Make Way for New Perspectives

5 min readMay 27, 2019


These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening,

What’s our current job as humans on Mother Earth? As we look around, it’s clear we’re making a bit of a mess here & there — pardon the understatement. Yet, whenever we head out to fix whatever it is, why doesn’t that work out right, work out as we expected?

What’s missing from this picture?

More of us are awakening to realize that we’re somehow getting in our own way. We don’t know quite how, but the suspicion keeps showing up.

As long as we continue to tackle today’s issues with yesterday’s solutions, we’ll continue in this vein.

The question isn’t so much what to do as what to be. At some point, we’ll recognize that the ego-mind has no final solutions to anything. It’s more like a game we’re all playing.

Let’s stick with the NowHere such that we don’t go off trying to figure out how we got into this situation. Let’s also ditch the fear or trepidation that often arises when we project the current mess out into the future.

Be Here Now or Be NowHere has a good feel to it. Hey, nothing else has worked. We could at least give it a spin.

Who & what we identify with & as is at issue, here. To identify with the body-mind or the ego-mind is to lose before the game is even begun, to fall into the dream. The “solutions,” the resolutions we seek are much bigger than those that can be contained by those limited aspects of our being.

Let us center in Heart — & keep doing so. Whenever anything distressing comes to mind, anything that makes us uncomfortable, let’s release that & go within; not seeking solutions, just go within & Be, & observe. It doesn’t take much of that before we’re spotting the mind as the one being distressed & uncomfortable, whatever the situation.

It’s a victory.

Just spotting the mind, the ego-mind at work is a very big deal. It helps us step away to observe, to gain a broader angle, not just on things, but on Who we are. We may not be fully identifying with & as Source-in-form just yet, but we’re headed that way & it feels good; much better than being stuck in the mind.

It’s the little things, folks. Have you seen in that way? Once we do, so many burdens begin to just fall away. They’re continually falling away as we’re awakening, but that’s generally not so noticeable. Our realization of the beauty & the importance of the little things — things we’ve always considered unimportant — comes as a notable shift.

We feel it, now, a certain lightening, both a lighting up & a lightening of our burden.

New perspectives are called for. Not new mental perspectives, for that’s to be stuck in an endless loop, but new perspectives arising in Heart. They’re here & they’ve long been ready for us. We didn’t see them because we weren’t yet ready for them. Now that’s changed.

Releasing our Burdens —

We have so much to celebrate! As our life shifts into our more flexible perspective on everything, it turns from one of challenges & burdens to one of lightness & a frequent sense of celebration. We’re uplifted by the “little things” in ways our minds don’t comprehend.

We’re learning to be okay with that, LOL.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2019/05/27

“The premise that so many people come from is that good isn’t natural; good must be demanded or manipulated or orchestrated. And we say, good IS natural! It must be asked for, and it must be expected — but Good is the only Stream that flows.” [The Little Soul would certainly agree 😂.]

Excerpted from Tarrytown, NY on 5/15/99

Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

Where from here? Into ever more releasing, letting go of what we think, of how we believe things work, of what we think things are. When we hold those things lightly, with the most delicate touch, we’re in a perfect position to shed the sense of being burdened.

We are not (burdened), but we are to the extent we believe we are.

The Physics of Spirituality is a great adventure into some really “out there” perspectives — or are they?

The Physics of Spirituality | Nassim Haramein with Vishen Lakhiani — 55:16

Don’t worry about coming to terms with the great Power of Source that you are. That will all take care of itself as we learn to just let go. The things we cling to are as weapons of war — in the enemy’s hands. Our clinging comprises our consent to the wounding they bring.

We’re excessively armored up with useless weights & restraints. With the best of intentions, we took things on that don’t serve us. The time has come, whenever we’re ready, to let so many things go. Who & what we already are at our core is the answer to everything; we just have to find our way in, into a realm we didn’t even know existed.

Buddha — Holding on to Anger —

Life is what we make it.

We’re unknowingly choosing to be burdened, weighted down by unnecessary & unhelpful things. Let’s not set out to “fix” anything, for that would most likely be ego-mind at work. The best intentions in the world won’t make the ego-mind our champion when it comes to awakening, any more than it will enable us to mow the lawn with our dishwasher. 😆

We can play the game as long as we like. Until we become the observer of the self, we don’t see these things or anything like them. To the mind, they may even sound nuts. Oh, well. It is what it is, & if you want to leave your mind in charge of your destiny, that’s your right.

It’s also time to support everyone’s right to choose for themselves — & to reap the built-in consequences. We act in such arrogance when we tell others what to do, how to do it, or what to think & say. There is ever so much deep, belly laughter ahead of us as we awaken sufficiently to see ourselves behaving this way.

Arrogance is one sure sign of the mind at work.

It’s in us to release the old life, the old ways of pain & sorrow, the heavy weights of responsibility for making messes & begin to recognize those as ways of self-abuse. Self-observation isn’t optional — it’s required — so let us do it while firmly ensconced within Heart.



9:09 a.m., Sunday, 2019/05/26 — Mayan day 11 Deer / Manik




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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