#Reincarnation #OnlyNowHere #ExploringTime

Learning to Laugh at the Self

Encounters with Self on Other Dimensions

10 min readMar 31, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening, Bodymindsoulspirit.com

Many are discovering that the NowHere contains the all, the many dimensions. The beings living there remain invisible to us due only to the frequency differential. They’re right here, right now — just on a different wavelength, much like the invisible TV, radio, & Internet frequencies passing through.

Just imagine the many scenes & beings populating our “space,” our “time.” Odd, isn’t it, from the mind’s perspective, the mind that sees everything as separate? We are & we aren’t, both at the same time, & LOL, in the same space.

If all of space, if all of those other dimensions & what they contain are NowHere with us, are we on any of them, perhaps in other forms?

We’ve looked at space, at how the NowHere acts as a portal into the “beyond” that’s actually right where we are. It blows the mind, but that’s okay since that’s not our only avenue of perception. We also have Heart, Heart which isn’t bothered by any of this, since it’s Heart’s native realm. Let’s center there.

It’s advantageous to turn away from whatever our mind has to say for the moment, so that we may go deeper into the NowHere experience. People can talk about things all they like but direct experience trumps that every time.

Heart Time — Farm3.staticflickr.com

So what about time? How does that work in the Heart’s NowHere realm?

If all space is just Here, could it be that all time is just Now? Let’s be in Heart to process whatever arises since this isn’t something our mind can directly experience. Remember, the 3D mind only learns about things, not directly experiencing them.

IF all time is just Now, that means we’re in every moment of this lifetime right Now — somehow. It also means the same for all our other lifetimes, all happening Now. Your mind is likely screaming at you by now, but you’re safe to ignore it a bit longer if you want to continue since listening to it will crash your all-is-Now party in a flash.

We can use Heart to imagine, a perfectly fine way to begin.

Imagine yourself as a baby; see how that feels. If it’s all just Now, then you’re still that baby right Now, so you may even make the direct connection — or not. Just let your Heart browse over some of your past while you, as consciousness, observe.

This isn’t too far-fetched. We even have a useful analogy for this which is the movie film in its container. When we hold it, we’re holding the whole of it, past, present, & future, beginning, middle, & end all at once, just Now; NowHere. It’s the same with a book which contains the whole story, not just the bit we’re currently reading.

Time? — C1.staticflickr.com

As we gain some comfort by being in Heart with this, now consider other lifetimes. Why wouldn’t they also be contained in the infinity, the eternity of the NowHere? This body’s connections are to this incarnation, but we’re more than this body.

That’s the trick, that’s the secret masterfully employed by the dark side to keep us self-limiting, thus easier to manipulate. The consciousness that we are remains connected with all lifetimes, all forms, regardless of time or location, planet or dimension.

We don’t tend to access what we don’t know exists.

It’s the rare bird that will slip into the direct experience of another lifetime, but it can happen. Since life happens for us, not to us, it depends on our NowHere & its connection to other lives, people, & experiences. It can come as a Knowing we can’t understand, mentally; we just Know.

We may remember our ancient Love for someone or how to knit a certain pattern or play the piano or… — whatever it is. We’re better off NOT trying to understand such things, just going with the flow, instead, which makes them more likely to continue.

The mind’s interference is anathema to such things since they’re not mental.

People sometimes wonder about meeting their loved ones during an NDE or on crossing over. Many believe that if Grandma has already reincarnated — since she died so long ago—she won’t be there to greet them. Not the case; not when every moment is contained in the NowHere.

It’s also the case that no matter how many lifetimes we may have lived — oops, we may be living — we never leave “the other side.” What we send into any incarnation is the merest bit of our full awareness, a ray of Light from the Sun. We do it all without ever leaving “the other side,” i.e., the realm of Spirit, of our Inner Being, our Source-in-form essence. So Grandma is always there.

Yeah, we’re SO much more.

What if you adventured into an NDE or OBE where you only chose to encounter yourself — in any or all lifetimes — what would that be like? What would it be like to converse with another being who had an equal right to lay claim to being you?

What if you were sometimes a thief, a liar, a politician, or of a race you don’t care for? What if you were your own ancestor, not just once but again & again? What about that Spiritual party where everyone in attendance was you in another guise, another form, from another time/space?

Okay, so it’s mind-bending; so what? It’s also fun!

We can agree to let our mind bend, even to find enjoyment in it. It’s more flexible than even it knows. Our continuance on such journeys requires us to be the master (or at least somewhat in charge, lol) of our mind.

It doesn’t take as long as the mind might think to gain that mastery. It amounts to the ability to witness, to observe. It’s a shift in perspective, albeit a significant one.

We don’t have to shut the mind down, to bully it into silence as some meditators seem to believe; not at all. We gain this mastery via our perspective shift, our realization of the body-mind as but a small aspect of our greater Being. We cease to identify with it so much.

This makes it all the easier to ignore when it begins to freak out over our latest Heart adventure into the NowHere.

There’s a point of equipoise, of unbiased balance that we often come to along the way. When we set out on this exploration into the NowHere, we’re pretty strongly identified with our mind & form, so we’re easily drawn back into them when they get upset or confused.

