Life is ONLY Benevolent

9 min readSep 1, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

An idea brought me here — very rare for the journals, which usually begin in a sort of emptiness — so let’s see where it leads, how it works out. The idea was to share my perception of daily events in my life — how I see things.


When you’re in Heart you’re in/with/being Love, so let’s begin there. This isn’t a head trip, but one only accessible within, so let’s “go” there, Be there. Now, when we witness something happening around us, we have a major perspective shift from how mind would tend to see it. We’re much more aware of how WE are creating our reality — magnetizing whatever it is.


The main take-away from this is that it’s all beneficial — benevolent — no matter how it appears to the mind. It may be something chaotic — so how to we handle/process that? We look within for the origin of any chaos. If we sit with that for a moment, it has so much to offer — a completely new way to view Life, all passing events.

This is much more the case for those things directly occurring in our physical space, somewhat less so for what we view electronically — though we’ve magnetized that, too. Once upon a time I wasn’t so frank, so clear as I now find myself being — so here’s an example from a YT comment thread:

This pretty well sums up what I want to say, here.

We are manifesting what’s occurring around us, but it takes stepping into Heart, stepping into Creator mode, as Source-in-form. This is much easier done once a good deal of witnessing mind is already behind us. Until we step out of mind, step back from it, we have no realization that we are more than that. We have identified with mind, as well as with the body we wear.

We are not a mind, we have a mind — same with the body. This new perspective is only available via Heart, via identifying with soul/Higher Self, thus making it so much easier to step back from whatever we’re seeing & view it from there — as Who we truly are.


All we ever have (or ever will have) is Now, friends — the NowHere moment, best accessed via the nowhere of the Heart portal. As we develop full Presence in Heart, maintaining it at least most of the time — for no one is perfect — this becomes our “normal” perspective — the higher one, the one more distanced from the melee. We no longer tend to get sucked-in to whatever it is. Nice, huh?

What if everyone knew that real Peace was accessible in any Now moment? Wouldn’t that be awesome? It doesn’t mean that we’ll just float up above everything that’s happening — it’s not like that. Nor can it be maintained 24/7/365 — we’re not machines. We still have tangled energies that need to be cleared, so the daily occurrences, seen from this perspective, are viewed as tremendously helpful — beneficial — no matter how crazy they appear to anyone’s mind.

Are you with me? Will you at least grant the possibility that something like this could be the case? If not, you’re perhaps wasting your time, here. This is not from the mental realm, where cool objectivity can resolve any quandary — that’s quite another realm, another world, which cannot access Heart perspective(s). That’s the old world of 3D duality, the realm of 3D mind.


What many don’t yet seem to realize is that it is not mind which awakens — we awaken from mind, from being so identified with it that we interpret literally everything through the (belief) filters of mind. 3D mind cannot enter Heart, which is beyond 3D, beyond duality. Heart’s answers are in no way linear, not restricted to yes/no, good/bad, etc.


Heart’s perceptions/answers are very deep, & we go deep within to find them. Though they’ve always been present with us, to the extent we were occupied within mind, they were not perceptible, not accessible within that dualistic paradigm. This is why it’s so necessary to take the trek of becoming the witness of mind — not so wrapped-up within it & its processes.

There are many who will refuse to take this trek — which is logical — as it scares the pants off of mind. They don’t yet see that it is not them, but their mind which is refusing to go there. Just as the eye cannot see itself, their identity with & as mind is easy to see — but not from within the forest, which is not seen nor see-able until one gets a bit of distance from it. See?


There is a beautiful, underlying calm that arises, along with the clarity that is so much a part of being in Heart. Even in the midst of whatever storm, we’re able to see the blessing, the benefit in whatever is outplaying — to us, & perhaps to humanity, too.

So many of us want to wake-up, but are taking the mind route — thinking if we just learn enough, know enough, find the right teacher or Master, that we’ll have our desired awakening. While I feel for them, the way I found has almost nothing to do with my mind, which has become more a useful tool than who I am, than how I move through Life.

When you eventually realize that all science has to offer is the latest theories on how things work — & that those theories always change over time — it helps give you the distance to step back a bit from such heavy belief in it. I don’t care how well the scientists are educated, what initials follow their names — sometimes that sort of thing keeps them more deeply bound within The Matrix — the land of Belief Systems & mind, which is not the key to awakening.

