Letter to Anunaki Enki’s Line

6 min readJun 6, 2017


These Eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me

Note — This was private, not at all written to publish, but things change. I decided to share it, to see if any others would like to join me in signing it, thus giving a stronger message to Enki & crew. If so, please indicate that in a comment. Each voice carries greater weight than most of us realize. Together, our numbers don’t just add up, they geometrize.

Heart greetings, ancient ones. Please keep in awareness that humanity’s access to truth is massively limited, so I can only write based on my current understanding — also hugely limited, due largely to certain ancient DNA tampering. Nonetheless, I desire to share what’s on my Heart.

We — you & humanity — are worlds, even galaxies apart in our most basic understandings of “what is,” on how best to live our lives — on what is right/wrong, etc. There is such contempt for humanity — henceforth, “us” — among the Enlil line that it’s pointless to even address them. With you & perhaps many in your line, there is hope that you will enable yourselves to at least listen — perhaps to actually hear, as Niburu draws near.

What have I to offer you? That’s up to you to decide after viewing this Heart sharing. I am concerned for you, for your race & its advancement in consciousness & understanding, moving towards ever greater awakening. Do you even desire this? I’m honestly not sure as I look at the Anunaki’s consistent pattern of actions over time.

I do not propose to judge you. Nor am I in any position to be able to do so, NowHere. I write out of a sincere concern for our joint awakening & advancement in Light, in consciousness. I am not one of those who judge you, lock, stock & barrel, as evil — you are not, of course. None is, albeit many races lose their way for long stretches of time — which is how I see your race.

I marvel at your fantastic technological advancements, so far beyond the races you cultivate for their usefulness. It is fairly said that you prey on weaker, less developed races, using them with little or no care for their advantage, only for your own. Can you see how sad this is? Nor is it even in your best interests, for what goes around comes around — what we do to others we ultimately do to self. I’m not sure you understand or even believe this, but if any among the Anunaki do or could, it is you & your line.

Enki, can you hear your own Heart speak to you? What I see is a race of beings so long accustomed to predating weaker civilizations as to have lost their direct connection — via what I call “Heart” — to Source. As a result, your race became basically vampiric, feeding for needed energy on races who still retain that connection. Humanity creates the reality, here, yet you have so interfered among us that we are actually brought-up to create your desired reality — to humanity’s great disadvantage.

Nor do I write only from humanity’s perspective, as I realize I’ve incarnated among a vast number of races. We, as beings — “souls,” if you will — have equal value, regardless of our current form of incarnation, or absent incarnation. The Love of Source is infinite, eternal, & abundant, having no preferences, no hierarchy of value. The Christian Bible says it well as, “The sun [Source] shines on the just & the unjust, alike” — impartially.

There are great gains/benefits in learning to identify ever more with Who I truly Am, vs what form I currently take. It quite alters one’s perspective & in beautiful ways, drawing one ever closer to Source, enabling the divine flow into all aspects of daily life. It shows us that we — no matter who we are — are the only one in our way. Absent this deep, inner connection, we make foolish choices — such as seeking our own advantage, absent compassion.

There is an overall awakening transpiring here — a general move by Source to bring all of Creation closer to our ultimate union with/in/as That. I desire that ALL beings participate, gaining the best possible outcome as this “separation of the wheat from the chaff” occurs. Not that we — you & I — would come into the same “space” or frequency/dimension, but that we would all have the best possible outcome, the greatest possible rise in consciousness.

What if you walked a mile in our moccasins? What if you & yours were incarnate in our form in its current state, here — or in any of those worlds you’ve conquered? Is that what it would take for Source to enable you to see the error of your predatory ways? Perhaps that’s what your history is in process of generating for you, absent your choice to change courses. Source does not judge, condemn, or punish — rather allowing our own ways of being to bear their natural fruit.

This is an aspect of the vastness of the Love that is Source — that even the “negative” occurrences are ever & always for each one’s ultimate benefit. Can you see from this perspective, perhaps at least granting that it could be so? In this way, ALL of Life — barring nothing, none — is an ultimate Dance of Love, a Love so divine that none can fully comprehend it, outside of Oneness with/in That.

Yes, my desire is to offer a gift. I hope you see this, the Love shining through the challenging things shared, here. None of it is meant to condemn or judge, but rather to offer a helpful hand. Nurturing divine Oneness is, indeed, directly experienceable, via Heart for all ensouled beings.

Though often Anunaki actions could be viewed as “soulless,” this is only based on inaccurate/incomplete perspectives. Possibly like much of humanity, it comes from over-identifying with the form/mind at the expense of the soul, or Heart — the divine Being at the Heart of All.

Mind is a two-edged sword. It is easily seen that those who are most lost, floundering in darkness & dark ways, are mind-reliant, thus identifying with the transient form rather than the true Being. Your race — can you see this in your own development? You gain great domains & kingdoms, yet often at the expense of real soul development — which can come as different choices are consistently made.

It is my prayer that your truly great race will reawaken, will find their way back into soul/Heart/Being — call it what you will, it’s all the same — back into Love, the only true Reality. You have as great a power & potential to do great things as you do to remain lost to your true Self/Selves. Just imagine the imprint on Cosmos your race could make on reawakening to your native divinity?

I embrace you, my brother in Light. Source bless you & yours abundantly. Find your way back into Light! where all are equal & equally Love.

All Love,



P.S. Now, perhaps you have already awakened — how would I know? No insult is meant by anything said, here. I will state what you already know — that I have chosen not to have close contact with you in my current human state. It is not equipped to stand toe-to-toe in equality. There is not sufficient room for trust — at least, that’s how I currently perceive it.

You & yours have participated in making humanity unable to perceive as our native DNA template enables. Nor have you been trustworthy, as even you, who cared for humanity so much more than the others (such as Enlil & his line) still retain an arrogance, a seeming absence of Compassion. It leaves you with an inability to see through our eyes, rather choosing to act ultimately toward your own perceived advantage.

Deception has no place in Light, in Love. It is my hope that you will ultimately give it up.

11:13 am, Sunday 2017/06/04, Mayan day 5 Cimi — Death/Transformer




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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