Mind Cannot Hear the Transmissions of Heart
Are you enjoying your life? If you’re not spending serious amounts of time in enjoyment, you’re not in Heart. Abraham hit that straight on, today:
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/02/25
“The things that we would be asking ourselves is, “What proportion of my day am I in vibrational harmony with my desires, which means, how much of my day am I happy, glad, eager, fulfilled, satisfied, complimentary? And what percentage of my day am I ornery, irritated, frustrated, or blaming?” And you don’t have to do 100%, you don’t have to do 90%, you don’t have to do 80%. If you could even get around 55% feeling better, than not feeling so good — you’d have significant movement in what begins to happen in your experience.” [Emphasis added]
Excerpted from San Diego, CA on 8/11/01
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
Many of us are moving forward, somehow expecting enlightenment to come, eventually, doing what we can to stay ahead of the game. I did that for many years, but no more. We can’t expect different results if we don’t change, if we keep on as before, perhaps looking to be rescued or for the second coming of Christ.
What if Christ’s second coming is into the awakening Heart in each one, into the Kingdom, which is within us? How would that play out? Did you know that “Christ” is a title & not a name? This is a time of truly great change, but when we do what we’ve always done, we get what we’ve always gotten, yes?
How much are we willing to change?
What are we willing to put on the line? What is awakening worth to us, individually? While I feel for those who put the whole burden on someone else, be that Jesus/Yeshua or whomever, it just doesn’t work like that. If they’d left us the actual scriptures instead of these greatly altered versions, this would be clearer. Even Jesus said, “You will do greater things than me” when I go.
Those making the major move out of the head & into Heart are already connecting with the Christ Consciousness, which is freely available to one & all, just as the sun shines alike on both just & unjust. Source doesn’t play favorites, friends. That just doesn’t make sense, not to Heart, though it’s been rationalized that way by many minds.
There is nothing we can “do” to bring this about beyond aligning with Source in Heart. We are not the doer of anything, there, where we discover that Source does it all through us. We are the Dance as we more fully align, giving our ego-selves over to That, to Source.
The ego-self, the mind is not up to this task.
Try as we might to be good little boys & girls, to follow whatever teaching has been laid out for us, we all fail at some point. This isn’t a bad or even a negative thing. It’s just what is. It’s just us, trying to force something designed as a natural outcome, as a free gift to those who align with it. It’s a learning experience.
“Live & learn,” is such a wise little phrase.
That’s what time is all about, you could say — living & learning, growing, expanding, failing & succeeding. It’s all good. There’s no one for whom we must perform — no one but us. Nothing is what we think it is, what we were told & taught — nothing! No one can tell us or give us that understanding which comes naturally with “live & learn,” especially when we’re in Heart.
No mind can hear the transmissions of Heart. That’s why, when we continue on, either thinking enlightenment will eventually come if we work at it hard enough or when some savior or another does it for us, we’re not aligning with the Divine Power resident within, always present.
Everyone gets to make their own choices, to go their own way, & it’s not up to us to “enlighten” or to “save” them, to be their guide. They, too, are Source-in-form walking the earth, & we may slow them down when trying to help from our mind focus, disconnecting them from their internal Source connection. Heck, they may be the ones sent to assist us.
Only Heart knows.
I’ll admit it, this is a shocking walk, this awakening thing, which many already know or are coming to realize. The whole landscape shifts as, again & again, the rug of what we believed is pulled out from under our feet, leaving us unsteady & unsure for a time. We relied on things that are not real, but no one can prove this to us but the self by taking our own chosen walk.
What is true & workable for you may not help someone else, may not be what their path requires of them right now, & you can’t know that; only they can. The more we cozy down in Heart mode, the more intuitive we are. In Heart we discover Inner Senses well beyond the 5 of 3D, other ways to navigate life.
I can only offer what works for me, so be sure to stick with your own inner guidance on everything. Contrary to what many believe, there are many paths up the mountain, not just one. Just because someone seems successful by following their chosen way, that won’t necessarily work for you, & Heart will tell you that — if you listen.
