Lying to be Fair & Honest

Seeing Through the BS

4 min readSep 3, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me —

Truth can be a frightening thing, it seems. When equality of opportunity is not good enough, you get the blatantly dishonest equality of outcomes. We must avoid feeling hurt or inadequate so we falsify things to feel better, to be “fair.” Really?

Since when is the truth so daunting, so disheartening that we have to tell lies to avoid facing facts?

Much is being exposed these days about the inner workings of Google, so these things are changing on the fly. They, too, fear facts & truth getting out; imagine that. 😲 [Not] Don’t be surprised, however, if your Google searches present false returns; all to spare your tender feelings, of course.

For a time, queries on CEOs returned equal numbers of males & females, even if females were only 10% of the actual total. Oh no, that’s too frightening for you to discover so it must be hidden under the guise of equality. We wouldn’t want women to be upset, to feel inadequate, oh no. They must be spared from the truth.

Are we really such wusses?

Unfortunately, yes, at least many among the younger ones, the programmed SJWs our school systems are churning out. They’ll wear pussy hats & march for whatever cause in the name of fairness & equality, not seeming to notice the huge distinction between equality of opportunity vs equality of outcomes. They’re all about those outcomes, baby, & there are plenty of adults leading the way.

For those who are ready, it’s time to wake up, to re-embrace simple truth. Let’s not lose it in the pursuit of the dishonest honesty of equality of outcomes; something that’s simply impossible. Do we mandate the same grades, the same hair color & style, the same skin color for all in the realm of unique beings we call planet earth? There can be no forced equality beyond the equality of opportunity for all.

What we do with those opportunities is up to us.

Shall we have someone supervise our children in the classroom, making sure that their penmanship, their pronunciation is precisely equal, is just alike? Some schools no longer give grades since they can’t manipulate them all to be equal.

Are we robots? Perhaps we’ve become too attached to our technology which CAN be forced to present equal outcomes, equal results, even if doing so mandates nested lies & distortions, a la Google. Remember, they & other tech executives willingly lie to Congress to cover this up. Guess they’re not so proud of it, after all.

Is such supposed equality worth the deviation from the truth it demands?

Truth vs Lies Puzzle —

Are we such whores that our feelings are more important to us than real truth? It’s time for all Social-Justice Warriors to look within, to uncover the distortions programmed into their innocence. We were taught lies in the guise of truth but no one sees that until they’re ready.

Our schools have betrayed us in this & in so many ways. If parents could view the video of just one week or even one day of their children’s classes, there would be a mass migration to home & private schooling. Since our children are our future — & we’re seeing that “future” in the present SJW invasion — it’s urgent that we wake up.

No, it’s not too late. No, we’re not going to hell in a handbasket. (We’re also programmed to be fearful; have you noticed?) Yet, humanity is both special & even awesome, well able to wake up & fly right, as the old saying goes. We can change our course, but that’s a personal choice, something unique to each one.

We are powerful, friends. The sooner we wake up to that, the better. It’s why we’re being used as we are, farmed to create the negative energetic food for a dark lot of beings who’ve all but lost their way. Okay, they have lost their way, LOL, but we don’t have to remain under their control.

As always, seeing is freeing. Let’s move on.



10:09 a.m., Tuesday, 2019/09/03 — Mayan day 7 Deer / Manik




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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