Science can help, can support our own inner understandings at times, so I’m not saying throw the baby out with the bathwater. Yet, just as we shift from identifying with mind/thought to making that serve us, we can do the same with all of science & all of their results. Let them be a useful tool, not something on which to base our beliefs.


Our Belief Systems are playing out in front of us on a daily, an hourly, an every-moment basis. We’re being mirrored back to ourselves in all that we see & experience. We’re being shown what we’ve got working, inside — crystal clear — once we make this major shift in our chosen perspective. Until we do that, we’ll find ourselves forever pointing the finger “out there,” at someone or something else as the cause of the chaos, the discomfort we feel.


This just doesn’t happen for the one centered deeply within — the one taking full responsibility for their life experiences. It’s a shocking shift to make, I agree — not something done in a moment. But then, what is Life, itself, but a process, ever in flow? Unless we find our way into our Now moment more & more often, we’re not turning the key that unlocks the Heart experience.

Mind is ever off in the future, making plans, or lost in the past, mulling over something that happened, what someone said or did — or whatever. Mind resists being still in the Now — to just Be. The Now moment is ever the access point to this sacred journey, my friends. It’s a process of training the mind, of aligning with the flow of our life — lifting it up beyond the endless duality.

Where would the divine Beauty exist but in the Now? Mind wants to put things off into the future, things it judges that it doesn’t now have. That’s naught but a good way to keep postponing our happiness, our fulfillment, our awakening, which can happen in every Now moment — once we find our way in.

Mind will never “get this,” friends — it simply can’t. So unless you can choose to master the mind, you’ll just keep chasing your tail, yet awhile. That can STOP in any Now moment where you make the appropriate choice — which only you can know. No one can tell you “how” to “do” this. In the end, we realize it isn’t do-able — that it’s actually being done through us — by our own Higher Self. It’s only mind that keeps us in the do-er mode — never Heart.

So, release & let go. Recognize that there may well be something higher, something far nobler, even divine, accessible right there, where you are in any Now moment. Reach for that. It’s been reaching out to you since time began. We begin to perceive this, the deeper we go into the inner territory, which I choose to call Heart.


Lisa Transcendence Brown — Writings — 2/1/2017

As the Old Matrix Unravels … NEW Earth Replaces the Old …

We are observing the dismantling of the old and the reconstruction all in a shorter time-frame, if you will. These highest frequencies speed evolution up. Observe on a grander scale to truly see, yet if you only look at the lower dimensional timelines, all you will see is collapse. You must look beyond that, and include the higher dimensions and all of the beings that are here in the physical, look for that which creates polarity to push up separation and where beings unite and work together for our “future”, if you will. If you really open up to see, you will see that not all is hopeless. That is a limited perception. Widen your view. Look for higher existences already working. This will show you what is not only possible, but is already working and in-place. It is you that were asleep, could not yet see, because your heart-mind was closed or focused on the old instead of the new/what is already out there. It is you that has to come on-board… it is you who must choose, do the work and physically invest and support. You do not get a new existence handed to you. You have to do the work, just like everyone else does and many have done. Open your heart and your inner eye will open too, you will finally hear what has been being spoken all along…. as a guideline for “now”.

This is an unlearning of everything one thought they knew and a surrendering to a higher existence as love, peace, unity and a deep inner profound connection to all as ONE again. This is a REMEMBERING that goes so far beyond human existences and this is an evolutionary process to becoming a Quantum Light BEing here.

Choosing the highest path always will resolve any barriers for you and open up realities you do desire to experience here. Any struggle inside will show you things are off. Alignment is achieved when you are at total peace and one inside (unified).

Here there is no polarity, no duality anymore. Where polarity becomes visible, it is used as a navigational/mastery tool. Human aspects need polarity, as it’s what causes them to go in a different direction. They need that opposing force to make them see what they would not see/listen to before.

[Emphasis mine]

Surrender to the love and magnificence that you already are.

12:42 pm, Friday 2017/09/01,1st, Mayan day 3 Eagles / Men




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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