Consciousness Creates
Misplaced Trust, 2 of 2
Removing Our Beliefs & Blinders
Are you standing in the bonfire of the not-self, yet? Are you letting old beliefs go up in flames as you explore other options & perspectives? To the extent ego diminishes, our way grows ever more clear — & exciting. We begin to see things through new eyes, eyes of Source-in-form or Higher Self.
Being rich or poor matters not at all on this pathless path, this “route” to spiritual awakening. Ego still thinks it’s our mind that awakens, but we’re learning to step back from that, to just watch. We’re no longer so quick to trust, so quick to believe even the offerings of our own mind. Are you there, yet?
You are, of course, yet it’s a matter of shifting our focus, of turning toward Heart at the expense of time with the mind. Our mind’s level of importance is continually shrinking, slipping ever lower in our estimation. For some things it’s perfect, of course, but not for the big things, not for our spiritual trek.
No mind can even enter where Heart treads; they abide in different realms.
Each time we drop an old belief (or even just table it), more of our Source-in-form Self, more of Reality & Truth appear. No one can satisfactorily prove this to another, so it’s an individual choice. The price of entry into Heart is the shedding of old beliefs (& the blinders accompanying them).
Life is a Live-and-Learn proposition. We may gain something by hearing the words, the teachings of others, but that doesn’t take us one step into Heart. Only implementing our personal choices moves us into awakening. Beliefs never brought anyone there. Have you noticed, for instance, how the Buddhas were always the rebels?
No more followers. Now we stand or fall alone (i.e., “all-one”).
As we ditch the beliefs, all got at second hand, that brought us here, we begin to realize that Heart also “thinks;” though not quite. Instead, where mind thinks, Heart actually Knows. Do seek out the experience for yourself, since there’s no real way to explain this. Heart Knowing has nothing in common with the mind’s knowing, which is only its trusted beliefs.
Our trust in many cabal players/elected representatives allowed humanity to be used, manipulated into helping to create The Matrix. Our trust blinded us to their perfidy, their base perversions. With our guard down we just didn’t notice that side of them.
We, as humanity, actually both enabled & allowed our own takeover.
Since this is all in the past, being yesterday’s news, it cannot continue to impact us unless we allow that. Part of waking up is learning to make other choices, other uses of free will. It’s Live-and-Learn all the way, & we’re actually doing quite well. You can’t make a mistake, but that’s only seen from Heart. (There are no “mistakes” when it’s ALL good.)
The mind doesn’t want its workings to be seen by us, so we must really withdraw all trust; yes, even in our own mind, as well as those of others. Let us not underestimate the wiliness of the human mind, friends. Things it once did openly no longer get past us, so it slides underground into trickiness.
Our current world is laced with deception.
Now, comes the time to trust only the deep Inner (or Higher) Self. Our contact with That is via Heart, alone. No amount of thought delivers an awakening. We’re migrating out of head-focus into Heart-focus/Presence, exiting one realm to enter another, both aspects of the Greater Self as Source-in-form.
There’s no way to convey a Heart Knowing via words. It is blatantly obvious when experienced, but all the words in the world won’t share that. It transcends linear thought & speech, being higher dimensional. Our whole way of being shifts along this pathless path. Our trek is Live-and-Learn. Our trust is only with Source at first, then also with Source-in-form as we discover & experience That.
The reins frequently slip back & forth between the head & Heart.
It’s part of the process that’s leading us onward & upward into Who we truly are. Our physical lifetimes are not the pinnacle of our spiritual experience, but rather dramas we agree together to play out. Our Spirit has its purposes — we’re called to trust that.
Moving our trust from everything external is oftentimes shocking, other times uplifting, sometimes frightening. As with anything in 3D, it’s a process, not an instantaneous event, so we’re shifting gears in important ways. Our trust in Source & Higher Self leads us to a whole new vision of Life, of what it’s all about & even how it operates.
This has always been the case; our beliefs were the blinders to the greater Reality.
We’re shocked to find we have so much unacknowledged, unused power. No one told us that it’s consciousness doing the creating, here. We were left to discover that on our own. Further, the cabal will do all it can to disabuse us of that idea, of that awareness, so it’s wise & well to buckle up.
This Pathless Path will take us into many shocking territories, yet one day we realize that they’re only shocking the mind. They’re Known to Heart & not the least bit shocking. In my experience, Heart is never shocked. I doubt that it’s even shockable. Our whole prior way of being is constantly coming into question.
Nothing at all is what we took it to be. This takes some digesting, being initially too large to take in. From one perspective, this means “We got it all wrong.” That’s a limited, mental perspective, but until we release its underpinning beliefs, we’ll have it to deal with. 😉
Now, instead of believing we must seek things out, must work to uncover & master them, we find that’s not how it works. Life, in its ultimate benevolence, brings everything to our door, serves it all up on silver & gold platters we just haven’t been seeing — due to the structure of our beliefs.
We’re fast entering a whole new level of awareness, charting new territories as we go. It’s exciting, it’s elating often enough, yet also not without challenges. As the Yin-Yang of it all comes to light, we realize more & more that we contain it ALL. Nothing exists or can exist outside of us, outside of Who we truly are.
Yet, to get there, to become functional in our new environment requires abandoning our major beliefs. They blind us & keep us back. They are finally seen as unhelpful burdens. It all depends on our desires & our values, our constant use of free will.
We are structuring our own experience of reality every step of the way, & in ways we never envisioned. We selected much even before incarnating. Those memories don’t begin to return until we return to them in consciousness. Our frequency rises as we change our habits & keep choosing the Pathless Path.
We have the power, folks, potentially almost unlimited Power as Source-in-form, but not until we choose that. For our own safety & that of others, much of this remains hidden to us in our ignorance. We don’t give machine guns or bombs to babies. Would Source be any less cautious with (& as) us?
We can trust that Source will unfold precisely what we’re ready for in any Now moment — always with an eye to what’s best for us, while also respecting our free will. We’re seeing more frequently that It’s All Good.
Everything is brought to the feet of the awakening one on the Pathless Path.
3:20 pm, Tuesday, 2018/07/31 , 2nd blog— Mayan day 11 Star or Multiplication / Lamat