It’s across time & many experiences that we gain the desired mastery, enabling us to have those longer, deeper experiences. It’s much easier to ignore the mind’s chatter when we know it as only one facet of Who we are.

Consciousness is not dependent on any mind or form. 💥

We’ll discover that, not only have we incarnated all over the place (& all over time) on this planet, we’ve been on other planets, other solar systems, too, sometimes even suns. Don’t ask. It’s there to discover when the time is right.

Then too, we’ve been in other dimensions, so we’re not limited to 3D. 😲

Our mind will adapt at its own pace, but we’re not limited by that. There’s a readiness we find on a deeper level of Being than the mind, always arising with a perfect timing on which we can come to rely.

We don’t work our way up from being an atom to a mineral to an insect to an animal to a human... The concept or practice of hierarchies of any kind is artificial, is more external than internal. We’re all of that already & all at once so we explore it all as it arises with no limitation, with that perfect timing.

Just like our 3D body, the Universe is also Intelligent.

We don’t work our way through the dimensions, either. Oh, perhaps we did once upon a time in the faraway past, IDK, but in our NowHere that’s a false limitation. Your last set of incarnations may have been on 12D or 5D or 9D, who knows? Regardless, they’re all Present in your NowHere.

You’ll be endlessly surprised by what you discover via Heart, but do be on the lookout for the untamed mind. When it’s not yet fully demoted, still trying to drive, it’s arrogance is a force to be reckoned with, often employing great trickery in pursuit of its goals.

Early on in our awakening journey, the mind does not try to hide what it’s doing, it’s constant bid to be in control. It’s not used to being observed, so it makes its arrogant plays in the open where they’re easily spotted by the awakening one.

Once it realizes you’re on to it, that you’ve shifted perspective on discovering you’re more than just the body-mind, it goes underground. It gets sly in its desperation to maintain some semblance of control. It gets really two-faced.

Once you master it through this phase, only then will it pipe down & sit back, entering the observer phase of its life. (Most people don’t make it that far, but the awakening ones do.)

The mind puts on a kind & helpful face to hide its secretive intent to wrest back its “rightful” control of your life. That’s its belief, anyway, that it deserves to be in charge since it knows best. You now must look beneath the surface of what the mind presents to spot its hidden desires at work, its goals.

Most of us will note how the globalist cabal mirrors the rebellious, arrogant, power-hungry mind in so many ways.

For a time, the mind will work against you in its fear of losing control, of having its neat little reality bubble destroyed. It becomes terribly frightened for a season. Things of Spirit cannot be explained to it since they’re beyond its experience. It will just have to watch you as you master it, to go along where you lead & learn by experience that it is not harmed, & that you’re in control.

Our mind persists, trying to grab the reins again & again, unwilling to surrender control until completely defeated. (Same with the cabal.)

This is an interesting time of being at war with the self, internally. You must be sharp & alert to be duped less often, for you will be duped as you gain your Spiritual muscles & mastery. The Matrixed mind is a worthy foe.

This is that time of the mind’s demotion from its top-dog role in your life, which it doesn’t appreciate. It may even experience a time of depression as you take control.

The mind isn’t yet able to see the wonders, the joys that are in store, but it will if & as you persist through all of its machinations.

It’s not that you, as a separate being, are demoting your mind as a separate entity, I hope you can see. It’s more like an interior dance with many unfamiliar steps that unfolds who-knows-how from who-knows-where, who-knows-why & at a time of its own choosing, ROFL.

This is us, learning to flow as the Divine Dance of Source/God, releasing the false identity of the ego-mind.

Somewhere along the way, you may come into communion with another aspect of yourSelf. Who knows how that will manifest? Perhaps you’ll learn to play a musical instrument or speak another language in a short span of time or resolve a painfully challenging relationship or step into a sudden Peace, or, or, or…; who knows?

What developed for me was communion with what’s likely my own Being or presence on 12D, some of which I’ve shared in earlier journals. My next journal will be one of those from last year, 2018.

It’s fun to see the contrast with where I am now, how I’ve moved on from a certain awkwardness that was manifesting back then. The Family of Humanity is changing, is upgrading so quickly, these days.

Changes that took years, earlier in life, now happen in weeks or even days, & what we’re going through is not always comfortable.

It really helps when we choose to notice how it’s almost always our mind that’s feeling awkward or fearful. Now that we’re gaining a new steadiness as consciousness, having demoted the body-mind to a more appropriate place, we move quickly past the discomforts that arise into the Joy that awaits just beyond.

We’re all in this together, friends.

Those who represent the mind gone astray, the globalist bunch, are fast losing control, but meanwhile, they do all they can to pit us against one another, even against the self; anything so we won’t spot or go against them. Let’s be alert to that, too, so we can pass quickly through this phase.

Something, once seen, then seen through, can never again be successfully used to manipulate us. It’s a fact. The sooner we recognize it, the quicker we’ll pass through the challenging times into the dawning new golden age just ahead — & do it with far less fear.

Our Great Awakening is almost anything but what we (as the mind) expected it to be. It’s ever so much better! It’s hilarious, getting more & more funny as we progress, as we gain ever greater ease at laughing at the self, the very best laughter of all.



2:45 am, Sunday, 2019/03/31 — Mayan day 7 Monkey / Chuen




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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