Spiritual Awakening
Misplaced Trust, 1 of 2
Trust Helped Create the Matrix
How was The Matrix created? Who created it? Are you ready for some weird answers, ready to take a potentially awakening journey? Let’s go!
We did. We, the Family of Humanity, bear some responsibility for creating The Matrix. How is that, you say? Since we aren’t in the Deep State, the cabal, we’re not actively doing anything to create that darkness — are we?
Let’s take it back to earlier times to see how it happened. Initially, we had no requirement for spoken words. We were able to communicate in silence, way back when. There is evidence still remaining of those very early times in the world’s sacred texts, including the Judeo-Christian Bible.
Suddenly “Adam & Eve,” stand-ins for a whole civilization, found themselves naked, found themselves speaking. They found themselves in a different, a lower dimension — 3D. Do you see?
When we first came we all spoke the same language, which eventually distressed the intruders, the original cabal. When we found ourselves working together so well we were building what became known as the Tower of Babel — the stairway to the heavens to help us access ET in their ships — the cabal had to prevent that.
Thus, were our languages imposed. Thus, did the Tower to Heaven (the skies) become the Tower of Babel, of confused languages. The soul mourns over what humanity lost at that point — the simple ability to share, to both send & receive understandable communications — now gone! It’s a terrible rape of our soul, our kinship; very sad.
Nonetheless, it’s ALL good, which we can see once we get out of our own way.
We always triumph, eventually — & we did. This was the beginning of the supposedly separate cultures, becoming the nations, creating boundaries that were never there, before. It all tracks back to this far earlier time, now effectively erased from public access, kept secreted away in cabal libraries & vaults.
Because we trusted — unwisely — we eventually lost the truth of our history, our origins. “Evolution” is just another joke we were fed as fact, as truth, when it’s anything but. Nor were we “created” by another species of beings, by some god or another. The “gods” of earlier times were beings more advanced in their awareness than humanity — beings we would now call ET.
We were denied Truth at every turn, given, instead, some cabal fabrication or another. It’s true that history is always written by the victors — a word to the wise seekers of Truth. “Truth” in 3D is, at best, relative truth; nor can it be anything else. Today’s scientific “constants” are tomorrows adjusted figures & “facts.” No 3D truth stands the test of the ages.
While there does exist another sort of Truth, something eternal & more real than we can imagine, this Truth cannot be contained in any linear words, transcending mind’s ability to either perceive or convey it. Those who find their way into Heart’s portal into the All That Is, the Unknown, & the Void — only these are well placed to perceive Truth.
When we look back to what we once were, how we once operated & experienced Life, then contrast that with what we have today, they are realms & eons apart. Their Venn Diagram holds almost nothing in common. How did that happen? And most importantly, what part did we play?
We trusted, friends. We trusted & accepted our lot, enabling the cabal to rewrite the curricula, to takeover running the show on planet earth. Hegel eventually delineated the process by which we were overcome — the Hegelian Dialectic of Problem > Reaction > Solution. Many know it well.
For those who don’t, it’s an almost foolproof way to take over any civilization or group by going bit by tiny bit, following long-term plans. Anyone who objects to a tiny move on the Hegelian board is shamed & publicly embarrassed at making so much fuss over something so seemingly small. Thus, did we allow the slow takeover to progress over the millennia.
100-year plans are common to this strategy.
Too much trust was at fault every step of the long way to where we are, now. We believed in the voting system, in the voting machines’ output; we believed in those we elected, that they would do what they promised, which seldom occurred. We were lied to, fooled, & tricked every step of the way, intentionally, craftily misled.
Trust is based on a belief. It’s a choice made via our free will. What we weren’t taught is how any belief blinds us to other perspectives. When we believe our way is “right,” we’re not interested in what others have to say. Since they’re going against our belief, they can’t possibly be right. Many believe they don’t even deserve to be heard.
Beliefs & blinders — always a package deal.
Only now that things have become so terrible, so horrid, are we willing to call into question those old, programmed beliefs. We may want to reject all we’re learning, such as the reality of pedophilia, & even pedovore, where the children and/or their body fluids are consumed. It’s just too horrid!
No, not if it’s the truth. The Truth is always worthy of our attention. We ignore it at great risk.
The Family of Humanity stands at a major crossroad. What decision will each of us make? We can only decide for ourselves, however. There’s a great deal of effort put into helping others decide, which never quite works. We can neither live their life for them nor make their best decisions, not having walked even a mile in their shoes.
There is a lot of what could be called ego that must be released to continue into awakening. It amounts to the price of our passage into higher frequencies, higher dimensions, into experiencing more of the self/Self. No one is completely free of ego, yet in some it’s far more apparent than in others — such as the self. 😆
Such beliefs were cultivated in us by the cabal as would lend them every advantage. We were too trusting to see their dark machinations, venturing into ethical places we find it hard to even imagine, being so sickly, cruelly corrupt.
Too much trust every step of the way — so we looked the other way; made that a way of life.
Earth birthed her rebels along the historical journey, those unwilling to be molded by society, by elders, by others. What became of them? They usually met terrible deaths or were marginalized sufficiently to largely escape our notice. Yeah, they’ve been censoring for a very long time. They’re quite good at it.
Where from here? That’s strictly up tp you. Where do you want to go, to take it? That’s critically important, requiring some self-examination, or at least more self-awareness. It’s hard to hear that our mind doesn’t have our answers, friends, but this must be faced at some point if we would slip the bonds of The Matrix.
Who to trust? There are two, that turn out to be but One — Self & Source. Only these are worthy of humanity’s trust, none other — including me, of course. 😉 Shifting our trust from anything & anyone external to Self & Source is quite a journey, inevitably full of ups & downs. We’ll go there in part 2.
Tuesday afternoon, 2018/07/31, 1st blog— Mayan day 11 Star or Multiplication / Lamat