Let me clarify. We’ve given our power away when we’re looking to externals to sort things out for us. WE can do that. I’m a big advocate of the move away from head, down into Heart — not the chakra or the organ — something else.
We’re living in 2 different worlds which are challenging to bridge. We just see things differently — which is fine. I’m in total support of everyone exercising their free will as they choose. Our perspectives are quite different, so I’m not trying to persuade you into anything — just sharing from my perspective.
If you’re curious at all, I blog on Medium.com/deepthink8. Wishing you the very best, whatever your path is. We’re likely headed in the same direction, anyway — a better world, a more awake populace, people taking responsibility for their life, no longer blaming externals for anything.
PS QAnon is the best example of “do your own research” I’ve ever seen. By doing the research to decode his posts, ppl are really learning something! And because they did the research, they’re far more likely to remember, to get it on a deeper level than just listening to some talking head espousing his/her beliefs.