Matrix Mind-Addiction — Letting Go
Empty Observation — Nothing to Cling To
So strange, that we must let the “I” go before moving on, lest we be taken on yet another side-trip by the ego-mind. Those can be enjoyable, of course. There’s nothing wrong with them. Judgment also falls away in the absence (or minimalization) of the false self.
It’s endlessly shocking for a while, seeing our ideas, attitudes, & habits in a new light, from an emptiness that’s also new to us. No, it’s not complete, but it’s sufficient to show us the contrast between What Is & what we once thought.
No judgment?! How does that work?
Most of us watch the mind — a lot — during this phase. We observe its discomfort trying to visualize a world absent the judgment of right & wrong. For a while, it doesn’t know how to move forward, so we just observe. It’s enough.
We’re shown, via that observation, just how judgmental we were. The most shocking bits are our judgment, our condemnation of the self, whether gentle or harsh. Such things are not seen until we step back, be it into emptiness or simple, relatively empty observation.
No judgment; okay. What about no future? At some point, we get a view of the NowHere, the essence of That. It’s simply awesome, unlike anything we’ve yet contemplated. The mind kicks & screams, hollering as if it could thereby make the new view disappear. Poor mind. We just watch.
Yes, there’s a two-ness in that, but so what? Did you learn to walk the first time you stood up & tried? There’s a preciousness to the journey, the timeless journey through the NowHere of our certain perspective, one of the endless number available, one we chose for this journey/incarnation.
Slowly, or sometimes not so slowly, we watch ourselves morphing from the body-mind perspective into we-know-not-what. We just know it’s different, at first. There’s no future we can see into, so we just Be, getting more comfy with that.
It’s funny, but at this point we start paying more attention to our pets, perhaps perceiving them on a deeper level.
We’re more attentive. They respond. They’re deeper than we realized — more present to us when we’re more present to ourselves & thus to them. We may marvel at what we were missing for all of those years.
The past is as unreal or unstable as the future in this NowHereness. The concept of purpose is seen dropping away since its entire existence is reliant on the “reality” of time. We may have structured our life largely around the sense of purpose or mission, our reason for being — or so we thought. That whole thing goes faint, goes out of focus on its way out.
There’s no preparing anyone for this.
It’s so unique, anyway, so your prep will fall short of being useful to others. It’s deconstruction at work & at play, so bizarre when it’s you — or who you thought you were — being deconstructed.
So who’s to watch that?
Who or what is this “I”, this Eye that’s not the body-mind, the phony self we took to be us?
The mind wants to accelerate us through whatever this is. It keeps trying. Sometimes we fall into that, other times we don’t. It never gets us anywhere, perhaps because it can’t since it’s part of what’s being surrendered. Oh my, it doesn’t like that. Like it or not, the mind is an aspect of the ego, the false self, so oh, well. We watch.
Though I hesitate to offer anything at all concrete or helpful (since the ego-self tends to take such things over), yet I’ll share that journaling can be both enjoyable & useful, an outlet as well as a pathway of discovery. The fun lies in letting the emptiness have its say, & it will, the emptier we get.
Both in the writing, watching the words appear on the page, & in going back over them later, we’re shown the distinction between what the ego-mind has to say & what comes through on the flow of the NowHere. We begin to better tune into the part that emptiness plays in all of this, though it’s not anything like clear.
We’re mind-addicts, friends. Do you see it, yet?
It’s what we’ve been trained, educated, & enculturated to be. It’s awkward as hell to the one waking up from the false self & its take on simply everything. We watch all of that as it fades away, having nothing to replace any of it, oh my.
Letting go is something to specialize in, here. Knowing that we contain it all, the All In All, can be helpful, but it’s just an idea at the start. As we make way for it, the experience will arise. Meanwhile, we also begin to master simple observation.
It’s enough. No more is needed. We are not incomplete, just still focused largely on what’s unreal. What’s available? Our infinite, eternal Source-in-form Beingness. Ah, there’s something to ponder, but let’s not do it via the mind. Let’s find Heart, instead. It paints a much different picture, opening a door to a new Reality to explore & enjoy.
10:36 p.m., Friday, 2019/11/15 — Mayan day 2 Sun / Ahau