Let’s Own It All, Dark & Light

Humanity Growing-up

9 min readMar 16, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

We’ll later call this the time of the Great Awakening. It has begun but we have such a long way to go. Actually, there’s no end; how can there be in the midst of eternal infinity? There’s no singular beginning, either, just steps & stages, generated by consciousness & manifesting as our experience, our world.

While most of us still look to the external world as the lab in which to do our experiments, to make changes, a key part of awakening comes with recognizing how that all starts within. We’re still not fully grasping that the creator, here & anywhere, is consciousness.

That’s what makes us a less-than-advanced race, a developing race.


That’s also what makes us an easy target for races more technologically, though not necessarily spiritually advanced. For those worrying about the potential invasion of another race, working to harden our defenses, it’s too late. Earth was taken over & raped on the down-low long eons ago.

The intruder has been among us across large swaths of time, we just didn’t recognize it. We placed our trust where it didn’t belong, allowing ourselves to be captured & conquered, manipulated in endless, largely hidden ways. As the frequencies rise with our entry into the Aquarian Age, our frequencies rise, too. We now shine the light on the dark corners where the invaders previously worked.

So what should we do about this?

Should we just throw our hands in the air & admit defeat? That’s not like us, especially in America where the flame of Freedom burns bright. What we have, today is not freedom but the merest shadow of that but it will take some time for the majority to see this. Perspectives must shift.

Shall we begin investigations into “where we went wrong?” That won’t help much, as the truth is lost to ancient history, with a few clues that managed to survive into our Now. We won’t resolve things external until we deal with them, internally. Our entry into a potential new Golden Age will arrive on the backs of our individual awakenings. Again, it’s consciousness that creates.


Who would prefer to live in a world where the sun never set? What about a world where it never rose, where darkness was the universal experience? We haven’t yet made peace with the delicate, beautiful balance of Light & dark, acknowledging & welcoming both, internally as well as externally. It’s just what is, yet we resist it in endlessly creative ways.

It’s time to come up for air, to back off & take another look, to explore different perspectives than those that have brought us to this disarray. Not that the chaos is bad, for it isn’t. This seeming craziness will birth a bright future IF that’s our choice.

Many of us know people who just aren’t ready to explore along such lines, attached as they are to their particular perspectives. Many seek shelter in the crowd, feeling their beliefs must be right if they’re shared by many others. That’s avoiding the crux of it all, which is within us; not so much in the physical body, for Heart is not limited to 3D, being more an expansion portal than a fence.


We thought we could get by taking up the Golden Rule, being kind & doing no harm. Many of us live life that way, religious or not, but it hasn’t yet gained enough momentum to shift the others whose ways lean more toward darkness. Many believe that by being kind & loving we’ll both shift into Light & inspire others, as well.

Have we done that? What has been the result? LOL, are we there, yet? 😆 For those ready to see it, our religions turned out to be yet another net from which we’d do well to escape. Religion doesn’t block us from awakening, so we may pursue our favorite one(s) as long as we like. Yet, by inserting something — anything — between us & Source, they do us no favors.

At some point, we have to take back the reins of control over our lives, but the “when” of it is entirely up to each one. I call that freedom, the freedom to choose. Not everything about religion is bad. Had some measure of Truth not been inserted, they could never have taken hold among the Truth-loving beings we are.


As Source-in-form, we are the Spirit, the Light working through these bodies we take on for a time, so you could say we’re all Spirit, if not overtly spiritual. The forms (incarnations) come & go, but somewhere along the way, we lost track of our eternal Self as an aspect of the one Source. That’s what we’ll regain in the oncoming age — if that is our choice, as we’re not all headed in the same direction.

Again, we get to choose, & that’s great!

If some among us gravitate to the dark side of things, that’s their right. It’s only to the extent that they do harm that we have the right & even the responsibility to rein in their actions. For the most part, our progress is much swifter when our focus remains anchored in the self/Self.

We’ve all heard the sayings, “As above, so below,” & “As within, so without” but how deeply have we explored them? As we create within ourselves, it manifests in the seemingly external world. It’s not really external, & the meditators & spiritual explorers among us well know that we actually contain it all; yes, in its entirety. 😲

At the same time, we haven’t yet come to terms with the manifestations of our creations & miscreations; thus the current chaos, everywhere, the rising cacophony, the result of free will. We have an internal vision or sense of what we want & we go through life working to impose that on our world.


We haven’t done the preparatory groundwork, acknowledging the presence of both Light & dark within each of us. We’ve been hugely misled by the programming we received under the guise of education (which took a hard Left somewhere along the way). Whatever your preference, there, we can all admit it’s not as well balanced as a true education would be.

