Living Outside of Ourselves

Putting the Mind in the Back Seat

6 min readFeb 25, 2020
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me —

We keep looking for enlightenment outside of ourselves — from some book, some recording, some teacher or guru of the past. We won’t likely find it that way since awakening is from what’s outside & to what’s within. Please note, we’re looking for it where it doesn’t abide.

Buddha — The Way is not in the Sky

We don’t trust ourselves much, do we? How do we respond when we’re told that we ARE what we seek? There’s usually no room at the inn for such news. Our programming rejects it outright.

Maybe it’s time to make peace with ourselves, to offer the self that acceptance we give to those dear to us, to those we admire.

Looking outside of the self for our awakening is a symptom of being mind-centric. The first aspect of our being we need to master is our mind & that makes for a bit of a rough ride since the mind actually fears not being in charge. It can’t imagine anything more qualified to run the show than itself so it doesn’t surrender the scepter willingly.

Everything Is Within You

Besides your body, what aspect of you are you aware of beyond the mind? Is there anything else you could identify with? It doesn’t take any sort of religion to be aware of spirit or soul but if it’s not something you’ve accepted, you won’t be able to identify with it.

Our mind tends to live on the surface of life. Our spirit or soul experiences the mind from within but it doesn’t need the mind. Let’s just call it spirit & say that our spirit has its own indwelling wisdom or intelligence. The mind is certainly useful to spirit but not essential. The mind is not needed for the things of spirit, only for the things of 3D.

Living on the surface of life as it does, the mind is most useful for externals.

Mind & spirit have their own realms.

You are Love. Can you relate to that? Can you sense or feel it? (It works better when centered in Heart.) You can let that Love be in charge, that wise, intelligent Love that’s actually divine. We all participate in That so it’s accessible to us all once we take the barriers down, the barriers that both we & society/education have erected.

Those barriers are mostly our beliefs & the attitudes & expectations that flow from them.

That whole idea terrifies some, especially those wedded to religion. A practice of continually centering in Heart helps us through this part for Heart has no fear. Once we can accept the idea that the huge bulk of our beliefs in anything & everything is highly questionable, we can begin to settle down to just observe.

You Cannot Seel Your Reflection in Running Water

This is a rather easy stage since the presence of fear is easily detected & since the remedy is to center deeper within, to ignore the bulk of anything our mind has to say. We’re on our way to reclaiming our mastery, if not over our life then at least over our mind. It’s a good start.

Awakening starts with a lot more self-awareness than we’re used to practicing.

There’s the busy outer self, the egoic, mind-centric one that we’re so used to occupying. We take that one to be who we are, but it is not. That will later be recognized as the false self, fun but not real.

It’s the inner self, the inner Being accessible via Heart that’s the core of us. The more we identify with & as that one, the better it feels — perhaps not at first, since it’s so new to us, but eventually as we persist.

What is the language of God?

We’re changing the locus of our focus but it goes really deep. The enlightenment begins to flow from within. It’s always been flowing, but the mind-centric don’t notice it. They write it off as coincidence or nonsense. Not so. We finally begin to see with more clarity than before.

No one can give us our awakening. No one can teach us how to awaken. The One “doing” this is Source but until we can strongly identify as Source-in-form, we’re out on the fringes, looking in. And we’re the ones keeping ourselves out via that programming & all of those beliefs.

Our mind is a useful tool in its limited realm, but awakening doesn’t occur there. Until we can firmly discipline our mind to take a back seat to Heart, we remain on the fringes of awakening, gaining the odd insight but nothing substantial. Why not?

The mind rejects what is substantial to Heart. They abide in their two different realms.

The mind refuses to bow to Heart.

As I gain this mastery, that extends to you, the energy of that. As you gain it, it extends to me & others, as well. We’re all so intimately connected, quantum connected, that we’re just One as cells in the one body of Source/God — so of course, we influence one another. How could it be otherwise?

Rather than exert great effort, this is more something we learn to relax into. We allow it or just let it Be, all the while shifting into awakening before we even recognize it.

The Universe surrenders to the still mind

Things are all much, much better than they seem to be. We worry & hassle too much. As we let that relaxing-into-awakening take charge, we find ourselves getting along with others much better. Our perspective keeps shifting into better territory.

Be kind to yourself! Don’t immerse yourself too much in the negative, in political videos or news — mental fare — without balancing that out with Heart fare, uplifting vids, animal rescues, cute kids, whatever suits your fancy, whatever helps you relax. All of this is you shifting out of mind-dominance into Heart where we can truly relax & just Be.

We laugh often (& often at the self) as we witness that Source does the rest, does it all through us.



8:19 p.m., Monday, 2020/02/24

I’ll share a rather curious P.S., here. Please note that the following words are not only composed of the same letters, but they translate into each other via an almost identical pattern:



Each one has 6 letters. The pattern to convert one into the other is almost the same:

3,2,1,5,6,4 turns Listen into Silent

3,2,1,6,4,5 converts Silent into Listen.

One could even say they contain one another. They’re numerologically equal. What’s most captivating of all, of course, is how related they are in their meaning. There are no coincidences, by the way, so this is curious, indeed. Enjoy! 😆




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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