It’s also a lie that Source/God quit speaking 2,000 years or so ago. That idea is actually a bit crazy on the face of it, but when we’re so stuck in a mind trek we cannot see how ridiculous it actually is. We can’t see beyond our beliefs. ETs have come repeatedly & interacted with humanity. Can you see how some of them may have been looked on as gods? It makes perfect Heart sense.
Source/God is neither destructive nor vengeful, either, as perhaps you already realize. We allowed ourselves to become so deeply programmed that it’s frightening to consider such things. We think it puts our immortal soul at risk of an eternity in “hell.” Not. Yet, beliefs are such powerful things that they carve out our experience for us, our destiny.
Be very careful about what you choose to believe.
You have more power than you know. Creator lives in all of us. Based on our beliefs, we create. We can’t create for others, just for the self. We can carve out a most uncomfortable chain of experiences when we’re in mind, unaware of Heart speaking to us, 24/7.
We are never alone, it only seems so to the mind. “Alone” is from “all one;” can you see? Word definitions are constantly changing, so beware. Your grandparents wouldn’t get what you mean by “wicked” today. To be “nice” once meant to be a whore, not at all what we now take it to mean.
Etymology is great fun, but even there don’t completely trust. Like everything else, some word origins are hidden or obfuscated. It’s a good time to determine to not trust anything 100% — nothing that doesn’t come directly through Heart, that is. Nothing in the (seemingly) external world.
Source is ever active, is very much a part of what’s going on in our world, not a bystander observing & judging it & us. The voice of Source — even just the idea of that — cannot be understood by any mind. It’s more an internal movement, a sensing that brings us into a new understanding or awareness of whatever it is. It’s more a Loving intuition than a voice, something we experience to the marrow of our bones, it’s so deep.
No one is left out.
Source speaks in & through every Heart, but as long as we go around locked in the mind Matrix, we don’t hear it. Many are not yet used to heeding their intuitions. We all get them, but how many times do we stubbornly go our own way, not following the intuition because “it doesn’t make sense?” There’s perfect evidence of being in the mind.
There’s a price we pay for living from Heart which is covered in other journals. To our mind, that price is HUGE. To the Heart, it’s nothing at all, as what we’re leaving behind is precisely what was holding us down, keeping us Matrix enslaved. It’s our programming at work.
Hold everything lightly, my friends. As we back away from attachments, both mental & emotional, we make room for Joy. As we look upon our brethren — all of them, not just the supposed good guys — with deep Respect, even Love, things shift. Only then do we begin to see the divinity hidden everywhere, in every blade of grass, every being walking the earth.
We’re too full of ourselves. Do you see it? We’ll see it in others, first, as the prelude to spotting all of it in the self. That’s in the beautiful design of this thing we so casually call “life,” this Life that never ends, that never began, that just IS.
While I know it makes not a lick of sense to anyone’s mind, perhaps the most important thing you can do is to find enjoyment in whatever you’re doing at the time. Even if you’re being reamed by your boss, that’s the best possible blessing for you in that moment. Treasures can arise from it via Heart’s view.
Everything that comes our way is perfectly, divinely designed, but we won’t see it that way via our mind.
It’s all about choices, which ones we make, how we choose to view the little things, not just the big ones. In that way, it’s all up to us. Though we can’t grab the situation, the bull by the horns, & mold it to our desires, we weren’t meant or made to do that. That’s strictly mind-stuff, but only Heart can teach us that.
Let’s choose to see both the self & others through eyes of Heart, to align with Source, taking on our Source-in-form identity ever more by every choice we make. When living from our mind, it’s our subconscious & unconscious that is largely in control. We think we know what we’re doing, yet nothing ever comes out just as we’d like it to, just as the mind desires.
We have a whole other world opening to us through this time of chaos, making our choices ever more pivotal, more critical to our personal outcome. One of the biggest lessons on our plate is to learn to let go, to release the choke-hold mind has on our whole experience, our perceptions of life/Life.
Free Will is the critical element, here in 3D, & even in 4D & 5D. It may begin to look entirely different as our frequencies rise beyond, IDK. We forget so very much just to take this 3D walk. Let’s choose to become far more comfortable with that, learning to lean on Heart, rather than always relying on our mind to sort things out.
Mind cannot know the secrets of Heart.
12:25 pm, Monday 2018/02/25, 1st, Mayan day 11 Road / Eb