a word that (programmed) mind has to say on this one. Just keep centering down, within. Trust your inner sensing over mind’s chatter every time. Try it out. You won’t find this out as an armchair cowboy, friends. This takes some work in the trenches. Try it out. It takes stepping off that cliff in trust.

Do it in little ways, at first, to develop the trust. You’ll find yourself leaping from those high cliffs when the time is right — in perfect trust. Don’t force yourself, either — that would be mind at work, anyway. Heart doesn’t force — ever. Clear? (And the outcome will show you when you tried to force it.)


I want to conclude this section — there will be more coming — with what I consider an important way to implement your new-found skepticism in it all. Don’t trust beings that come to you, presenting themselves as Light Beings. Be they angels or orbs or Jesus or whom- or whatever — enough with the instant-trust thing.

Consider the rulership we’ve been under for the last long cycle of thousands of years — don’t you think they’d have this angle of things covered, too? Whatever appearance they present, just be sure to challenge them. The “good guys” won’t mind at all. The dark ones will freak out — exposing their arrogance.

Some channel what they believe to be benevolent beings, who are anything but. Why do they do it? Can you spell trust? There is even black-budget technology in use to project to channelers or mediums, sending them whatever messages the government wants to purvey — mixed in with all sorts of nice-sounding blah blah, of course — the Voice-of-God weapon technology.

Additionally, & if you’d like a bit more evidence — though getting evidence on such things is like trying to capture love in a box — Corey Goode has brought forth his direct experiences in the SSP (Secret Space Programs) — in this case from trips to the inner earth, where many truly ancient civilizations continue to thrive.


According to Corey, many of these inner-earth beings actually make themselves available to channelers, connecting telepathically, sending them messages. That would be all well & good IF they were truthful beings, truthful messages — but many are not. They say their intent is good — they want to uplift poor surface-dwelling humanity — we who have had all the DNA manipulation, we who are so war-like and aggressive — we whom they just want to help.

Yet they are not truthful about who they are or where they are — not wanting us to be of aware of them living right here, on/in the same planet. Some of them say it’s because we are so aggressive & they want to stay safe. Here’s my take on that — if you don’t love and honor truth above all, go away. You’ve got nothing worth listening to if you’re willing to lie and deceive — or bend the truth. Honey, when it’s bent, it’s no longer truth. Sorry. Walk away — that’s my take.

So anyway — & I had no idea it would take all of this to finally get here — don’t trust anyone coming to you on the spirit side, either. I like the way Alex Collier handles it. He says he points his pinky finger at them — no idea why the pinky — and says, “Show me your true self!” This is to any being, arising whether in a dream, or entering the room, or contacting him telepathically.

Any being(s) who show up by whatever means, he challenges this way: “Show me your true self” — & they must. They have to do that when challenged. That’s where all the feathers & light may fall away and you get what’s really there — in all its naked ugliness — or glory — as the case may be.

And here’s the beauty of it — if it’s a TRUE Light Being it won’t mind at all! It will like it, in fact — it shows you’re on the ball, that you’re truly awakening — unwilling to have your ego massaged while being misled. That’s another cue, of course — if you’ve got a being telling you how great you are, I’d walk away. That’s not a good sign, but it’s how many of them get through to people — straight through the ego or the mind. Mind doesn’t & cannot have the discernment of Heart. They’re in different realms.


Finally, there’s one more tell-tale signal that will be so easy to spot — once you’re willing to do the challenge, that is — their arrogance. Be prepared, for in some cases their arrogance is so inhumanly strong that it’s shocking. It’s palpable that they are NOT pleased that some measly earth human has dared to challenge who they say they are — & they don’t like showing their true self one bit.

So there ya go. You’ve got a new car, if you like. Take it out for a spin. See how it drives. I’ll be delighted to have you share your experiences in the comment section. Remember, the good ones don’t mind being challenged — they take no offense. That, & they far outnumber the bad guys, any day. It’s high time we take our native power back, friends. Let’s lead the way in that by ceasing to be so darn trusting.


PS For those interested in taking a deeper look, here are 3 fascinating (if sometimes somewhat hard to take) videos:

The lies of “history” — Bases 45 Cara St Louis Part 4 The Phe

The lies of today’s “science” — Nassim Haramein Cognos 2010 — ENGLISH PART 1 OF 6 (Nassim actually shares his very simple Unified Field Theory — amazing!)

The lie of “education,” i.e., programming — _NSC Brilliant anti-Common Core Speech by Dr. Duke Pesta

The first 5 minutes of this one may blow you away — also on “education” — Bases 45 Cara St.Louis Part 2

2016–03–19, Saturday, Mayan day 5 Kan/Seed

Posted to Medium 2017–03–14




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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