Today’s youth graduate with a Master’s Degree in Resistance. If it isn’t what I desire & believe, it isn’t right, & my beliefs, my ways are the standard of rightness, lol. Some even believe that authorizes them to violently oppose all dissenting views. The self-justifying arrogance on display is mind-boggling, yet not everyone notices that.

Why not?


In the absence of a good solid interior exploration, in the absence of recognizing that the creative power is not external to us, that it’s actually consciousness, we’re simply unable to see through these lenses. When we believe things are right as they are, we work hard to defend our illusory comfort zone, striking out or retreating from all that disturbs us.

Our fight — if it’s even a fight — is not with the external world. It’s with ourselves. Our work on the internal stage will bring results on the world scene. Enough of us are engaged in awakening, now, that we’re well beyond the 100th Monkey Effect.

Rather than wasting our time & energy resisting all we don’t like or don’t want, we’re much better off grappling with what we want & don’t want within the self/Self. Until we come to grips with it, there in consciousness, we’ll just continue our rampage of miscreations.


Do we want more Love on the world scene? Then let’s be Love. Do we want less hate & rage? Then let’s look to their true place of origin, which is ever within. Nothing “out there” is making us hate & behave badly. Nothing at all can overpower the Source at our core, as humanity. We’re the true creators, here, & it’s an age where we’ll awaken to that inner potential.

How do we “be Love?”

It’s just a phony display if it’s not arising from our depths. What’s missing is true self-Love, Self-Love. This self/Self is a mixed bag, for no human walking the earth is only Light in their 3D/4D manifestation. Nor would we want to be, for then our eternal, infinite growth would cease, having already attained its perfection.

Ultimately, what we’re after is Balance, a Divine Balance in the midst of whatever is arising in our NowHere moment. We can’t hate the dark without hating aspects of our very own self. The only ones I’ve encountered who really get this are those who’ve found their way into Heart, a realm so different from the one the mind occupies as to be completely foreign to it.

We have much arrogance on display in different formats, in pursuit of differing goals. People so sure their way is the right way that some will club or harm you for taking another perspective. These folks haven’t yet made peace with their inner demon (just a word for darkness), so they let it loose on those who disagree with them.

They’re not yet taking responsibility for their own life, their beliefs, & the rights of others to choose other ways.

Yin-Yang Yuan — Wordpress.com

In the Triality of the both/and, humanity is both the actual Presence of Source, while at the same time very immature as a race, thus easy to manipulate. We’ve been afraid of the darkness since childhood, resisting it at every turn instead of recognizing & integrating it, internally.

Being inescapably what simply is, we can chase our tail in circles as long as we like, we won’t win this fight. It takes real mastery to navigate the chaos successfully.

Is the nighttime bad? Dark is not inherently evil.

We needn’t condemn the chaos, either, for it is precisely the Divine Hand at work, delivering the awakening prescription to those yet asleep. If & as we love them, we do well to actually welcome this potentially liberating disorder.


Ever & again, we see how everything hinges on perspective, on what perspectives people choose. They won’t all agree, but that’s not necessary for a society that lives in & from Heart. Arrogance & anger have no presence there, but rather a neutral humility that recognizes everyone’s equal right to just be, to go their own way.

What we want to restrict & limit are the negative, harmful actions that arise from certain perspectives & belief systems. We don’t punish the person or the perspective, we punish & restrict the criminal behavior. If it seems a subtle distinction, then find your way deeper into Heart, for it’s not. In this way, we continue to honor the being while distinguishing between them & the crime, the misbehavior.

Our Freedom is only as good as our willingness to do no harm. Though this is an ancient teaching, it’s not well understood, today or the chaos wouldn’t manifest. Our refusal to come to grips with the Reality of both Who & what we are is generating every current mess.


This is actually good news. For those who can see it, the fact that we’re the ones creating it puts us in the cat-bird seat of choice, for we can just as easily uncreate it. We, as consciousness, are the true Power, here, but we’re not living up to that. Blaming anyone for anything is a refusal to take responsibility. Whatever it is, it comes bearing gifts & wouldn’t be in our life if we hadn’t manifested it.

Why do we manifest such things?

To help ourselves awaken, to see what needs seeing in this moment, our next step, what cries out for internal change. Great magnificence is on our horizon, is also within, but absent our willing alignment with that, it doesn’t manifest. It’s rather funny that we are the only ones blocking it via our use of Free Will. If you can laugh, that’s a good sign. 😆



11ish am, Friday 2018/03/02, 1st, Mayan day 4 Monkey / Chuen




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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